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1、阅读理解应试指导一、中考要求:阅读理解中考要求是:1. 考查学生理解短文的主旨和主题要义能力;2. 理解短文具体信息(包括图文转换的信息)的能力;3. 根据短文上下情景猜测单词的能力;4. 根据短文的内容判断和推理能力;5. 理解作者的意图和态度的能力。纵观全国各地中考试卷,中考阅读理解考试题的比例在整个试卷占了比较大的比例,阅读理解的成绩直接决定学生能否在中考中取得优秀成绩。中考阅读短文的题材除了选一些通俗易懂的文学作品和故事体裁的小短文,还经常选用一些富有时代鲜明特征、实用性比较强的语言材料。例如:报刊杂志的文章、使用说明书、招贴告示、广告和各种各类图表。选择这些材料不仅能够提高测试的真实

2、性,还能展示目标语言在现实生活中的真实运用来激发学生学习英语的兴趣。二、知识要点A. 阅读理解的题型:近几年中考试卷的阅读理解测试题主要有选择型测试题、判断正误型测试题和任务型测试题三种形式。根据阅读理解的题干部分可以分为以下几种测试题型:1. 理解主旨大意题:考查学生对于文章的中心思想或全文梗概的领会、理解和概括能力。我们可以通过“略读skimming”来获取文章或者段落的主题和主旨大意。在略读时要注意寻找主题句(topic sentence)以帮助理解文章的主题和了解文章的大意。有一些同学可能认为没有仔细阅读文章的细节而感觉不太放心,其实没有必要担心,因为我们了解的文章的大意以后,然后对文

3、章做仔细阅读,比较难的短文理解起来就容易多了。略读时应该注意:主题句一般是短文第一个句子或者最后一个句子,偶尔位于段落的中间;每一段的主题句一般也是在每段的第一、二个句子或者最后一个句子。其次作者提供其写作意图,如:提供信息、描述人物、事物或者事件、讨论问题、说服某人、提出建议或者对两种观点或者事件进行比较。而其他的句子是对主题句的进一步发展及说明性的例子,有时是为主题句提供时间、地点或者原因等背景。主旨大意题常见的设问方式1) Whats the main idea of this passage?2) What does the passage mainly tell us?3) The

4、writer means to tell us that _.4) The main idea / point of the passage is that _.5) The passage is mainly about _.6) From the passage, we can learn/ conclude _.7) What can we know from the whole passage?8) The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with _.9) Whats the best title for the passage?10) The

5、 best title for this story can be _.实例说明:October 16 is World Food Day. This day is also the anniversary (纪念日) of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (联合国粮农组织). More than 100 countries are holding special events. All of these aims to celebrate the establishment of the FAO in 19

6、45. The theme chosen for this years World Food Day is “Water: Source(资源) of Food Security”.A UN report says that over 6 million people have died from hunger and related diseases so far this year alone. More than 850 million people, or about one in seven, around the world do not get enough food, and

7、the need for food will increase as the worlds population grows. The UN also reports that by year 2030, the world may need 60% more food. Most of that increase will have to come from agriculture supported by water irrigation (灌溉). However, fresh water is already in short supply in many countries. Jac

8、ques Diouf, the director of the FAO, says that there are 20 countries that do not have enough water to produce enough food for their populations. Ten nations use more than 40% of their total fresh water for agriculture. He fears that the problem will only become worse as the need for water by people

9、 and by industry grows. So water is one of the most important things in the world today.( ) 65. The passage is mainly about _.A. how to celebrate World Food DayB. the increase of food in many countriesC. the importance of water for food D. the UN Food and Agriculture Organization解析答案是C。本题是考查短文主题理解能力

10、。从短文的第一段的最后一个句子可以判断短文的主题句是:Water: Source(资源) of Food Security,而第一段开头是引出主题句,其它两段是说明主题句。所以本题“本短文主要是讨论水对于食物的重要性”。2. 具体信息理解题考查对事实或者细节的理解和辨别,即考查短文中直接或间接提到的具体信息的细节及线索。对于这种阅读理解题,需要仔细比较所给的四个选项,找出语言表达差别的关键词来重点思考。做这种考试题我们一般用“扫读Scanning”来从短文中寻找答案。扫读是有目的地在短文中为寻找某一个具体的信息或者细节而进行的搜索性阅读。特别是寻找人名、地名、时间或者某一个关键词。找到这个关键

11、词时我们要进行局部地细心地阅读,以保证我们所寻找的答案在此处。为了保证扫读的有效性,我们在扫读之前必须认真审题,因为审题的过程就是我们明确阅读目的的过程。一般来说,这种阅读理解测试题的答案是比较好寻找的。也是同学们阅读理解测试中得分比较高的题目。只要同学们仔细阅读,认真比较,把握各准确的事实信息,从短文发现与其密切相关的信息,按照题干对号入座是很容易寻找准确的答案的。实例说明:Nick is twenty-three and works in a middle school. Two and a half years ago he was ill in hospital and there h

12、e knew a beautiful nurse named Rita. The girl took good care of him and he made friends with her. They loved each other. About six months later they married.Nick likes reading. When he comes home, he always reads some newspaper or books. Rita begins to cook in the kitchen. And when the meat is roast

13、ed (烤), she always tells her husband to cut it in two. Then they begin to have supper together. After supper they go out for a walk, or they go to the cinema. And they enjoy themselves.One day Nick planted trees with his students. They climbed up a mountain and worked hard. When he got home, he felt

14、 hungry. His wife roasted a piece of chicken that evening and told him to cut it. This time he chose a bigger piece of chicken for himself and gave her the smaller one.“I remember, dear,” Rita said with a smile. “When we married, you always gave me the bigger part. Why do you give me the smaller one

15、 now?”Nick felt shy and didnt know what to say. He thought for a while and said, “You cook better now than before.”1. What does Nick do? He is _.A. a teacher B. a nurse C. a doctor D. a player2. What did Nick choose for himself this? He chose_.A. the bigger part of the roast beefB. the smaller part of the roast chickenC. the bigger part of the roast chicken D. the smaller part of the roast beef解析1. A。本题是考查学生对短文的细节理解能力。通过比较四个选项可以理解是涉及到Nick的职业。带着这个信息从短文寻找,从短文的第一个句子 “Nick is twen



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