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3、tIn order to supply the stream heating of the industrial production and the stream heating of factory workers heating and ventilation of residences, the Changchun wheel foundry will build the industrial boiler room which located in Changchun city. This project is sole construction project of Changch

4、un wheel foundry.The design main contains the selection of boiler, the feed-water treatment system of boiler, blow-in system of boiler and the coal transportation and cleaner system of boiler. In this project, we choose 2 stream boilers in SHL20-1.25/350-A which were produced in Hangzhou boiler fact

5、ory and the coal was produced in Tonghua, Jilin province. We adopt single-stage sodium converter that the countercurrent regeneration in the fixed bed to do soften treatment. The selection of entire water spray heat deaerator was due to adoption of the thermal deaerator. In the blow-in system, the a

6、ir-blower and the forced draught blower cooperate with each other. The air-blower was used to overcome resistance of wind and burning equipment; of the boiler itself, which contains flues, chimneys, and duster. In the process of the flue gas treatment, we adopt the HNPSC serious of internal and exte

7、rnal spray chiseled ashlars water film duster to remove dust by desulphurization, so that the flue gas can reach the effluent standard. Because of large quantity of using coal in the coal transportation and coal cleaner system, we adopt mechanical transportation, which contains Z-buried scraper conv

8、eyor, RCD-magnetic separation device, recoil hammer mill and other equipments. As the boiler system is dual-drum crosswise chain grate, the boiler was required to clean continuously, so we use the heavy chain-cleaner. The ash removed directly by the cars, without setting the ash market.The boiler ro

9、om is three stories decorated. There are pump houses, water treatment rooms, store houses, machine repair houses, and the guard room in the first storey. The laboratories, the control rooms, duty rooms, lunge, changing rooms, shower rooms and offices in the second story. The third story layout deaer

10、ator, the blowers and the dusters are layout in draught fan rooms. Keywords: stream boiler; water treatment system; delivery system with the wind; coal cleaner system; design.不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印I- -目录目录摘要IAbstractII目录I第1章 原始资料11.1 热负荷资料11.2 煤质资料11.3 水质资料11.4 气象与地质资料21.5 工作班次2第2章 锅炉型号和台数的选择32.1 热负荷计算3

11、2.1.1 计算热负荷32.1.2 平均热负荷32.1.3 全年热负荷32.2 锅炉台数确定原则42.3 锅炉类型的选择52.3.1 应能满足供热介质参量的要求52.3.2 应能有效地燃烧所采用的燃料52.3.3 其它5第3章 燃烧热平衡计算73.1 燃烧过程中烟道各处过量空气系数及各受热面的漏风系数73.2 理论、实际空气量及理论、实际烟气量计算73.3 各受热面烟道中的烟气特性83.4 烟气温焓表93.5 锅炉热平衡及燃料消耗量计算9第4章 耗水量计算及水处理设备的选择114.1 耗水量的计算114.2 水处理方案的确定114.2.1 蒸汽锅炉对水质的要求114.2.2 水质处理方案的确定

12、124.2.3 钠离子交换器计算144.2.4 软化水箱的体积计算及选型174.2.5 再生液制备系统及计算184.2.6 除氧方式的选择及计算194.2.7 锅炉排污计算及设备选择204.3 水泵的选择234.3.1 选择水泵时应考虑因素234.3.2 选择给水泵台数和容量的规则244.3.3 给水泵的型号244.3.4 除氧水泵的型号254.3.5 盐液泵的型号25第5章 送引风系统设备的选择计算265.1 送引风设计要求265.2 风烟道设计要点265.3 送风系统的设计275.3.1 送风机的风量计算及选型275.3.2 风道断面的确定285.3.3 风道阻力的计算285.4 引风系统

13、的设计315.4.1 排烟量设计计算及引风机的选型315.4.2 烟囱的计算315.4.3 烟道布置及其断面尺寸的确定325.4.4 烟道阻力计算34第6章 除尘设备的选择376.1 除尘设备的选择376.2 锅炉大气污染烟尘排放量计算376.2.1 锅炉烟尘排放量和排放浓度的计算376.2.2 锅炉二氧化硫排放量的计算38第7章 运煤除渣系统的设计407.1 运煤系统重要性407.2 运煤系统的设计计算407.2.1 锅炉房年耗煤量407.2.2 锅炉房小时最大耗煤量407.2.3 锅炉房最冷月昼夜耗煤量407.2.4 锅炉房最冷月耗煤量417.3 运煤系统的选择417.3.1 埋刮板输送机

14、的选择417.3.2 炉前储煤斗体积427.3.3 煤场面积的计算427.3.4 运煤系统附属设备的选择437.4 除渣系统的设计计算447.4.1 灰渣总量计算447.4.2 灰渣场面积457.4.3 灰渣斗体积计算45第8章 热工测量与自动控制468.1 热工检测468.2 热工控制47第9章 锅炉房的工艺布置说明499.1 锅炉房建筑499.1.1 锅炉房建筑的组成499.1.2 锅炉房建筑的布置形式499.2 锅炉房设备布置49参考文献50致谢51附录52千万不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印。在目录上点右键“更新域”,然后“更新整个目录”。打印前,不要忘记把上面“Abstract”这一行后加一空行第1章 原始资料1.1 热负荷资料表1-1热负荷资料热负荷种类耗汽量(t/h)凝结水回收率(%)最大平均生产热负荷17.012.250采暖热负荷12.890通风热负荷5.690生活热负荷3.20.4801.2 煤质资料通化烟煤:=38.46%,=2.16%,=4.65%,=0.52%, =0.61%,=43.10%,=10.50%,=21.91%,=15530kJ/kg1.3 水质资料总硬度 H0 3.6mmol/L;非碳酸盐硬度HBT 1.6mmol/L;碳酸盐硬度HT 2.0mmol/L;总碱度A 2.3mmol/L;PH值 7.4;溶解氧



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