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1、Book 4 Unit 2 What time is it ? A Lets learn &lets do( 提高课)教学目标与要求:(1)能三会;听、说、认读主要单词和词组: music class ; PE class ; English class ; breakfast ;lunch ;dinner (2)能认读句子:What time is it?并能实际回答:Its Its time for (3)能听懂指示话,并按要求做出相应动作。教学重难点:(1)重点让学生掌握日常生活中的6个词组和单词 (2)难点是对新句型的理解和实际运用并扩展课前准备:教师准备一个家用大钟;6张单词卡片;3

2、张句型条。教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up1. Sing a song: Ten Little Candles Dance2. Review the numbers 1-50Step2:Lead-in1. T: Today I bring a new friend to our class. What is it?学生猜出是clock.2. T: What time is it? 操练,(小组逐个读,集体读)T: Itsoclock.教师拨时钟,学生看闹钟,回答。 3. 教师用身体示范时间,并请学生回答。学生两人小组操练。请几组上台表演。(第一,教师在示范时应注意时针和分针同时动起来,

3、注意活动的真实性。第二,时间演示时,需要注意学生站的方向: 两名学生面对面站好,一名学生面对班级,猜的同学背对班级,使其他学生看得更清楚些。)Step 3 Presentation & Practice1. 表演时钟6点钟。引出我的朋友Zoom。T:Where is Zoom?( bedroom)T: What is he doing?(sleeping)T: What time is it ?(7:00)T: He thinks it was early. So he sleeps again. Now what time is it ?(8:00) He wakes up and wear

4、s his clothes, he washes his face and goes to the dinning room. T: Its 8 oclock. Its time for breakfast.教学breakfast. Time for breakfast, drink some milk.拓展:ea bread head dead(让学生读的时候,ea/e/ bread head dead,最后再回到单词breakfast)2. T: Its late. Zoom runs to school.Now where is Zoom now?( In the classroom)W

5、hat class is it?(English class) 教学 English classWhat time is it now?(9:00)教学: Time for English class, read and write.3. 同样的方法教music class, sing and dance4. 铃声响。教授 lunch. T: What would you like for lunch?What would Zoom like for lunch? 教授“Time for lunch, eat some chicken.” 编新chant : Time for lunch, h

6、ave some chicken; Time for lunch, drink some soup Yummy, yummy, yummy!5. T: Now Zoom is doing sports. Where is Zoom? Guess.(Playground)教学P.E. class.T: What time is it?(3:00) Time for P.E. class. Jump and run.Sing a song(两只老虎曲调):What time is it? What time is it? Its 3oclock. Its 3 oclock. Time for P.

7、E. class. Time for P.E. class. Jump and run. Jump and run.6. T: Now school is over. Zoom is home now. What time is it ?(6:00)Its time for dinner. (教授dinner). 引出Time for dinner, eat some rice.(动作演一演)7. 复习六个单词词组:1.玩炸弹游戏 2. 快听快做。 Step4 Consolidation and extension1. Zooms diary. 学生帮zoom一起回忆白天的活动,完成填空。并集

8、体朗读一遍。A. breakfast B. English class C. music class D. lunch E. chicken F. P.E. class G. dinner(这个环节,课前将作业纸发给学生,请学生先做一遍,可以选择填空,再校对答案,再集体朗读。)2. Game : Choose a present and answer the question.(礼物盒子换成钟面的形式,符合本课的主题time. 操作的时候点击一个消失一个。)Step 5 Homework1. Do workbook p8.2. Talk about your day activities with your partner.


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