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1、“TOURISM CULTURE OF SRI LANKA IN THE POST CONFLICT ERA”Address by HE Karunatilaka Amunugama, Ambassador of Sri Lanka at the 6th International Tourism and Cultural Promotion Conference in Chengdu, SichuanExcellencies,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,I consider it a great privilege to have be

2、en invited to address the 6th International Tourism and Cultural Promotion Conference convened under the auspices of the 10th Western China International Economy & Trade Fair in this beautiful capital city of Chengdu in the Sichuan Province. I thank the organizers of the Forum for their kind gesture

3、. 尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:很荣幸在四川成都举办的第六届国际旅游文化推介会上致词,我衷心地感谢主办方的盛情邀请。Ladies and Gentlemen,During my address before this august Forum, I wish to explain how Sri Lanka is creating space for the economic and social development of our country and people through promotion of tourism in this post conflict era.女士们,先生

4、们。在此盛会开始之前,我将向大家介绍在这个后冲突时代,斯里兰卡是怎么通过发展旅游业来为国民经济和社会发展创造良好空间的.As you all know, peace has dawned on Sri Lanka after three decades. Terrorism that has kept the people from enjoying their full potential has finally been eliminated from the Island. Post-conflict, Sri Lanka & the tourism industry in partic

5、ular, is rapidly moving ahead positively. The peace calls for renewed interest in our island not only among international investors, who are looking for opportunities to earn profits in a secure and stable business environment, but also the tourists who are seeking to explore vibrant cultures and sp

6、ectacular environs of Sri Lanka. 众所周之,三十年之后,斯里兰卡终于迎来了和平. 恐怖主义曾一度阻碍人们充分发挥其自身的潜力,但最后终于土崩瓦解。在后冲突时代,特别是斯里兰卡的旅游产业,积极地朝前飞速发展。对于国家和平的强烈的要求再次兴起,不管是希望在一个安全稳定的商业投资环境中寻求利润的国际投资者,还是想探索斯里兰卡充满活力的文化的游客们,他们都渴望着这种和平。In the wake of peace and stability in the Island, Sri Lanka has now launched a massive tourism drive

7、in all parts of the world. This mainly includes the generating of global media exposure for Sri Lanka and capitalizing the heightened international awareness of the island nation in the post-conflict era to publicize the countrys top class hospitality industry, natural, cultural and sporting attract

8、ions and many more. As a result, tourist arrivals from European markets have recorded a significant increase for the month of August. Tourist arrivals from France have gone up by nearly 109 percent, Germany up by 71 percent and Switzerland nearly 91 percent. The Middle Eastern and Indian markets als

9、o have registered 28 and 51 percent increases respectively.和平稳定之后,斯里兰卡在世界各地的推动下,开始大规模地发展旅游业。主要包括斯里兰卡在全球媒体的宣传和高度的国际化意识促使在后冲突时代积极宣传其国家的顶级酒店业,自然、文化、体育亮点等等。因此,来自欧洲的游客增长在八月创下了历史新高, 法国的游客量上涨109%,德国游客量增加71%,瑞士游客增量高达91%,此外,中东和印度游客分别上涨21%和58%。According to the World Tourism Organisation, tourism is an industr

10、y that generates three billion dollars per day globally, and one out of twelve people around the world are employed in this industry. The tourism industry is Sri Lankas fourth largest foreign exchange earner. Potentially, tourism can and will become Sri Lankas largest industry and employer. Four dec

11、ades ago, Sri Lankas tourism culture was virtually centred on Western countries and it was predominantly based upon sun, sea and sand. Today, however, there is a larger, more diversified and sophisticated group of tourists from a wider range of countries interested in seeing new places and exploring

12、 new things. 据世界旅游组织统计,全球旅游业每天能创造30亿美元经济价值,在全球范围内,平均12个人中就有1个人从事旅游行业。旅游业收入是斯里兰卡的第四大外汇来源,并且有望发展成斯里兰卡的龙头产业。事实上,40年前,斯里兰卡的旅游文化集中在西方国家并且主要依靠“阳光,海岸和沙滩”来吸引游客。如今,来自五湖四海的旅游团前来观光,而他们感兴趣的恰恰是参观新的地方,探求新鲜的事物。Sri Lanka is one of the few countries that can boast of a multitude of varied attractions within a very c

13、ompact area. Moving from the beach outwards, we have our coral reefs, offshore whale and dolphin populations, and a potential range of water sports such as sailing and paragliding. Inland, we have rain forests, mountains, wild life parks and nature reserves, tea gardens, great shopping opportunities

14、, not to mention important archaeological and historical sites dating from ancient to more modern times. 斯里兰卡是为数不多的领土狭小但风光无限的国家之一,这也是它引以为荣的地方。顺着海岸向外延展,你可以看到珊瑚礁,近海鲸,海豚群,还可以感受许多像帆船,滑翔降落伞一类的水上运动;在内陆地区,我们有雨林,高山,野生公园,自然保护区,茶叶种植园,大型购物中心以及古往今来相当重要的历史考古遗址。Sri Lanka, although small, boasts of seven UNESCO Wo

15、rld Heritage Sites. Among them, six cultural sites are testament to a great civilization of over 2500 years while a seventh natural site, the Sinharaja Forest Reserve, a virgin tropical rainforest, boasts some of the highest biodiversity found out of the Amazon basin. As you step in to the country,

16、you will be able to experience unique customs and traditions deeply ingrained in Sri Lankan society which have been safeguarded from one generation to the next. Increasingly, tourists are looking for more specialised tourism experiences such as heritage, lifestyle, religious, cultural, adventure, and pilgrimage-based holidays, to name a few. Sri Lanka has the potential to offer all of these. Having very good air connectivity from all major cities



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