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1、英美概况知识点Part 1.英国的全称为:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , 这就是英国的英文全称,有时候也可以称: The United Kingdom。一. 英国四部分是英格兰(England,首都伦敦(London),英格兰是英国面积最 大、人口最多、经济最发达的一个部分。(England is the largest, most populous and most economically developed part of Britain.)苏格兰(Scotland,首都爱丁堡(Edingburgh)威

2、尔士(Wales,首都卡迪夫(Cadiff)北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland、首都贝尔法斯特(Belfast)。英国人凯尔特人(凯尔特人)作为英国本土人。凯尔特部落从公元前 750 年左右从欧洲穿越而来。 C、 凯尔 特部落的盖尔人主要定居在北方(现代苏格兰人和爱尔兰人的祖先)。凯尔特人 的英国人。部落(现代威尔士人的祖先),生活在原始社会。Celts (凯尔特人)taken_as the native in Britain. The Celtic tribes crossed from Europe from about 750B. C. the Gaels of the Celt

3、ic tribes mainly settled in the north (the modern Scottish and Irishs ancestors). the Britons of the Celtic . tribes (the modern Welshs ancestors ),living in primitivesociety.盎格鲁撒克逊人英国人的祖先。盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人属于日耳曼部落,大约在 5 世纪 来到英国。他们将凯尔特人推入威尔士、苏格兰和爱尔兰,然后在英格兰定居。 这些日耳曼部落最终形成了盎格鲁撒克逊人,他们的语言现在被称为古英语或盎 格鲁撒克逊人。An

4、glo-SaxonsThe Englishs ancestors . The Angles,Saxons and Jutes,belonging to the Germanic tribes,came to England fromabout the 5th century. They pushed the Celts into Wales,Scotland and Irish ,and then settled in England. These Germanic tribes fin ally ,formed An glo-Sax on s,whose Ian guages are now

5、 called Old En glish or An glo-Sa xon.二. 英国的 Nick Name: John Sull三. 美国的 Nick Name: Uncle Sam四. 哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿(Boston)都市 区剑桥市。五. 英国主要的 Topography 地势:highland zone 和 lowland zone, The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; and the east and southeast are mostly lowlands

6、. 英国的西部和北部主要是高地,东部和东南部主要是低地。六. 本尼维斯山(Ben Nevis) 一译“尼维斯山”,英国全国最高峰,位于苏格兰 高地议会区内。高 1,343 公尺(4,406 呎)七. 奔宁山脉(Pennines),它纵贯南北200多公里,号称英国的脊梁”八. Scafell Pike,英格兰最高的山峰,位于湖区国家公园内,海拔978米。九. Snowdonia,威尔士的一个地区,里面包括有国家公园。名字来自Snowdon, 威尔士最高的山峰,海拔 1085 米。十英国五大河流1 - 塞文河-(估计长度:220 英里)Severn River- (estimated length

7、: 220 miles)2 - 泰晤士河-(估计长度:215 英里)Thames - (estimated length: 215 miles)3 - 特伦特河-(估计长度:185 英里)Trent River- (estimated length: 185 miles)4 - 大乌兹河-(估计长度:143 英里)Greater Uz River - (estimated length: 143 miles)5 - 怀依河-(估计长度:134 英里)Wye River - (estimated length: 134 miles) 十一湖畔派三诗人指居住在英国北部昆布兰湖区的三诗人,分别是华兹

8、华斯、 柯勒律治、骚塞结成的诗歌流派 The three poets of the Lakeside School refer to the three poets living in the Queensland Lake District in the north of England, which are composed of Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey.十二.population distribution 人口分布:Britain has a population of about 57 millions and it is very unev

9、enly distributed. 90% of the population is urban and only 10% is rural. The population of Britain is made up mainly of the English (81.5%), the Scottish (9.6%), the Welsh (1.9%), the Irish (2.4%), the Northern Irish (1.8%) and other peoples (2.8%).英国人口约 570 万,分布极不均匀,90%是城市人口,只有10%是农村人口。英 国人口组成为:英格兰人

10、(81.5%),苏格兰人(9.6%),威尔士人(1.9%),爱尔 兰人、北爱尔兰人和其他民族居民。十二.The Origins of a Nation (5000BC-1066)英国的起源(公元前 5000 年-1066 年) 十三.英国的城市和地标伦敦英国最大和最重要的城市;英格兰和大不列颠的首都;英联邦的政治中心 (邦 联);英联邦;主要港口,距泰晤士河河口65公里。The largest and most important city in Britain;The capital of Englandand of Great Britain;The political center of

11、 the Comm on wealth(邦联);British comm on wealth of nation s;The major port,65km from themouth of the River Thames.两部分:伦敦市(伦敦城):最古老的部分曾经被围墙围住。它的总面积为 2.5 平 方公里,约有 5400 名居民,但白天总是挤满了成群的商人和游客。英格兰银行 位于伦敦市。大伦敦(大伦敦):一个大都市郡,由 12 个内伦敦组成(内伦敦)自治区 (区)和 20 外伦敦(外伦敦)自治区。Two parts:the City of Lon do n(伦敦城):the oldest

12、 part which was once walled up. It covers a total area of 2.5 square km with about 5400 residents,but it is always swarmed with throngs of businessmen and visitors in the day time. The Bank of England is located in the City of London. Greater London(大伦敦):a metropolitan county,ismade up of 12 inner L

13、ondon(内伦 敦)boroughs(区)and 20 Outer Lon do n(外伦敦)boroughs著名的建筑 1-威斯敏斯特教堂:英国国王和王后加冕的传统场所。它也以 其诗人角而闻名,这里是英国著名诗人的墓地,乔叟是第一位入住者。The famous buildings 1-Westminster Abbey*the traditional place whereEnglish king and queens are crowned. It is also known forits PoetsCorner,burial groundfor famous English poets

14、 with Chaucer as the first occupant.著名建筑 2-国会大厦:英国政府所在地。议会由上议院和下议院组成。目前 的建筑建于19世纪中期,由英国建筑师查尔斯巴里爵士设计。The famous buildings 2-Houses of ParliamentThe seat of the British government. Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The current building was built in the mid -19th centu

15、ry and was designed by British architect Sir Charles Barry.大本钟(钟之王)(BigBen)(king of clock)伦敦议会大厦东端钟楼上的大钟。作为伦敦最著名的地标之一,大本钟于 1858 年4月10日星期六上映。轰隆作响的13.5吨钟于1859年首次响起。the great bell in the clock tower on the eastern end of the Houses of Parliament in London. As one of Londons best-known landmarks,Big Ben

16、 was cast on Saturday 10th April 1858. The booming 13.5-ton bell first rang out in 1859.*著名建筑3大英博物馆,位于伦敦布鲁姆斯伯里区。它是由英国医生汉斯斯 隆爵士于1753年发现的。The famous buildings 3-The British Museum*located in the Bloomsbury section of London. It was foundedin 1753 by Sir Hans Sloane,a British physician 著名建筑4-伦敦塔:位于泰晤士河北岸,建于1078年。它在早期被交替用作堡 垒、皇家住宅和国家监狱。今天,它作为一个有驻军的军火库,对公众开放。 The famous buildings 4-The Tower


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