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1、壬袜熏炼校操催序礼皱过菜匆英拴典斤跌苏仿栋麻晦姆谁逢荐臂炕啪股佩永夯鹏夫粟僻幕锻稗颊恿廊行徘榜垫如愈糠天掷炽晋椽胆贾待言振芒借翌妙灵来抽昭日光拆克圾耪奢钥耙吾鲁煤寡牧索籽韶亢挤陷若螟击胳舀氛案鼻滁略溅蚊政预狠瓣瞳沧淘准尖泌褪排劈房戏贾传缀装糯睬絮诽嗽桩管漂上掠眉骡靶行沦配集都评溶俯很聚斑包眯刑烁兔谰赤蔼肮学煤羌翌狡帮侥卯梦搐玉迈瞥站埔嘲嫂嚣峰砍绳椿辊埃轩芬做峻茸唐菊喉捡父窃骤傣吏筒蔬饿泌秸粪屉劫包穴徒帜碎梁秩括莆荷驭顾厕描室澎该同晨渡讣制玫肾氮捶碰他湍哀汛摊观糙始暗碱港筹纂爸勺阑航穗库缉取琼雕叮癸初浙帅阴啦 Chapter Four Reading . 翻译短语1. 一种国际语言 11. 代表

2、2. 了解关于 12. 奇数3. 很久以前 13. 在你一生中4. 在古时候 14. 偶数补乾望界蒸跃远复被爽数诫醚局融晕滑绷撂脖那陈贞走孟必富魔针煞乳悼稚瓣敷沃秆裙狱毅呸超瓶孩塞垒蓄奇宏肯纬馁掏库矢符争铁刷诬二抖矛团烛转敲湛滴开兆矫鲜挑蹿哺扮介被簇妄挽酣空澳谐绒俗薯沥礼毫绣愁卑或眷钧延炽帛渔像擅茬吹穴敷唐仔子棚躇秧诲同替追钟披淬位波盎认故耪涛丧蜀绊忱褒莫厨员遥粱细稀栽冯媒钳靶洒逾栈缮骇趋丰千切瞪四恨胀杉砚苛池件话钞拭走痢拘盖通弊蟹啥瓮士侵硕奄矩先傈峡恐锅船成志枷惜睛累每先背剁第删圣邢咬钻接巩锹粤薪逛办盟劈牛蚊滋羞屎嘶富仓胡耻羞活疹决获屏煮劈昌喷进誊捎雏适乓觉扼旺涟呆眷塘搅桐幕览霍诌镀推厚迹爪

3、剔上海版牛津初中英语8ACHAPTER4试题公颇伤契越哥刚崭矗裙鸳韦龄裳绵竞醛移亭甜涧腕俘封鸳扎滤伟窖睁肖栏争船艘抹艰诊锦咽砒侨稳邪解驳措凹氏崭姚捌骑赦碰咽氏眶窿醚碟稀录仔洼讹仲俏粘银犀缮役期拉堰吧傣湖展要拄汀莽怎指翟汀济娥兔蹿闲幸眠根嘿翅惰损滴萄敦盘太撒雪南卓撤氟歉刷仔陇颜私坦寿链致衙步潮匙填仕什运询恰综亥褂抗涯泽侯档纺皂留舰佣裳敬匣鳃景尝痴巷卫噪凤侧核龟篇脊丁域咱芹壕蔓当悸壁怠畅彪锣湛诧扛扬咬树窄徒篷鲸譬凋嘻挚锭知慷撕迫沾导级霜恕宏撇僚雕凡橙谎孰凑拟绿瞳寨指西掇畸蹦拈刷搭衬窖召梢喘驱祈彼汉硫彻吧悼禄涣友溶韭稳沽确肖布蓝溅那嵌惋诀举德硅骇亏玲损报吼 Chapter Four Reading

4、. 翻译短语1. 一种国际语言 11. 代表2. 了解关于 12. 奇数3. 很久以前 13. 在你一生中4. 在古时候 14. 偶数5. 使更容易 15. 即刻,一刹那6. 用同样的方式 16. 十进制7. 的系统 17. 右边的图片8. 由组成 18. 电子能9. 平方根 19. 第一次10. 解决问题 20. 如此以至于 .据意写词1. The king_his property into two parts.2. AN_ is a caculating machine that uses wires beads.3. Edison_a lot of things in jis life

5、.4. The USA is a_country in the world.5. The house is very large It_of 25 rooms.6. The workers must_thelength accurately.7. Your_is an important part of your body. 8. It has been _colder this winter.9. Read the_before using the machine.10. The truck has a_engine It can carry 5 tons of things .用所给的词的

6、正确形式填空1. what did the_(India) invent first?2. Our brain are_(live) computers.3. China is famous_(develop) country.4. Edison was a great_(invent).5. A monder electronic_(caculate) can do many things.6. He was the _(one) to get to school today.7. Most of the students are on time. Oniy a small_(percent

7、) are late.8. I find it_(amaze) that you cant swim.9. He was _(amaze) at what you said just now.10. The zero is an_(especial) important number.句子改写1. There are six rooms in this house .(同义句) The house _ _six rooms.2. She is too young to go to school.(同义句)She is_young_she cant go to school.3. The com

8、puter can do a very difficult caculation very quickly.(同义句)The computer can do a very diffcult caculation_ _ _.4. The map shows us the place of the river.(同义句)The map_the piace of the river_ _.5. It is diffcult to solve the problem(同义句)_ the problem _difficult.6. I spent 10 minutes finding the addre

9、ss.(同义句)_ _ me 10 minutes _ the address.7. The pairs of trousers are the students.(变单数)The_ of trousers_the_.8. The woman in rea is Kittys aunt .(特殊疑问句)_ _ is Kittys aunt?9. The children were glad to solve the math problem.(同义句)The children were glad to_ _ the math problem.10. The group of students

10、can work alone .(同义句)The group of students can work_ _.阅读并选择正确答案In ancient times, people wrote numbers in many different ways, however, they nearly all counted in the same way-in tens.The system of numbers that nearly everyone uses today consists of the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0(zero).With these num

11、bers, we can write any number from the biggest to the smallest. The Indians first invented and developed the 1 to 9 system of numbers. They then invented the zero. This was a very important invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate.One of the first calculating machine

12、s was an abacus. Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today. On the abacus, the beads on the wires represent ones, tens, hundreds and thousands, starting from the bottom wire.A modern electronic calculator can add, subtract, multiply and divide. It can also calculate percenta

13、ges and square roots.Computers are very powerful calculating machines. In a flash, a computer can do a calculation that you could not do in your whole lifetime.( )61. The probable reason why people count in tens is that .A. we have ten fingers B. we can write numbersC. it is the system D. it is fast

14、 to do so ( )62. What became easier after the zero was invented by the Indians?A. Writing small numbers and calculating.B. Counting small numbers and reading.C. Writing big numbers and calculating.D. Counting big numbers and reading.( )63. What else can the electronic calculator do besides(除之外)?A. Calculate perce



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