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1、教 案(首页)课程名称口语授课专业2006级商贸系班级1234班授课方式课堂讲授( ) 实践课( )考核方式考试( ) 考查( )课程类别 必修课公共必修课( ) 专业必修课( )选修课公共选修课( ) 专业限选课( ) 专业任选课( )课程总学时136学时周学时8学时学时分配课堂讲授 120 学时;实践课 16 学时教 学目 标1培养学生练习英语口语的兴趣及自信心,使其能自觉并积极地参与到口语练习中。教师通过引入生动活泼的话题,是学生有话可说,并且说之成理,达到以英语交流思想的目的,发挥语言的功能。2教授学生基本的发音方式,以及一些基本的发音技巧。使学生能独立地正确地拼读音标。比如重音,音调

2、,浊化,连读,吞音的。3学生通过口语练习,既能运用所学知识,检验所学知识,又能在练习口语的过程中,发现自己学习中的不足,有目的地进行学习。使用教材教材名称现代大学英语口语3编(著)者杨立民 龚雁 金利民出版社及出版时间外语教学与研究出版社 2005年11月第1版指定参考书现代大学英语口语3 教师用书教 案周 次第1 周,第1 次课授课时间2007年 9 月 3 日授课章节The wishes and opinions本(章)节授课方式课堂讲授( ) 实践课( )教学时数8授课要点本 (章) 节 教 学 目 标1To learn some useful expressions or senten

3、ces for Good Wishes、Toasting and Opinion; 2To convey ones wishes to others and state own opinion by organizing sentences correctly and decently.3. To encourage small-group discussion for topics and team-work spirit which are both important for their future study and career.教 学 重 点 和 难 点1. Key points

4、: how to organize sentences correctly and fluently to convey wishes and state ones own opinion. (the learning and using of Lexical Chunks)2. Difficulties: connect the former knowledge and the newly-learnt sentence pattern together to internalize them; organize student activities and arouse their int

5、erest in speaking English.思考题或作 业Consult more information about the speaking habits of showing wishes and opinions both in china and in other countries.教学内容与组织安排Lead-in or warm-up activities (10); An interesting game for arousing students interest for speaking English(20); Useful expression input (2

6、0);Pair and group practice (30). Comments and Assignment(10)The means of organizing class activities: TSS SSSSSS TS .Lead-in or warm-up activities (10)1. For the first class, the teacher gives a self-introduction and set the class rules.2. Ask students to describe their experiences in summer vacatio

7、n at least in three words or phrases. (If possible, students can write them on blackboard).3. Two questions for students to consider: what have you learnt last term and what is your expectation in the new semester? (free talking). An interesting game for arousing students interest for speaking Engli

8、sh. (20)Name: what is the student describing?Direction: one student is describing one object in English and the other students guess what the described object is?words list: Apple monkey football cry laugh hospital tea music taxi toothbrush party hotel dumpling porridge ice-cream flag glass hat play

9、ground moon-cake travel. Useful expression input (20)Good Wishes All the best!The very best of luck with you!3. Allow me to offer my warmest congratulations on your wedding!4. Let me congratulate you on your wedding!5. May I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary!6. Please accept my heartiest

10、congratulations.ToastingTo your wedding!Cheers!Toast!Lets drink for your 10th wedding anniversary!Bottoms up! OpinionWhat do you make of it?What would you say if I What are you feeling about What is your action to his objection?How do you feel about In my opinion, it makes no sense.As I see it, the

11、matter is it is unfair.In my view, jogging is good for healthTo be frank/ to be honest, smuggling is unavoidable. Ive nothing to say about it. .Pair and group practice (30).Given some situation , for example, in a party or family get-together, how you will express yourself for friendly relationship

12、to others (wishes or toasting), and the teacher encourages students to use the phrases learnt in part .ask students to discuss the third question proposed in partand they can form a group or pair discussion. Each group or pair will present their opinion. And the teacher also encourages students to u

13、se the phrases learnt in part . Comments and Assignment(10)The teacher summarizes what we have learnt in the class and comments students performance by correcting some pronunciation. The teacher also recommend students to practice after class and read references or listen to tapes.教 案周 次第2 周,第2 次课授课

14、时间2007年 9 月 11 日授课章节Table manners本(章)节授课方式课堂讲授( ) 实践课( )教学时数8授课要点本 (章) 节 教 学 目 标1To be more familiar with some expressions about table manners both in china and western countries.2To make comparison between the table manners in china and western countries (including some taboos).3. To form a dialogu

15、e about going to dinners in western style food restaurant, ordering dishes, tipping and so on. (the whole procedure for dinner)教 学 重 点 和 难 点1Key points: the usual expressions in table manners and the procedures in having dinners in western style food restaurant.2. Difficulties: the differences of table manners between china and western countries and how to be


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