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1、a family, they are not relRather, you want to connWhat are your goals for the future? or Where do you see yourself infive years?Dont discuss your goals for returning to school or having evant and could knock you out of contention for the job. ect your answer to the job you are applying for.最佳答案* My

2、Iong-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to l earn, take on additi onal resp on sibilities, and con tribute as much of value as I can.* I see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, I ike this one. I plan on enhancing my skills and continuin

3、g my involvement in (relat ed) professional associations.* Once I gain additional experienee, I would like to move on from a technical p osition to management.* In the XYZ Corporatio n, what is a typical career path for some one with my ski lls and experiences?第一个问题一般都是这个Tell me about yourself/ How

4、would you describe yourself?You walk into the in terview room, shake hands with your in terviewer and sit dow n with your best in terview ing smile on. Guess what their first questi on is? Tell me ab out yourself. Your in terviewer is not look ing for a 10-minutedissertati on here. Instead, offer a

5、razor sharp sentence or two that sets the stage for further discussion and sets you apart from your competitors.Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)说出你的卖点Give them your synopsis about you answer, specifically your Unique Selling Propos ition. Known as a personal branding or a value-added statement,

6、 the USP is a succi net, one-sentence description of who you are, your biggest strength and the major ben efit that a compa ny will derive from this stre ngth.Here is an example of a Unique Selli ng Propositi on: Im a seas oned Retail Man ager stro ng in develop ing trainingprograms and loss prevent

7、ion techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for (employers name) during the past 11 years.What a differe nee youve made with this stateme nt. Your in terviewer is now sitti ng forward in her chair giving you her full attention. At this point, you might add the f ollowing

8、 sentence: Id like to discuss how I might be able to do something like tha t for you. The ball is now back in her court and you have the beginnings of a rea l discussion and not an interrogation process.Mgackground to date has been centered around preparing myself to become t he very best financial

9、consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how ve prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at University. My past experiences has been in retail and higher education. Bot h aspects have prepared me well for this career. ”首先要明确他们想了解的是哪方面的内容Do they want to kn

10、ow about your career sofar, about your hobbies or family life? If in doubt, ASK them to clarify what they w ish you to talk about. Then give a short factual answer, ending with is there anyth ing else youd like to know about me?* How would you describe yourself?这个问题的答案应该是和他们的招聘广告上对于雇员的要求的基本一致,所以,看看你

11、有哪些特质满足了他们的要求吧Try to think about what the in terviewers are look ing for and keep this in mind as you an swer in terview questi ons. Remember the job advert? Were they look ing fo r in itiative, a good com muni cator, some one with good atte nti on to detail? Describe yourself in these terms. Start

12、with I am. and not with I think. or I believe. so that you sound self aware and con fide nt.When youre interviewingfor an internal position within your company, you may beasked what you will do if you dont get the job. The in terviewer wants to know w hether you are concerned about just the advancem

13、ent opportunityor the company.内部职位竞聘常会被问到如果你没有得到这份工作的话你将会怎么办的问题。最佳答案I am committed to this company and its advancement so, should I not be selected,I will work with and support whoever might get selected. However, I do feel that my experienee in the department and with the team would make me the bes

14、t candi dateHow would your boss describe you?If you get the job, your in terviewer may be your future boss so you n eed to answ er this question carefully. Describe yourself as any boss would want to see you. Yo u might say:My boss would describe me as hard working, loyal, friendly and committed. He

15、 wo uld say that I work well on my own initiative and deliver what he wants on time a nd to a high standard.Aga in, don use the term “ think my boss would say. as it gives an eleme nt of doubt. Be positive and certa in with the in terview an swer you give.* What motivates you?I am motivated by being

16、 around other positive people, we might questi on if work in g alone would suit them.I am motivated by targets.* What do you look for in a job?This is really a question about suitability, though weve included it here.Remember the advert? Focus on the advert criteria and you wont go far wrong. Fo r example, if the advert called for some one to lead others, you migh



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