
上传人:枫** 文档编号:563497983 上传时间:2023-06-27 格式:DOCX 页数:8 大小:33.11KB
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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上生产:没钱了 Insufficient funds可以造新东西了 New construction options开始建造建筑物 building开始生产作战单位 Training暂停生产 On hold取消生产 Canceled生产进行中 目前不接受新的生产指令 Can not comply building in progress建筑已造好 Construction complete单位已造好 Unit ready建筑被卖掉 Structure sold建筑修理 Repairing电力不足 生产减缓 Low power选定主要建筑物(/兵营等)Primary bu

2、ilding selected作战:单位已修好 Unit repaired单位升级了 Unit promoted作战单位被灭 Unit lost(/兵营/维修厂)建立新的集结点 New point established我们的建筑物正遭受攻击 Our base is under attack援军(空降部队)准备好了 Reinforcements ready进入该建筑 盗得金钱 Building ininfiltrated cash stolen进入该建筑 盗得科技 Building ininfiltrated New technology acquired进入该建筑 敌方电力切断 Buildi

3、ng ininfiltrated enemy base power down进入该建筑 敌方雷达探明 Building ininfiltrated radar subtouched占领(敌方)建筑 Building captured占领科技(油井 空降场等)建筑 Tech building captured(油井 空降场等)建筑被敌占领 Tech building lost被敌方盗得金钱 Cash stolen桥梁已修好 Bridge repaired大兵驻扎建筑物 Structure garrisoned脱离驻扎建筑物 Structure abandoned(超级武器)选择目标 Select

4、 target玩家被击败 Player defeated你胜利了 You are victorious*盟军男平民回应What should I do?我该做什么?移动This is scary.这是骇人的。攻击Ill do it.我将做它I see em.我看见他们。You bet.你打赌。*盟军女子回应What do you want.你想要什么。I like a man in uniform.我喜欢穿制服的人。Like my new hair cut?喜欢我的新发型吗?移动Can I bring my friends?我能带我的朋友吗?Alright.好的。Lets go!让我们走!My

5、 feet hurt.我的脚痛了。攻击If you say so如果你这样说(我就做)Do I have to?,我要做?Is this a REAL gun?这是支真枪吗?Will I get hurt?我将受伤吗?受伤I just bought this outfit.我只是买了这装备。Hey, cut it out.嗨,让它离开。I was only kidding!我仅仅在开玩笑!*俄男平民回应Where should I go?我应该去哪?Youre wish?你的愿望吗?移动It is, safe?是这,安全吗?I hear and obey.我听到并且服从。攻击Firing.开火

6、For the common good.为了共同的好处。I will do as you say.我将做,正如你所说。*俄妇女回应Da俄语的是猜的What is it?这是什么?Im cold.我很冷。Are you KGB?你是(成员)吗?(类似的特工组织)What a society.多好的社会。移动Ill be late for bread line.(这样)我排粮队会迟到的。But I was working.但是我还在工作呀。No rest for Soviet women.苏维埃妇女不休息。Where are we going?我们正在去哪?攻击If I must.如果我必须。Wi

7、ll you watch my children?你照看我的孩子吗?It is my duty.它是我的责任。For Romanov.为了诺曼罗夫(RA2中的总理)。受伤Im just a woman.我只是一个女人呀。I knew this would happen.我知道这将发生。*牛仔回应I aint yeller.我忍不住大叫(依哈) 。Like my belt buckle.喜欢我的“带扣环”。猜的Hey partner!嗨,伙伴!移动Wheres ma horse?我的马在哪里?应该是吧Lets mosey.让我们闲逛。Gittin along.向前?不知Hittin the tr

8、ail.发现痕迹猜的攻击Time for a showdown.对决的时间到了。Fastest gun in the west.西部最快的枪。Ready to draw.准备好了平局。猜的受伤Im bein bushwhacked!我被伏击!Varmit shot me!混蛋射击我!Gonna die in my boots!我要死了!猜的*超级保镖回应Ill take the bullet.我将带上子弹。Agent in the field.顾主在场上。猜的Secret service here.这里是“经情局”(美特务机构)。Need an escort?需要护卫吗?Assigment s

