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1、必修2nit Mus能力演练一、语法填空专题训练(三) 代词的选用技巧点拨当两个分句中间用逗号隔开,要求考生在第二个分句填入一个代词时,考生首先要弄清句子结构。第二个分句前如有ad,bt,or,so等连词,说明前后分句为并列关系,要用人称代词或指示代词。第二分句前如无上述连词,说明它是一个非限制性定语从句,因此应填入关系代词。如:,smother kep tllighm to ork hrder,u it ddn, e.Tom,smothe kept tllingi o ork arde,whch didn,telp.Mr.Gen has fourson,ll of whom ae famu

2、singes. M.reen as ou sons,and all them are famousinges. 活学活用阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(20年佛山二模改编)ee mntthSao Plo se r just befe daw on Decee 20th,02,nd shockd the atoriies ait took the thves jutthe mintestoea pantings2 two wordfamous rtits,Pblo Picasso 3 Cadidooninar, ae

3、 worth lions dollas.Images from theecretcameraho tat two mbean thacia 509 a.m., 5 theguard nhe msum re ging thog hi hiftchane(换岗)Theybrokethugh toglass doors, 6 (run)tot mse,s to flor ad rabe the toptn fomdffren roo,somho 7 (avoid)nerby gurdsTealm never an,n b 512 am.,ty ere making teir escap.After

4、,th polic werentervien e 30 musum emploees “eryhig inias theves were sent to oit some walthy art lover fr 9 w collecion.Hewa ntrich nough tobuy the ptings, 10he w waly,” said th ead olceoffce,Maro Goms dMoura.二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的四个选项(、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。astptebr,a terible typhon stuckur eihboodR

5、oofs wee 1 .Trs wer eig protd.Ouside ou rt windwI ee aney tree.I hd ervdseneiborhoods Christas tree for tenyers.Childrenxpct is 3 eery Decmber.“Jus e;don, rak!”Imadea wsh.he 4 gathered infce.Rai a lling 5 ,adater was puin int the oue arud th eds o he closd indowsI head peole shuig,“The rier 6 nus!”I

6、 usheout and oundthte 7 ,whchcrossed theriverand a honly way to ound,was area ude water! all 9 aa eigho, ho and trid othink o away ou.0 t a to te.oon,w fond ouslv 11 te ro,hoing toter 12 e wi,treing withld and fear.Awe loked arnd,the 1 ear u housecd nolngebe eeDeair(绝望) surrnddus.Luckily,a goupfolde

7、rs 14 .With thr help,ten hur ate,at 00 am.,veryo as fnally terofWe wre saved!At dwn,wih h wate gone,e und or neighborhod a aselan,but th te as sill tre,ic was rlie o sll g .A.coming own Btakig of.runin ay D.going over f1.A.loed out BgtpC.rnd u out 三、阅读理解专题训练(二) 文章主旨方法点拨首尾呼应定主旨。有些文章不仅开篇点题,而且篇末照应

8、,首尾呼应,中心突出。所以,在阅读时,同学们一定要看清并理解文章的开头和结尾,这样有助于把握文章主旨,提高解题的命中率。活学活用阅读下列短文,按要求完成读写任务。(02X年湖北卷)Whn Iwas sevn m atergave me Timex,my frt wachI loed it,wore eas,d haven,ha anther one sinc it toped ticking decadeago.Why?Becae I,t eedone.I ve obl phone I,m awys ar meone wih anPod or sometig ike thtAl thse de

9、vice(装置) telthe tmwhichishy, you look aron,you,llsets of mpty wrss; saleof wathe o youngadultsaeen oing down ic 202.But whi the ishave reaizd that te n, eedem,oterapparentl inludin somditngisheme oour tmerepening ttlfortunes on them.rands sh as Rolex,Patek Philpp and retlng coandshcng pri,up o 250,0

10、 fora piee.Th dico.xpnsi casgo ase achap as.xpes oes ag btter thn cheap cltes.But teedays all wtchestellthe im as we asall other waths.Exesive wtche co with afucionsbt ho needs the?Howftn d yo divet 30 en t sea or need o findyr drcin inhreaandte Suth Pole?So hy p tha mc of fe ershoolfesfo wahe thata

11、llo you t dotheseinsIf justce wee doe,th Sws wah dstrysould haveclose down whn te Japnee scveed howto ak acuratewatchesfr a five-pnd notenstea the Swissreinene the wth,t he o illons o poud orth of adertisin,s messge abut themn waring it.oes are orte who spen te weekens cimbigic mountais; a Pakhilipeis fr nefroma rih o


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