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1、Unit1 Topic3课题Unit1 Topic3 Section A课型探究课课时【小试牛刀】这是Maria 第一次来中国。Its Marias _ _ _ _ to China. = Its _ _ _ _ Maria _ _ to China.3、lots of 许多,大量 have fun 玩得高兴【课文原句】_ 译文_.【导学点拨】 lots of = _ _ _ have fun 玩得高兴,过得愉快 相当于enjoy oneself 和have a good time 快乐地做某事 _和玩得愉快,和相处得愉快 _【小试牛刀】孩子们十分快乐地学习英语。The children ha

2、ve great fun _ English.昨天我和孩子们玩得很愉快。I had great fun _ the children yesterday.4、be ready for为准备好了【课文原句】_ 译文_.【导学点拨】be ready for + 活动,表示“为准备好了”。 我们为篮球赛准备好了。We _ _ _ the basketball game.【知识拓展】 Are you ready? 准备好了吗?(口语) be redy to do sth. 表示“准备好做某事”。 我们准备好去北京了。We _ _ _ _ to Beijing.5、make friends【课文原句】_

3、 译文_.【导学点拨】 make friends 交朋友 make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友你愿意和我交朋友吗?Would you like to _ _ _ me? maybe adv. 也许,可能,大概。如:Maybe he will come, maybe he wont. 他也许会来,也许不来。【知识拓展】maybe 与may be 的区别 maybe,意为“可能,也许,大概”,在句中作状语,通常置于句首,也可放在动词之前。 may be 分开来写则是“情态动词+动词原形”的形式,意为“可能是,也许是”。 6. -Im sorry to keep you _ fo

4、r two hours. -Never mind. I know the traffic is too bad. A. singing B. waiting C. serving D. smoking.、给方框中的每个词组找到恰当的位置。(用其适当形式填空)enjoy oneself, cheer on, join our club, make friends with, have fun with 1. Jim thinks the people in Xinxiang are very kind, so he wants to _ them.2. -Would you like to _

5、?-Yes, Id love to learn more knowledge (知识) in your club.3. We had a class party last night. We _.4. In the girls 200-meter race, Mary was behind others, but the teacher still _ her _.5. The children are very clever and active. I am sure I will _ them.、句型转换1. Li Ming will take part in the high jump.

6、 (对划线部分提问)_2. They will get up early tomorrow. (改为否定句)_3. Maybe my father will take me to school. (同义句转换)_4. It is the first time for me to visit Xinxiang. (同义句转换)_总结与反思学法指导栏学习目标1 掌握新单词2 掌握重点语句。学习重点1、学习will构成的一般将来时;2、谈论学校运动会;教师“复备栏”或学生“笔记栏”自主学习;talk about_ the school sports meet_on the playground_ t

7、ake part in_ of course I will_ the boys 800-meter race_ be good at_ the long jump_ the high jump_ I hope so_ cheer me on_ be exciting_ bothand._ my first time_ have lots of fun_ prepare for_ do my best_ I wont lose_ in the relay race_ make many friends_ during the sports meet_ a pair of_ want to be_

8、 the coming school sports meet_ be good at_ try ones best_知识链接 (在文中找到以下知识点,同时在书上标出并批注在书本空白处。1、take part in 参加 be in + 活动 参加活动【课文原句】_ 译文_. 【课文原句】_ 译文_. 【导学点拨】 take part in 参加, 后接活动名词, 相当于join in。 be in + 活动,表示 “参加某活动”,相当于take part in 【小试牛刀】我将要参加足球赛。I will take part in the football match. = I will _ _

9、 the football match. = I will _ _ the football match.2、Its ones first time to do sth 某人第一次做某事【课文原句】_ 译文_.【导学点拨】Its ones first time to do sth. = Its the first time for sb. to do sth. 表示某人第一次做某事。如:这是我第一次看到可爱的大熊猫。Its my first time to see the cute pandas. = Its the first time for me to see the cute pand

10、as.其中be 动词还可换成其他的动词原形出现于情态动词may 之后。他可能十八岁了。He _ _ eighteen. = _ he is eighteen. 或许你有个好机会。_ you have a good chance. = You _ _ a good chance.课堂导学与风采展示1. 重点回顾根据自主预习的内容,组内核对并相互提问重点短语,句子以及用法。2. 风采展示1). 分角色朗读1a, 完成1b。核对答案。2). 分组讨论。 假设我们学校将要开一场运动会,你会参加吗?你会做些什么?3). 跟读2a 并划出句中的重点知识点。4). 根据2a完成2b并核对答案。 目标检测 Practice 、词汇A) 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. There is no news about Jim. M_ he is very busy.2. P_ you are right, but Im not sure.3. Our school will hold sports meeting. I think Ann will enjoy herself in the r_ race. 4. There are Chinese stud


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