9、ir?委派,先生?Whats your clearance level?你的“清理”水平怎样?移动Securing the area.放心这区域。Scanning perimeter.扫描周边(情况)。Right away sir.马上,先生。Assignment recieved.任务收到。攻击Hes doesnt belong here.他不属于这儿。Hes a threat.他是个威胁。No witnesses.没有证人。猜的Shoot to kill.枪毙。Executing assignment.执行任务。*恐怖分子回应What are your conditions?你开的条件是?

10、We must revolt.我们必须反抗。Need a smuggler?需要秘密运输船吗?移动Vamos Muchachos! 冲!猜的I go freely.我自由地去。猜的攻击Adios amigos!再见,朋友!Heres a hot papaya!这有个火热的番木瓜!(蘑菇云?)For the republic!为了共和国!Traitors must be eliminated!叛徒必须被清除!受伤Take me back to Havana!把我带回到哈瓦那(古巴首都)!Ive been discovered!我被发现了!*美国大兵回应Sir yes sir!长官,是长官!Rea

11、dy!准备好了!Squared away sir!正远方,长官!猜的Orders?命令是?How bout some action?来一些行动,怎么样?Can do!能干!Whos next?下一个是谁(目标)?移动Moven out!移动并出去猜的Got it!拿下它!On my way!正在路上!Double time!快跑时间!On the move!在移动中!攻击Attacking!正在攻击!You got it!你干掉它!Enemy sighted!敌人已看见!Lets do it!让我们行动!Diggin in!渗人里面!猜的Safety first, sir!安全第一,长官!受伤

12、Were pinned down!我们被压制了!Were being attacked!我们正在被攻击!*动员兵回应Waiting orders.等待命令中。Comrad?同志?Conscript reporting.动员兵报告。移动Moving out.开始行动Order received.命令收到。For the Union.为了(苏维埃)联盟。攻击For home country.为祖国。You are sure?你肯定?For mother Russia!为母亲俄罗斯!受伤Mommy!妈妈呀!Were being attacked!我们正被攻击!*盟军工程师回应Engineering.

13、工程中。I have the tools.我有工具。Ive got the knowledge.我有知识。Need a repair?需要修理吗?移动Yes sir!是,长官!Moving.移动中。I wont be late.我不会迟到的。某些RA2扩展包中Well have the power up in 30 seconds, sir.我们将在30秒内供电,长官。攻击Analyzing schematics.分析图表中。Studying blue prints.正在学习蓝图。Got the plans right here.恰好在这里得到了计划。受伤Get me outa here!让我

14、离开这!Im unarmed!我是徒手的!(还说别人不人道?)*苏军工程师回应Tools ready.工具已备齐。I have the information.我知道信息。Something need fixing?有些东西需要修理?I know how it works.我知道它怎么工作。移动Yes Commander!是的,指挥官!I will go.我就去。攻击Checking designs.检查方案。Examining diagrams.检验图表。*磁暴步兵回应Tesla suit ready!磁暴服装穿好!Extra crispy.非常易碎。猜的Charging up.充能中。El

15、ectrodes ready!电极就绪!Checking connection.检查连接。移动Going to source.去发源地。猜的Yes comrade.是的,同志。Surging forward.向前挺进。猜的Electrician in the field.战场上的“电工”。Rubber shoes in motion.穿着橡胶鞋子运动(走着别扭?)。猜的攻击2,000 volts coming up.2000伏高压来了。Hes fried.他被“油炸”了。Completing circuit.完善电路中。放电?猜的Let the juice flow.让液体流动起来。Commencing Shock therapy.开始电震疗法。Congratulations!祝贺!Youve been discharged.你被放电了。受伤Ground yourselves!土地是你们自己的!Reinforcements!增援!Im hit!我被打了!*火箭飞行兵回应Rockets in the sky.在天



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