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1、目 录CATALOGUE第一章 管家部组织构造图1ORGANIZATION CHART第二章 管家部岗位职责1-25POSITION RESPONSIBILITY OF H.K DEPT 2.1 管家部经理H.K Dept. Manager2 2.2 楼层经理Head Floor Supervisor 3 2.3 楼层督导Floor Captain 52.4 楼层服务员Room Attendant 72.5楼层打扫员Room Cleaner 92.6 公共区域经理 Public Area Supervisor112.7 公共区域督导PublicArea Captain122.8公共区域服务员P

2、ublicAreaAttendant132.9 花房管理员Florist142.10 公共区域清洁工PublicArea Cleaner152.11洗涤部经理 Laundry Manager162.12洗涤部督导Laundry Captain172.13干洗工Dry Cleaner182.14大湿洗工 Washer-Large Items202.15小湿洗工Washer-Small Items212.16平烫工 Flat Work Ironer222.17布草折叠工Linen Folding Attendant232.18布草收发员 Linen Delivery Maid242.19制服收发员

3、Uniform Delivery Maid25第三章 管家部各岗位操作程序27-136HK.DEPT.STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE3.1 楼层经理Head Floor Supervisor273.1.1 解决客人投诉Handling Guests Complains273.2 楼层督导Floor Captain28-313.2.1 检查客房Checking Guest Rooms 283.2.2 收取小酒吧帐单Collecting Mini-bar Bill303.2.3 饮料管理Controlling wine & Beverage313.3 楼层服务员Room

4、Attendant32-533.3.1 楼层钥匙领用和保管Picking up& Keeping Room Key 323.3.2 开酒水帐单Filling in Wine & Beverage Bill333.3.3 杯具洗涤、消毒Washing-up & Disinfecting Glassware343.3.4 客用品领用、寄存Application of &Keeping Items353.3.5 客人规定开门Handling Request for Opening the Door 363.3.6 引领客人进房Greeting the Guests373.3.7 报交遗留物品Deli

5、vering Properties Left Behind by Guest383.3.8 客人离店结帐Guest Check-out 393.3.9 查走客房(遗留物品)Check-up C/O Room403.3.10 做夜床Providing Turn-down Service413.3.11 开房门Opening the Door 433.3.12 加床Handling Request for Extra Bed 443.3.13 铺床Making the Bed453.3.14 上毛巾、茶水Offering Towel / Tea Service463.3.15 客房二次打扫Re-c

6、leaning the Room473.3.16 重点来宾进房Receiving VIP483.3.17 擦皮鞋Providing Free Shoe Shining Service493.3.18 翻转床垫Turning the Mattress503.3.19 洗涤浴帘Washing Shower Curtain513.3.20 吸尘器使用和保养Using & Maintaining Vacuum Cleaner523.3.21 解决意外损坏来宾物品Dealing with Damaging Guests Articles533.4 客房打扫员Room Cleaner54-593.4.1

7、整顿工作车Cleaning up Maids Cart543.4.2 打扫住客房Making up Occupied Room553.4.3 打扫卫生间Making up Washing Room573.4.4 工作车摆放Maids Cart Setting583.4.5 空房打扫Making up Vacant Room 593.5 客房中心服务员Housekeeping Center Attendant60-643.5.1 核对未进店客房报告Checking No-show Room Report 603.5.2 核对查房报告Checking Room Report613.5.3 客用品旳

8、借用、登记和保管Items Loan /Registration / Keeping623.5.4 接打内部电话Receiving & Making Inside Call633.5.5 解决前台报表 Dealing with Dept. Reports64附录:客房中心常备客用品清单64Appendix: List of Items Prepared in Housekeeping Center 3.6 PA服务员PA Attendant65-813.6.1 石材平常保养Marble Daily Maintenance653.6.2 大理石地面打蜡Polishing Marble with

9、Wax663.6.3 大理石地面起蜡Wax Remove From Marble 673.6.4 石材墙壁上蜡Polishing Wall with Wax 683.6.5 清洗地毯(干泡)Cleaning Carpet(Dry-clear)693.6.6 洗地毯(抽洗)Washing Carpet 703.6.7 沙发抽洗Washing Sofa723.6.8 清洁铜条Cleaning Copper Strip733.6.9 清洁客梯 Cleaning Elevator743.6.10 清洗吸尘器Cleaning Vacuum Cleaner753.6.11 使用三合一抽洗机Using We

10、t Vacuum Carpet Extractor763.6.12 使用洗地机Using Clean Marble Machine773.6.13 使用吸水机Using Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner783.6.14 使用高速抛光机Using Ultra High Speed Machine793.6.15 清洁玻璃Polish the Window-panes803.6.16 花岗岩地面晶硬解决Crystallize Marble813.7 PA保洁工PA Cleaner82-863.7.1 棉尘推药剂解决Spray Floor Dust Remover on the Mo

11、p823.7.2 推尘(清洁大理石地面)Dust Removed From Floor833.7.3 清洁各公共区域卫生Cleaning the Public Areas843.7.4 洗手间平常清洁保养 Cleaning Washing Room853.7.5 客人醉酒呕吐解决Dealing with Drunk Guests863.8制服收发员Uniform Delivery Maid87-973.8.1 新制服申领、发放Appling for & Giving Out Uniform873.8.2 制服收发Counting & Sending Uniform883.8.3 交接制服Tak

12、ing over Uniform893.8.4 清点脏制服Counting Dirty Uniform903.8.5 核对接收已清洗制服Checking Uniform Cleaned913.8.6 解决旧制服报损Steps to Handle Uniform Scraped923.8.7 制服盘点Inventorying Uniform933.8.8 入店、离店人员领退制服Appling for& Returning Uniform for Staff 943.8.9 制服收发员收尾Finishing Work for Uniform Delivery Maid953.8.10 缝补制服St

13、eps to Sewing Uniform963.8.11 缝纫机保养Maintaining Sewing Machine973.9 布草收发员Linen Delivery Maid98-102 3.9.1 交接布草Taking Over linen 983.9.2 布草领用Application of Linen993.9.3 交接餐饮、康乐织品Taking over F&B and H&R Dept Linen1003.9.4 发送客房布草Sending Out Linen of H.K Dept1013.9.5 布草盘点Inventorying Linen 1023.10花房管理员Flo

14、rist103-1053.10.1 绿色植物保养Preserving Green Plants 1033.10.2 保养公共区域插花Preserving Flowers in Public Area1043.10.3 送花Sending Flowers1053.11客衣服务员Guest Clothes Delivery Maid106-1143.11.1 收包Collecting Clothes1063.11.2 点数Counting Clothes1073.11.3 打码Marking on Clothes1083.11.4 叠衣Folding Clothes 1093.11.5 装包Packing Clothes1103.11.6 送衣Sending Clothes



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