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1、民航商务英语接听电话:Hello, this is Shenzhen Airlines Booking Office, can I help you?您好!这是深圳航空售票处,有什么可以帮到您的呢?Hello,what can I do for you? 您好!有什么可以帮到您吗?上门旅客:Good morning(afternoon), Sir(Madam), can I help you? 早上好(或下午好)。先生(或女士),我能帮您什么吗?What can I do for you? 有什么可以帮到您吗?旅客常见询问方式Id like to book a seat from _ to _

2、 on Jul 30th 我想订一张7月30日从深圳到北京的机票。Can you help me to check the flight from_ to _ on Jul 30th. 可以帮我查一下7月30日从深圳到上海的航班吗?Can you show(tell) me the information of the flight ZH795? 能告诉我ZH795的航班信息吗?Id like to leave for Beijing on Jul 30th,can you check the flight?我想7月30日去北京,你可以帮我查一下航班吗?How long does the tr

3、ip take from Hongkong to New York? 从香港到纽约的航班要飞多久?回答的方式:Please hold on for a moment, let me check for you. 请不要挂电话,我马上为您查询。Wait a monent please,Ill check for you right now. 请稍等,我立即帮您查询。介 绍 航 班:what time are you going to leave? 您想要什么时间出发的呢?Flight ZH9787 leaves_ at 11am and arrives _at 4pm.ZH9787 航班上午11

4、点起飞,下午4点到达。There are 4 air companies operates(flies) in this line, Air China/China Southern Airlines/China Eastern Airlines/Shenzhen Airlines,which one do you like?这条航线有4家航空公司在飞,国航,南航,东航,深航,请问您要哪家公司的航班?The flight which takes off at 10am belongs to ZH. 上午10点起飞的航班是深航的。The departure time of Flight CA98

5、1 is 2pm,and arrival time is 5pm of local time. The whole trip will take about12hours. CA981航班的起飞时间是下午2点,到达时间是当地时间下午5点。整个行程共飞了12个小时。There are 3 flights from ShenZhen to Seoul,which one would you like? 深圳到首尔的航班共有3个,您想要哪个?直飞、转机、经停:直飞 ( It is) a direct flight.ZH795 flies to Kuala Lumpur directly. ZH795

6、 直飞吉隆坡。转机 (Im afraid) you have to change a flight in Tokyo. (恐怕)您要在东京转机。Theres a transfer in Ho Chi Minh City. 在胡志明市转机。经停 There is a stopover of 2 hours in Nanjing. 在南京经停2 小时。机 位 情 况:无座位:I am sorry to tell you that all seats are sold out/booked up in this flight.很抱歉,这个航班都没座位了。有座位: Yes,there are seat

7、s available. 是的,有位置。帮旅客作候补:有的航班可以作候补,这时可以向旅客询问:Can I put your name in the waiting list? 我把您的名字列入候补名单,可以吗?但是为了保险起见,在做了候补之后,最好建议旅客定妥一个座位:Just in case there is no cancellations, can I put you on the flight ZH9801?现在没有取消的空余座位,我先帮您预订一个ZH9801航班的座位,行吗?舱 位 级 别:Would you like to fly in business class? 公务舱可以吗

8、?We just have first class on this flight now, is that ok? 这个航班只有头等舱了,可以吗?There are only five Economy Class seats. 只有5个经济舱座位。头等舱(F): First Class 公务舱(C): Business Class 经济舱(Y): Economy Class姓 名:Can I have your name? 您可以把名字告诉我吗?Can I have your full name? 您可以把全名告诉我吗?How does it spell? 怎么拼写?Can you spell

9、 it? 您可以拼写给我吗?(A-able;B-baby;C-charlie;D-David;E-emily;F-father;G-georga;H-hotel;I-iterm;J-jacky;K-king;L-London;M-mother;N-nancy;O-orange;P-peter;Q-queen;R-rose;S-suger;T-teacher;U-uncle;V-visa;W-william;X-xray;Y-york;Z-zebra)确认姓名的拼写:例如:旅客名字为Backer:For Backer, is that B in baby, A in able, C in cha

10、rlie, K in king, E in emily and R in rose?Could you tell me which is your first name/surname? 您能告诉我哪个是姓吗?Could you tell me which is your given name? 请告诉我哪个是您的名字?电 话 号 码:Please leave us your phone number so that we can connect you in time if there is any change about the flight.请把联系电话留给我们,以便在航班有变动时可以

11、及时地通知您。Could you leave us your phone number for connecting? 可以留下联系电话吗?Office phone number: 27771999-3900. 办公电话:27771999-3900。Fax number: 82932787 传真号码:82932787Hot line number: 95080 热线号码:95080Mobile number: 13556881052 手机号码:13556881052送 票:向旅客询问住址,以便送票:We can send you ticket free of charge,would you like to leave your address? 我们可以免费送票,您要留下送票地址吗?We can send you ticket without any other charge.Could you leave your address? 我们送票上门不收任何额外费用,您留个地址好吗?地址的表达: 英语中表示地址的方式与中文不同, 是从小的地方开始表达:NO.136, North Wenjin Road, Lu



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