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1、七年级上册英语单词Words and expressionsModule 1*meet mi:tv.认识,遇见*first f:st adj. 第一*English igli n.英语,英文lesson lesn n.(一节)课class kl:s n.班级*student stju:dnt n.学生Miss mis n.女士;小姐(对未婚女性的称呼)twelve twelv num.十二; 12year j:n. .岁,年thirteen :ti:nnum.十三*too tu: adv.也,还*from frm, frmprep.从来*close kluz v.关闭open upn v.打开

2、match mt v.相称,匹配;*write rait v.写practise prktisv.练习*city siti n.城市*England inglndn. 英国英,格兰*English ig li adj.英语的fourteen ,f:ti:n num.十四eleven Ilevn num.十一blackboard blkb:dn.黑板twenty -nine ,twentinainnum.二十九fifty fifti num.五十Module 2*parent prntn.父,母;家长(pl.parents父母)can kn, knaux. v.能,能够*basketball b

3、a:skitb:l n.篮球piano pinu n.钢琴tennis tenis n.网球(运动)*table tennis teibl tenis 乒乓球*ride raid v.骑;开(车)horse h:sn.马*welcome welkm v.欢迎*international ,ntnnladj.国际的*factory fktri n.工厂hotel hutel n.饭店, 宾馆university ,ju:niv:siti n.大学hospital hspitln.医院office fisn.办公室,*doctor dkt n.医生*worker w:kn.工人manager mn

4、idn.经理secretary sekrtrin.秘书*at t prep.在(工作或学习地点);向,朝*photo futu n.照片*family fmili n.家庭*her h:pron. (she的所有格)她的Module3there , pron (用于引导句子)forty-six *dictionary diknri n.词典,字典*libralaibrri n.图书馆,藏书室 七年级英语上册重点短语词义短语模块编号第一节英语课the first English lesson11来自be from(come from)1212岁twelve years old13在1班in Cl

5、ass One14起立stand up15坐下sit down16与相匹配match. with.17好朋友good friends18看书read books19姓family name110名given name111写在黑板上write on the blackboard112说英语speak English213打篮球play basketball214踢足球play football215打乒乓球play table tennis216打网球play tennis217弹钢琴play the piano218骑自行车ride a bike219骑马ride a horse220欢迎来

6、welcome. to.221说中文speak Chinese222在北京国际学校at Beijing International School223工厂经理a factory manager224酒店经理a hotel manager225在一所大学in a university226工厂工人a factory worker227一张的照片a photo of.228饭堂a dining hall329科学实验室a science lab330在我们学校in our school331在我教室里in my classroom332在我班里in my class333在李老师的课桌上on Mi

7、ss Lis desk334紧挨着next to335在前面in front of.336在后面behind.337欢迎到Welcome(to).338在你家里in your family439大家庭a big family440小家庭a small family441兄弟姐妹brothers and sisters442在中国in China443一个美国朋友an American friend444一个英国朋友an English friend445金一家the King family/the Kings446和好的父母一起with her mum and dad447家谱family t

8、ree448健康食品和饮料healthy food and drinks549一些果汁some juice550一种不健康饮料an unhealthy drink551在冰箱里in the fridge552最喜欢的食品和饮料favourite food and drinks553一些蔬菜/面条/中国茶some vegetables/noodles/Chinese tea554去看电影go to the cinema655游泳课a swimming lesson656篮球比赛a basketball match657最美好的祝愿best wishes658上课have classes659做作

9、业do ones homework660观看一场足球比赛watch a football match661呆在家里stay at home662去公园go to the park663玩电脑游戏play computer games664在上午in the morning/afternoon/evening665在星期天的上午on Sunday morning666上课have a. lesson767在中午at noon768怎么样What about.?769学校生活school life770起床get up771吃早/午/晚餐have breakfast/lunch/supper772

10、在旁边next to773上学go to school774回家go home775休息have a break776与某人交谈talk to/with sb.777看电视watch TV778上床睡觉go to bed779不同的习惯different habits880生日礼物birthday presents881得到礼物get present882开晚会/聚会have a party883做蛋糕make a cake884一双鞋/一条牛仔裤a pair of shoes/jeans885送给他一张卡片send him a card886给他一张give him a CD887一张电影/

11、演唱会票a cinema/concert ticket888一盒巧克力糖a box of chocolates889许多,大量lots of=a lot of890去(电影院)看电影go to the cinema891去音乐会go to the concert892在电视上on television893听音乐listen to music894想出think of895动物园之行a trip to the zoo996欢迎到北京动物园Welcome to Beijing Zoo997一万六千sixteen thousand998还有更多的many more999在动物园in the zoo

12、9100成千上万的thousands of9101一头非洲大象an African elephant9102来自洲的骆驼a camel from Asia9103在森林in the forest9104在沙漠in the desert9105在草原in the grassland9106在热带雨林in the jungle9107世界各地all around the world9108十五公斤竹子15 kilos of bamboo9109每天十二小时12 hours a day9110在野外in the wild9111保持健康stay healthy10112多久一次how often10113上网go online10114在周末at/on the weekend10115在家at home10116在工作at work10117打开电脑sw


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