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1、一般现在时或现在进行时练习一)请判断下列各题空格处动词的正确时态。1You cant see her now; she (have) a bash.2My parents (grow) older and older.3He usually (drink) coffee but today he (drink)tea.4The children (have) a good time at the party very much right now.5A:How (you usually get ) to work? B:I usually(go) by bus but tomorrow I (

2、go) in Toms car.6A:Why (you put) on your coat? B:I (go) for a walk.you (come) with me? A:Yes, Id love to. you (mind)if I (bring) my dog?7I dont know what she (talk) about, for she (speak) too fast. I am sure if she (speak) slower, I can understand her.8She (like) to talk very much. In fact, she (alw

3、ays talk and talk).9We (use) this room today because the windows in the other room is broken.10A:How are you today?B:I (feel) much better today, but I still (have) coughs.A:Then you had better go (to) see the doctor again.B:Yes. I (see) the doctor this afternoon.11A:He (always say) that hell quit sm

4、oking, but he (never do) it.B:Yes. Whenever I (see) him, he (smoke).12A: (You write) to her this evening?B:Yes, I (always write) to her on her birthday. (You want) to send her any words?13Tom and Mary (have) a long conversation. I (wonder) what they (talk) about.14A:This can (make) a very strange no

5、ise. (You think) it is all right?B:Oh, that noise (not matter). It always (make) a noise like that.15A: (You see) my hat anywhere?B:No, I (look) for it for you, too, but I (find) it nowhere.1.Iam_agreattimeinEngland.(have)2.Wearegoingto_somegrapes.(pick) 3.Idontlike_newspapers.(read) 4.Damingwasbore

6、dintheconcert,he_likethemusicatall. 5.We_aclasspartylastSaturday,It_fantastic.(have,be) 6.Wewill_anotherpartythisSaturday.(have) 7.Wewill_thereattenoclock.(go) 8._yourcousinliveinLosAngeles?No,_. 9._youheartherainlastnight?No,_. 10._Daminglookingforhisdog?No,_. 11._yougoabroadintheholidays?No,_. 12.

7、_themoonneartotheearth?Yes,_. 13.Whattime_yougetup?Igotupat7:30thismorning. 14.Whichcountry_Linglingvisitnextmonth? 15.What_youlookingfor? 16.Where_youhavelunch?Ihavelunchatschool. 17._doyoulikeAustralia?BecauseIlikeKangaroos.答案:1having2pick3reading4doesnt5had,was6have7go8Does,hedoesnt9Did,Ididnt10I

8、s,heisnt11Did/Will,Ididnt/wont12Is,itis13did14will15are16do17Why II. 名词复数形式和数词的练习.1. There are _(58个学生)in our class.2. There are _(65个班级)in our school.3. I have _(13本书) in my schoolbag.4. Are there _(73套桌椅) in this classroom?5. Therere _(27个男生)and _(31个女生) in my class.6. There are _(15台计算机) in that

9、room.7. My grandma is _(82岁).8. There are _(44位女老师) in her school.9. There are _(94位男医生) in that big hospital,10. I can see _(几只鸟) in the tree.11. _(多少幅画) are there in you bedroom ?12. I have _(3本字典).13. Can you see _(一些风筝) in the sky ?14. Our school has _(2个图书馆) .15. There are _(12个月) in a year.16. Pauls father is _(57岁).17. There are _(13辆公共汽车) on the street.18. We can see _(18个妇女) over there.19. There are _(22个孩子) in the room.20. I can see _(六杯茶) on the table.III. 用some和any填空.1. I have _good friends in my class.2. Is there _water in the bottle ?3. Do you have _money ?4. They dont have _


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