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1、英文求职信模板(一)pil 1,202X .OBx 36 inghu Unieriy Beijg,ina10084 Der Sir/Madam: ordvertiseent for a Network Mantnce Engineer in eArl 10 Studen aily intereted me acause pition hatyo esbed sonds acty lik thkinofjob I aseeg. According tothe advertisemnt,yo psitio reques op uivriy,Bachloror avein ompter Sine o

2、r euivalent fe an prficientin WindosN4.0 ad LNU Syste.I fel tha I am coment to meet the rqieents. wil berduting o Grate choolf ingha Univerty thi yarwih a M.S. degre. My tudies have inlude coue i comutrcntrol an mngmetad designea nrol simulatio sym developdwith Microso Visul Itrev and Sever Durig m

3、duction, Iha grasped thepincipof m aran skills of prctc. Not ony have I passed CT6, but more imortant Ican communicate wtohers freely in nglsh. My aility torit ad s ngish s out f quetion. I oul aprciateour time in reing my enlsed esued heris ay diionainformaon yu reuire,pleasecontacte.I ouldwelcman potunt to meetih you fr pesonl intie. With many anks, Wang in


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