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1、北京市海淀区高一英语期末试题 第二节、书面表达(满分15分) 云雾山是一处旅游胜地,每日有大量游客。几年前少数游客不注意保护环境。现在大有改观。请你根据以下要点写一篇作文。 注意: 1. 开头以为你写好。 2. 字数:120字左右The Yunwu Mountain is a place of interest. 分析题目:审题-审文体、人称、时态、内容、结构、词数本文为记叙文,写事为主,第三人称,一般过去时和一般现在时搭配,内容是几年前少数游客在观赏云雾上时的行为和现在游客的表现,结构上分为两大部分:过去和现在;详略安排上,两部分平均分配;100-140。要点思考:每日有大量游客 There

2、 are many tourists every day.Every day crowds of/ large numbers of tourists come (to visit) here.几年前少数游客不注意保护环境Several years ago, a few visitors didnt pay any attention to protecting the environment here. to environmental protection take no notice of/ paid no attention to乱扔废纸、塑料袋、罐头盒In the past, the

3、y threw away waste paper, plastic bags, and cans/ tins.杀害动物、捕捉飞鸟They killed/ hunted animals and caught birds.砍伐树木、采摘花草 They cut down trees and picked up flowers.在丛林中生火烧饭 They lit a fire and cooked meals in the forest.They made a fire to in order to cool meals in the forest.现在的游客带走垃圾 “在这吃还是带走”for her

4、e or to go/ eat here or take away?Nowadays, the tourists will take away the rubbish/ garbage/ trash with them.不再打猎 They no longer hunt animals.爱护动物 They begin to take good care of/ cherish the animals.自带午餐,以防森林火灾 They take lunch by themselves in order not to cause forest fire. to prevent forest fire

5、.没有任何调整,这些只是散乱的句子;只有意思通顺、语义连贯才能称得上是文章Every day, lots of tourists come here. Several years ago, a few visitors didnt pay much attention to the environmental protection and made a lot of mistakes. Some people used to throw waste paper, plastic bags, and cans everywhere. Others would pick up the flower

6、s, cut down trees and even cook meals over an open fire. This was rather dangerous. Worst of all, they killed animals and caught birds, the number of which reduced quickly at that time.However, things have changed a lot nowadays. Many visitors bring lunch with them, and take the rubbish away, and th

7、is will surely help prevent forest fires. They no longer go hunting, and on the contrary, they attach more love and care to the animals. Its hoped more people will realize it and do our best to protect the environment here. Attach much importance to sth.范文赏析 The Yunwu Mountain is a place of interest

8、. Every day a large number of visitors pay a visit there. Several years ago, some visitors paid no attention to the environmental protection. They not only threw away waste paper, plastics and cans at will, but also cut down trees and picked flowers. Sometimes they even killed animals and caught bir

9、ds for fun. Worse still, they often made a fire to cook, which could easily cause a big fire. To our joy, nowadays people have realized the importance of protecting the environment. When visiting the mountain, they take away the rubbish, and protect the plants and animals. They also take along food

10、with them in order not to cause forest fire.北京一零一中学高一英语期中试题第二节 书面表达I (满分20分) 请根据所给材料,以Getting to Know Tom Hanks为题写一篇短文。 字数要求:120字左右姓名:汤姆汉克斯身份:演员出生日期195679出生地美国加州童年时期5岁时父母离异,跟随父亲辗转各地学生时代高中开始表演戏剧,大学继续。大学毕业后投身演艺事业主要获奖电影1994获Oscar最佳男演员奖,影片“Philadelphia”1995获Oscar最佳男演员奖,影片Forrest Gump家庭状况1989第二次婚姻:妻子Rita

11、 Wilson, 现有四个儿子,家庭幸福 参考用词: 离婚:get divorced 加州:California题目分析记叙文,人物介绍,第三人称,一般过去时为主,按照时间顺序,叙述TOM HANKS的生平;主要内容已经给出,无需增加要点,可以将文章分为两大部分,大学毕业是分界线,之前写学生时代,之后写演艺成就。110-140词之间。句型思考姓名+身份 Tom Hanks is an actor.生日 He was born on July 9th, 1956.合并Tom Hanks is an actor, bon on出生地 He grew up/ was brought up in Ca

12、lifornia, the U.S.A.童年When he was five/ At the age of 5, her parents got divorced/ got a divorce. Then he stayed with his father and traveled to a lot of places.学生时代He began to play a role in dramas in high school and continued this hobby in the university.Since high school, he has acted in many dra

13、mas and he continued in the university.大学时代After graduation, he devoted himself to acting.Then, he officially began his career as an actor after graduation.事业、获奖In 1994, he was awarded the Oscar Best Actor, because of his excellence performance in the movie “Philadelphia”. Just one year later, he go

14、t the same title again, thanks to “Forrest Gump”. As he did a really outstanding job in the movie “Philadelphia”, he was conferred the Best Actor of Oscar in 1994. One year later, he got the same award with his movie “Forrest Gump”.家庭Now he has a happy family with four children and his wife Rita Wil

15、son, whom he married in 1989.At present he is leading a happy life with his wife Rita Wilson, whom he married in 1989 and his four children.总结(需要补充)This is the popular, great actor Tom Hanks.范文赏析Tom Hanks, an American leading actor, was born on July 9th 1956 in California, USA. When he was five, his parents got divorced. In order to make a living, he had to spend much of his childhood moving about with his father. While still a student, he showe



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