八年级英语上册 Module 10 Laoshe’s Teahouse 课中强化类训练 外研版

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1、一鼓作气 (课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练) .Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示写出单词。)1.My f book isThe Snow White.2.We all a to go to the farm next week.3.A lot of customers like watching aat the teahouse.4.In the end,the captain fin love with Maria and married her

2、.5.He read three novels dhis stay in Beijing.6.The old woman is a seventy years old,but she can look after herself.7.Which do you like better,pop or f music?答案:.1.favorite2.agree3.acrobatics4.fell5.during6.almost7.folkExercises for phrases(短语专练).Complete the sentences according to the Chinese meanin

3、gs.(根据汉语提示完成句子。)1.A:Do you know the writer of Teahouse?B:Yeah,its Laoshe.He is one of (最伟大的中国作家) in the twentieth century.2.The film shows the peoples lives in a small village 1900 2000.(在和之间).3.A:Have you seen the film (音乐之声)? B:Yes, (最精彩部分)of the film is the singing.4.A:Where you go?(想要)B:We decid

4、ed (去京剧院).5.The teahouse is the (的中心) the small town.People like to go there.答案:.1.the greatest Chinese writers2.between. and3.the Sound of Music,the best part4.would,like to,to go to the opera5.center ofExercises for function items(交际用语专练).Number the sentence to make a conversation.(排列顺序组成一段完整的对话。)

5、a.No problem.May I have your name?b.Thank you very much.c.Hello!Is that Sunshine Teahouse?d.John Brown.e.Yes.What can I do for you,sir?f.Of course.They are wonderful.Im sure youll have a good time.g.OK,Mr.Brown.We offer you a warm welcome.Anything else?h.Well,I want to book a table for three tonight

6、.Is that OK?i.Not at all.j.Yeah,can we watch some performances?答案:.c e h a d g j f b iExercises for grammar(语法专练).Unscramble the question sentence then answer it.(把问题部分连词成句并作回答。)1.agree Sunday to do where go you onQ:?A: .2.cook be a to he is hope goodQ:?A:e to you who do you withQ:?A:.4.house they b

7、uy to can agree a new Q:?A:.5.try again dont it you why to do Q:?A:.答案:.1.Q:Where do you agree to go on Sunday?(答语略)2.Q:Is his hope to be a good cook?(答语略)3.Q:Who do you want to come with?(答语略)4.Q:Can they agree to buy a new house?(答语略)5.Q:Why dont you try to do it again?(答语略)Sentence structure trai

8、ning(句子结构专练) .Rewrite the following sentence according to the request in the parentheses.(根据括号中的要求改写下列句子。)1.Id like to see Beijing Opera one day.(改为一般疑问句) youto see Beijing Opera one day?2.We went to the theatre last night.(改为否定句)We to the theatre last night.3.It takes place in a house in old Beijing.(就画线部分提问) it take please?4.Laoshe wrote Teahouse in 1957.(就画线部分提问) Laoshe write Teahouse?5.I think this film is very interesting. (就画线部分提问) do you of the film?答案:.1.Would;like2.didnt go3.Where does4.When did5.What;think


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