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1、国际企业管理【】(完整资料)(可以直接使用,可编辑 优秀版资料,欢迎下载)西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教专业:工商管理 26年12月课程名称【编号】:国际企业管理【08】 A卷大作业满分:100 分简答与论述(要求:前三题至少字,后三题至少150字;一三题至少选择一题;四六题至少选择一题。每题50分)一、并购二、国际营销组合三、国际战略联盟的形成条件有哪些?四、制造企业选择物流外包的好处有哪些?五、全球性组织结构的优缺点?六、如何评价一个国家市场的吸引力,分析为什么中国能够成为全球吸引外国直接投资最多的国家?一、并购:企业并购是企业兼并与收购的总称,前者是指在竞争中占优势的


3、 五、全球性组织结构的优缺点?答:优点:国际企业可以有效地克服母国经济的、片面性和孤立性,使公司控制、指挥一元化,求得最佳的资源组合,创造最大的利润.缺点:公司必须拥有一批高素质的管理人员和健全的信息沟通网络.经营成本较高,公司的规模过于庞大,不易分散经营的风险.六、如何评价一个国家市场的吸引力,分析为什么中国能够成为全球吸引外国直接投资最多的国家答:跨国公司经营者对东道国家的获利、负担的成本和面临的风险三要素进行评估,影响获利、成本和风险的因素包括G-PEST。国家吸引力的主要分析方法有:罗氏多因素评分分析法、多国家评分比较法、机会风险矩阵法、“冷热国对比法、国家引力公司竞争力矩阵法.中国经

4、济的发展在各项评估中都具有吸引力 aer 1 anagement:poces f complingactivties ficietly and fectvely i nd throg terpeopleGlobalizati: the pocssf ocial, poltl,econc,utual, and techologicl igion among cunies around th word.NAFTA: Nothmerica Frerde greement。TAA: re Trde Agemn ofthe Amicas。FD:oreign irect nvestment Glal eo

5、no sstems:1. Market ecooy2. Coman eonmy3. MixecnomCATER 2Ielogs:1. ndiviuals: theplal phiosopy hat pshol b fee pursue conmid pitical enevorwht constan.2. Colletivis: te olital philopytha viws the neesor o of sociey asa wole as re mprtant hn individal desirs3. ociai: a modert fom f colectivis n wich

6、there is government owersip of nstitns, an rofit snot he ulimae glLg and regulat enromntTher re threfudaiosowhichlawsrebaed ontord。Brielysummaz, thesear:1. slmi law: lawhat is eried o nterretaon o te Qrn and te teahngsf the rphtMuhmmad adi fund in mst Isamic cuntrie.2. Common law: law thadris fromEn

7、lish w ad i the foudatiosoegslatio in theited States, Caa, d Eglnd, mo ther atos.3. Civil oode law: la tat s derived fro Romn la nd sfoud in te onIsaidnnsocialcountries Te law i used icii ore w.Basic piniples of iternationl law:1. Soeregy n verei immuity: prinipl of verignty: an eaional pricpleof a

8、whichholds tat govets he theri o rule hemleas yse fit2. Ierational juisdicon:hich icue natinality prcple, eritorialt pincipe,protecive princile。Ntonality pincile:a ursdictional principle of intnainal lw which s thaevery untr ha jurdiconritscitzens no maer where tyar ocat.Tetoriaity pcpe: a priniple

9、whih olds thaveryntio has the ih f jursdction ihin is legal territr。Protectiv pinile: a jrisdctoal pincile flaw hh hodsthat ery untya risditionovr behavior that adversyfets t ntoalscurity, evenif th coct ocurreoutsid hacuntry3. Dctre o oit: a jurisictioal piniple oaw ih hl tht ere mus emutulrspect f

10、orth laws, istitn, anrnnts of oer ontries in the mattero jusicti or her own citizns4. ct of tatdore: ariciple hch holds ha a acts other goverets ar cidred tobe vaidbUS。 cun, even if suc acts areillega or inpprprit uder U。law。5. Trent nd rigt ofales: cunies havethe legal riht oefsedisionof foreign ci

11、tizens ndtoimpose pecil strcon onheir ondut, their righ of trave,whre hey can say, nd wh busnethemy ouct6. Foumfo hearngnd setling isputs: ths princile f US. as tappliest intentional la U。S。 courtcn dsmi sebrughtbefor te by foreigeEamles o lgal ad regatory issues:1. Fanciavics reglo.2. Forigncorupt

12、practe act (FPA): an t tmaks t ilegalto inuenceforeig officialhough erona pamn or pliicl contibutons。3. uauratiatonChpter 4Culure: auired knowldgeht people se tontepreteperice nd genate socaehaio。 Thisknwede formsalues, crats ttituds,andinfluenesbhavir.Charatesic o cture:1. erne.ulur isnoinhrid or bilogicallybased; t is acuired y learnin ad experiee。2. hard:people asmmbero q group, oranzation, or socitshae culture; it is n secifc t gle indiiduals.3. Tnsgnatinal: cutre iscumula



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