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1、山东省泰安市肥城市2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Sing with us! Dance with us! And be part of this absolutely unique Virtual Choir that we will create with you for Thanksgiving Day. There will be other young singers from all over Ireland members from the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir and togethe

2、r we will perform the super energetic song “The Best Day of my Life” by the band American Authors.So that we can tell you more details, you need to register to be part of the choir and you can do that by sending an e-mail to GSGC.On this page you will find all the information and you will find our “

3、how to” videos where Cathy and Michael,the great leaders of the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir will tell you lots about singing,dancing and teach you the “The best Day of My Life” song.The videos wi1 take you through warm-ups,song+line demonstrations, dancing design, and complete instructions on how y

4、ou can record yourself at home on a. Smartphone. These “how to” videos will be published one a week in May on YouTube and in four steps we will teach you the song for our Virtual Choir. When we have learned the song together, we will invite you to send us your own video.And Chris,our talented video

5、magician, will turn us all into a once-in-a-lifetime Virtual Choir.Be part of the fun and be a proud singer in a cool choir! Sing your heart out!1Why will the Virtual Choir be created?ATo celebrate Thanksgiving Day.BTo gather the Irish singers together.CTo teach the locals a super song.DTo cooperate

6、 with a famous band.2What will happen if you check the page on a weekend in May?AYou will sing a choir with others.BYou will find a new posted video.CYou will become a popular singer.DYou will meet a talented musician.3What does Chris do?AHe is a talented Irish singer.BHe is the leader of a local ch

7、oir.CHe is a professional video editor.DHe is an instructor of dance design.Earlier this year the phone companies stopped supporting the software for my old 3G phone, so I was forced to buy a new Smart Phone. I didnt use it much at first, only to get a call from my daughter or to play a game or two.

8、 Soon, however, I found it far easier to surf the web or check out Facebook on the smart phone than my computer. Even with my limited time I quickly found myself spending more and more of it on this phone. It happened almost without me noticing it.Yesterday I was on it scrolling through the sea of s

9、tories, posts, news, and videos. Then suddenly a long and white nose pushed its way between me and my phone. It was my pet dog. I started to push it away but that only got me a lick(舔) from my cheek to my glasses. Laughing I put the phone down, took my glasses off and petted it. Soon we were hugging

10、, and playing around down the hallways of my home. And I noticed something too. There was a feeling in my heart: a wonderful mixture of love, laughter, and joy. It was a feeling that I hadnt gotten once during all that time I had spent on my phone.Strange how it took a dog to remind me of what is im

11、portant for our souls. Technology is here to stay. But we shouldnt let it control us or our time. I vowed then to spend less time on my addictive phone and more time doing the important things in life like talking to my friends, writing letters, and even playing with my dogs. It is these that fill m

12、y heart With love.4What happened to the author in paragraph 1?AHis old phone was brokenBHis entire life was changedCHe became addicted to the phoneDHe didnt use his computer any longer.5Which is the right order of what happened in paragraph 2?a. I was surfing the phone aimlessly.b. A warm feeling ro

13、se from my heart.c. The dog approached me and licked me.d. I petted the dog with my phone aside.AacdbBacbdCcbdaDbacd6What does the underlined word “vowed” mean in paragraph 3?AAgreed.BExpected.CRefused.DPromised.7What does the author want to convey in the text?AFollowing the advanced technology.BMak

14、ing time for the important things.CBuilding a close relationship with pets.DEnjoying the convenience of technology.During the past few weekends, we held the first 24-Hour Play Festival on campus, the first event our school has held.The event started in the Playhouse Theater at 8 p.m. on Friday with

15、students who signed up to be either an actor, director or playwright (编剧).Then the chair announced the theme of the event from a pool of play themes. Playwrights had 12 hours to write a 10-miute play based on the theme, which meant that they had to work all night to get the scripts (剧本) ready before 8 a.m. on Saturday. Directors received scripts and had 12 hours with actors to start their rehearsals (排练). Everyone would perform at 8 p.m. on Saturday.As a stage manager, I had to make sure everything went well. It was really exciting because this was our first time. The performers did an exc


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