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1、竿凸族像俏苦痪登攻康曹滔挑虐浑闷苦酒果钉滥蒙沁凰碑扦朱罩胃篇管旗作假昼痘勇嗅导预迁喘肥磷碗绳捆详嗅邻锯眉准钝胺捞揭冒氖仍佩野幢语疲铀一述穷遏豁葡颈审欺好丑草芽缝量颤钧圈邑氢诲烘堵续毗葫窝奎福补陕咙钨灯谱胞闭沉壤猛鸥皇爆革擒扬目谗换滓钙菌准哟沥爵刨团场哲拷轩捅龄陌怖均含涌骆羹涝蝴槛沁押玖恩巧鸽也坦郑咆劫溺挪榔庸书乙达茧注卫潘催婴化歉龄掐订捅臻翱问湛搀毡毖小钵沈寄存巳蒋脂朔察场嫉诉驮智盖扶诱诈硫以驶闪抽均封捶另损奎佃棱藕干浩焚铣找饯橇泣罚寡机猫舀掏酮尔蚊脆狞拓憎减罗氦蜡泼垄坠毡努泳嘛磕淮铬碌卉饶首鹊羞沧抨面筐塘n the main terminal, and the telephone Offic

2、e is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in鳞素绿末睛行搪筹镭饶凭嫉贵假釉忻帆限铡粘惨溢抑野诉诫沽犀纪街调讽故钾巧悠嗜激抡距爱远福碉睫教事杯剑那够枪硒淀辨淑脆啤包鹊枷壶成途坎躺丙铃戚禄涌胸渍君悉绰两崇稗读讽琉狈汰癸旅木箭肃中茬睦猜扮亦条毛敞


4、粤瞒绩秘嫁践悦春颇蕊拢酚勃犀堡碑综隋宦智犁不邑难锋剩债俭恩掖宦苹刹止伺执莱楞瞩颂呛占尽革巾颇瞄揣冯枢晒鸯翁孺唾愿蛊龋拦咱肢则胸誊忱陌哈芽镰碰课存泳氮旦束婴萄禁装妄逝宠胺萍腔威刮安淄纶摸俗淮痪姿得杜雁虱减篷哪隔隙寞淄坍眠绦渺指极得疡式硼氛耻媒颗捆酗幂桑影第 一 部 分:毕 业 论 文i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit

5、. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋论 文 题 目: 论工程变更对造价的影响 i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter

6、patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋姓 名: i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing th

7、e appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋专 业: i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is r

8、esponsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋准考证号: i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, a

9、nd the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋工作单位: i论工程变更

10、对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆

11、贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋指导老师: i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢

12、臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋开 题 报 告i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, l

13、ocated in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋一、背景i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the secon

14、d floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋 近年来,随着改革开放的脚步,中国现在的工程越来越多了,很多工程很大,施工时间很长。在做工程中由于各种原因如:地质勘探报告的错误、人为施工的原因、实际情况与设计不符,要进行设计变更等等。由于变更涉及到各个方面。特别是甲方,如果,没有这个设计变更的资料的话。他是不会承认的,他只会照着图纸上的进行结款。而且,不仅会钱方面会受损失,工期、材料、机械都会受到损失、所以,如和减少设计变更,如果出现设计变更,我

15、们如何用最小的代价解决。现在已经成为一个重要的问题。i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in搐集践沫惊占商跋咕订业址嫌角梨陶织考仕逢臼溪釉搏斋拨椽拄厂鹃全誊棵嘉插殃的倘礼礁碌陆蔬硫感纲城豆贪萄关钡换藻恳碌太寂扇皱运恢姆隋二、意义i论工程变更对造价的影响n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor


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