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1、小学英语教学设计:Unit 6 Its a vacation.Vocabulary and Target清新县二小 陈剑敏一、教学目标:1、知识目标:1)、能够听、说、读、写5个词组have a picnic、help Dad、take some photos、play with friends和 read some books.2)、能够听、说、认读3个词组:visit relatives、surf the net和make models.3)、能够复习句型:What are you going to do on vacation? Im going to . .并能在实际情景中运用。2、能

2、力目标: 通过多种方法和手段,为学生营造语言环境,学生在模拟真实的情景中进行交际,提高语言的整合能力。3、情感目标:让学生就自已喜欢的内容进行交际,养成用英语交际的良好习惯;通过谈论自已在假期打算做什么这个话题,培养学生积极参与课堂教学活动,养成乐于完成任务的好习惯。二、教学重点:掌握8个词组和两个句型。三、教学难点:单词with和relatives的发音四、教具准备:课件、词组图片、大信封、词组和句子的卡片五、教学过程:(一).Warm-up:1、Free talk:Hello! How are you? Are you happy? Do you like English? What do

3、 you like?2、Lets chant:“What are you going to do?”【设计思路】以上两个活动既可以营造学习英语的气氛,调动学生学习英语的积极性,拉近师生的距离,又可以复习巩固上一个单元所学的句型,为上好本节课打基础。3、T shows a picture of mountain and four steps,explains the evaluation method and encourage Ss to study hard.【设计思路】四年级的学生活泼好动,乐于参与活动和游戏,求胜心理较强。因此我设计了一座大山和四个脚印,通过小组比赛,争取爬到山顶,抢到礼

4、物。从而形成课堂上你争我赶,不甘示弱的场面,提高学生学习的积极性。(二)、Presentation:1、课件出示一封e-mail:Dear Lisa: Tomorrow is Saturday. What are you going to do? Im going to play with friends . Were going to have a picnic . After that , were going to take some photos and read some books . Can you play with me?Your friend Ben【设计思路】e-mail

5、对小学生来讲,是比较新鲜的事物,小学生比较感兴趣。本课时有8个词组,我把它们分开两组,分别通过两封e-mail来呈现。既可以降低难度,也可以吸引学生。2、Ask Ss try to read the e-mail,and present the four phrases: play with friends、 have a picnic、take some photos & read some books and the sentence structure :What are you going to do on vacation? Im going to .【设计思路】为了吸引学生,我特意

6、找了喜羊羊和懒羊羊们举行野餐、小熊们玩耍、熊宝宝看书等可爱的图片,让学生眼前一亮,兴致勃勃的学习这四个词组。3、Study and practise the four phrases and the sentences. Ask S to be a small teacher.【设计思路】在操练的过程中,我让读得比较准的学生来做小老师带读,一来可以锻炼优生的胆量,二来下面的学生读得更认真了。4、Game: Who read quickly?5、Guessing game:Look at a part of the picture,and guess the phases (Review the

7、 four phases).【设计思路】教育心理学研究表明,课堂上及时复习要比六小时以后复习的效率高出四倍。因此学习了4个词组后,我设计了两个游戏。通过游戏,了解学生对词组的掌握程度,也可以寓教于乐。6、课件出示另一封e-mail:Dear Ben: Im sorry. Im busy tomorrow. Im going to visit relativesin the morning. In the afternoon Im going to make models and surf the net. Im going to help Dad. I cant play with you.

8、Have a good time! Your friend Lisa【设计思路】通过回信,呈现出余下的4个词组,分层教学。7、Group work:Read the e-mail and study the four phases: help Dad、visit relatives、surf the net & make models.【设计思路】这4个词组中,有些单词学生已经学过。通过小组内互相学习,既可以培养学生的自学能力,也可以培养小组内合作交流。8、Study and practise the four phrases.9、Listen to the vocabulary twice

9、and read. Read after teacher/ Read together.10、Game: Mouthing.【设计思路】学习完8个词组后,进行游戏,有利于巩固词组的读音。11、According to the CAI,present the target ,listen and read. Divide the class into two groups.One group asks, one group answers.(三).Practice:1、Group work: Ask and answer each other “What are you going to do

10、on vacation? Im going to ”. Teacher makes a example first.2、Activity: Draw out a phase card and make a sentence“I going to ”. Teacher makes a example first.【设计思路】通过随机抽出词组,既复习了所学的词组,也操练了句子。加上以抽签的形式,也增加了趣味性。3、练习一:选择正确的动词,把下面的词组补充完整。 1、_ Dad A、have 2、_ some books B、help 3、_ a picnic C、read 4、_ some pho

11、tos D、play 5、_ with friends E、take4、练习二:选择题。( )1、_ are you going to do tomorrow? A.What B.Where C.Who( )2、Im going to play _ my friends. A.to B.at C.with( )3、Were going to _ some books. A.read B.watch C.see( ) 4、Im going to take some_. A.photoes B. photos C. photo【设计思路】四年级的英语课堂,我觉得需要一些笔头练习,以便于检查学生的学

12、习情况。(四)Summary.(五)Evaluation and Award.【设计思路】正确的评价,大大地提高学生学习的积极性。(六)Homework:1、Listen to the tape and read.2、Copy the new phrases.3、Make a survey: Ask your friends what they are going to do on vacation.【设计思路】调查活动的设计是对本课教学内容的有效巩固。人人参与活动体现了教学面向全体关注个体的教学理念。伴随着学生调查进一步深化,我们的课堂教学得到了延伸。我们清晰地看到,这延伸到课后的英语学习,无处不闪耀着创新的灵光。


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