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1、Part I Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Directions:In this part there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the c

2、enter.1. How long do you think _ to finish this urgent task?A. did it take youB. it will take youC. will it take youD. it to take you2. Wealth, education and occupation vary greatly _ members of the middle class.A. amongB. betweenC. fromD. inside3. Lets buy our tickets while I still have _.A. a litt

3、le money to leaveB. little money leftC. a few dollars leftD. few dollars to leave4. _ was not the way the event happened.A. Which the press reportedB. That the press reportedC. What did the press reportD. What the press reported5. People do not like such persons who are always _ the way of others.A.

4、 onB. byC. inD. behind6. At first we were _ amused by Dons words, but soon we were tired of them.A. greatB. farC. muchD. never7. He talks as if he _ everything in the world.A. knowsB. knewC. would have knownD. had known8. The doctor advised that Mr. Malan _ an operation right away so as to save his

5、life.A. hadB. was going to haveC. haveD. would have9. He forgot about _ him to attend my wifes birthday party.A. I askingB. my askingC. me to askD. mine to ask10. So little _ about stock exchange that the lecture was completely beyond me.A. did I knowB. I had knownC. I knowD. was I known11. The boys

6、 laziness _ his failure in the exams.A. resulted fromB. brought inC. resulted inD. led into12. Only guests of the hotel enjoy the _ of using the private beach.A. privilegeB. possibilityC. favorD. advantage13. Tom _ more than twenty pounds for the dictionary.A. spentB. paidC. costD. took14. The gover

7、nor had to _ all his appointments for the day and rush to the train accident.A. set offB. pay offC. see offD. call off15. One car went too fast and _ missed hitting another car.A. completelyB. greatlyC. narrowlyD. little16. He was accused _ stealing from the shop.A. withB. inC. ofD. at17. It took me

8、 a long time to _ the disappointment of losing the match.A. get overB. get upC. get intoD. get down18. All the reference books should be made _ to the teachers and students in our university.A. concernedB. availableC. relatedD. flexible19. He never thought the committee would _ his proposal.A. put u

9、pB. object toC. pass onD. call on20. The company official _ I thought would be fired received a raise.A. whomB. whoeverC. whoD. of whom21. Mr. Green _ my letter, otherwise he would have replied before now.A. must have receiveB. must have failed to receiveC. must receiveD. must fail to receive22. We

10、shall appreciate _ from you soon.A. being heardB. hearingC. having been heardD. to hear23. I fell and hurt myself while I _ tennis.A. was playingB. am playingC. playD. played24. _ you disagree with her, her idea is still worth considering.A. Even ifB. If onlyC. Instead ofD. Despite of25. Id _ you di

11、dnt touch that, if you dont mind.A. ratherB. betterC. happierD. further26. The two men arrested for breaking into that shop have been _ $10,000.A. committedB. drivenC. chargedD. fined27. The driver might have _ the accident if he had had his headlights on.A. missedB. avoidedC. stoppedD. dismissed28. The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware _ she had gone.A. where thatB. of whereC. of the placeD. the place29. I _ on the door for ten minutes now without an answer.A. was knocking


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