【人教版】新目标七年级上册:Unit 3综合测评试卷含答案精修版

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《【人教版】新目标七年级上册:Unit 3综合测评试卷含答案精修版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【人教版】新目标七年级上册:Unit 3综合测评试卷含答案精修版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 3综合测评(分数:100分时间:90分钟)第卷听力部分(20分).听对话,选择与所听内容相符的图片(5分)听句子, 选择正确答语(5分)6.A.Im Joy.B.Its 555-7523.C.Thats a map.7.A.No.B.Im Mary.C.Its red.8.A.Its a pencil.B.Yes.C.Thank you.9.A.Its a key.B.Yes, it is.C.No, it is.10.A.Yes.B.Its a case.C.C-A-S-E.听对话,选择正确答案(5分)11.What color is

2、 Lucys pencil?A.Yellow.B.Orange.C.Black.12.Whats in the Lost and Found?A.A red pen.B.A blue pen.C.A green ruler.13.Is that Toms pencil box?A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.I dont know.14.Whats Ginas telephone number?A.441-3445.B.440-3245.C.420-2354.15.Whose(谁的) book is it?A.Toms.B.Jims.C.Tonys.听短文,完成表格(5分

3、)LostName:John 16.Lost:A backpack.Color:Black and 17.Things in it:A book,a dictionary,a notebook,a pencil box,18. and 19.Phone number:20.第卷笔试部分(80分).单项选择(10分)21.My book is in my .A.pencil boxB.dictionaryC.ID cardD.schoolbag22.This book is mine. that book?Its Lindas.A.WhatsB.What aboutC.HowsD.Is23.Is

4、 that your quilt?.Its her quilt.A.Yes, it isB.Yes, that isC.No, it isntD.No, that isnt24.These arent .Theyre my brothers.A.pen;mineB.pens;mineC.pen;myD.pens;my25.This is a .His ruler and pens are in it.A.watchB.ringC.baseballD.pencil box26.(2016北京中考)Pauls mother is a nurse.She works a hospital.A.wit

5、hB.onC.ofD.in27.(2016天津中考)I cant find my ticket.I think I have lost .A.itB.oneC.thisD.them28.This is pencil and that is eraser.A.a;aB.an;anC.a;anD.an;a29.(2016山西中考)In our life,we need to those people who help us,such as our parents,teachers and friends.A.thankB.remindC.teach30.Do you know his name?,

6、 I dont know.A.Sorry;Excuse meB.Hello;YesC.Excuse me;SorryD.Hi;Er.完形填空(15分)ALook at the lost and found notice.31 that?Its an eraser.I think(想) its his 32.And I lost a 33 of keys.If(如果) you find the keys, please call me 34 555-6741.35 name is Maggie White.Thank you!31.A.WhatB.ItsC.WhatsD.This32.A.boo

7、kB.eraserC.keysD.quilt33.A.goldB.setC.nice D.good34.A.inB.onC.atD.to35.A.MyB.HisC.HerD.YourBThis boy is Peter Smith.His 36 name is Peter.His 37 name is Smith.This is 38 school.His school 39 number is 200-4856.His teacher is Miss White.Miss White 40 a good teacher.Li Min is a Chinese boy.He is Peters

8、 good 41 at school.Look!42 a pencil box.Is it 43?I 44 know.Lets 45 Li Min at 495-6548.36.A.firstB.familyC.lastD.one37.A.firstB.goodC.lastD.this38.A.youB.thatC.hisD.it39.A.computerB.nameC.phoneD.book40.A.noB.notC.isD.am41.A.fatherB.friendC.boyD.class42.A.WhatsB.ThisC.ThatsD.The names43.A.Li MinB.Li M

9、insC.Li Min isD.The Li Min44.A.dontB.isntC.am notD.do45.A.askB.callC.writeD.look.阅读理解(20分)AFoundThing:A watchColor:BlackName:CindyTelephone number:359-5934LostIm Linda.I lost a yellow ring.Please call Bill or me.My phone number is 485-3982.Bills telephone number is 683-5912.FoundIs this your jacket?

10、Its a red jacket.And an ID card is in it.My name is Mike.My telephone number is 239-5178.46.Cindy found a(n).A.watchB.ringC.jacketD.ID card47. lost a ring.A.CindyB.LindaC.BillD.Mike48.Whats Mikes telephone number?A.359-5934.B.485-3982.C.239-5178.D.683-5912.49.What color is the jacket?A.Black.B.White

11、.C.Yellow.D.Red.50.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Bill lost an ID card.B.The watch is yellow.C.Mike found a jacket with an ID card.D.Cindys telephone number is 683-5912.BA:Excuse me,Zhang Yang.Whats this?B:Oh,it is a photo.A:Whos the girl in it?Is she your sister?B:No,she isnt.Shes my friend.A:Wha

12、ts her name?B:Her name is Kelsey King.A:How do you spell it?B:K-E-L-S-E-Y,Kelsey,K-I-N-G,King.A:Well,is that your cat?B:A cat?Two cats are in it.The black one or the yellow one?A:The black one.B:Oh,yes,its mine.And the yellow one is our neighbors(邻居的).A:Its really a nice picture.51.Who is Zhang Yang

13、s friend?A.Kelsey King.B.The yellow cat.C.The black cat.52.What color is Zhang Yangs cat?A.Yellow.B.White.C.Black.53.How is the photo?A.Nice.B.Happy.C.Blue.54.How many cats are white?A.None(没有).B.One.C.Two.55.What are they talking about(谈论)?A.Kelsey Kings photo.B.Zhang Yangs photo.C.Zhang Yangs cat.

14、根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择恰当的选项补全短文(10分)A.This is my mother.B.This is a photo of my family.C.We(我们) are a happy family.D.His name is Jill.Hi!My name is Kate.56.This is my father.His name is Frank.57. Her name is Mary.This is my elder brother.His name is Jack.This is my younger brother.58. Oh,this is me.59.任务型阅读(5分)读下面的寻物启事和招领启事, 回答下列问题。LostMy school ID card.My name is Mike.Please


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