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1、Unit3 Getting TogetherTopic 1 Does he speak Chinese?Section BI. Material analysis 本节课是本话题的第二课时,主要活动是1a。通过Jane和Kangkang谈论笔友的对话场景,学习实义动词live/say/visit在第三人称单数一般现在时中的陈述句、一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答等,同时也进一步巩固人称代词的主格和宾格的用法。II. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读和拼写下列词汇并运用于情景对话中:lot, a lot, about, live, s

2、ay,visit;能在Section A的语法基础上,正确运用speak, live, say, want等实义动词第三人称单数的一般现在时的陈述句、一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答,同时巩固人称代词的主格和宾格的用法;能在情景对话与人物汇报中,运用“表达询问、谈论喜好、结交笔友”等交际功能的基本表达形式,如:(1)Does he speak Chinese? No, he doesnt. (2)Does he live in England? Yes, he does. (3)Does Lucy like China? Yes, she does.2. Skill aims 能听懂有关表达询问、

3、请求、谈论喜好的简单对话或叙述; 能根据图片就表达询问、请求、谈论喜好等的话题进行交流、陈述或问答训练; 能正确地朗读对话,并根据图文理解相关话题,抓住大意,并根据要求进行学习活动; 能写出表达询问、请求和谈论喜好的简单句子,能用第三人称单数写出一篇介绍人物的短文。3. Emotional aims在对话、汇报、问答等课堂活动中,提高学习英语的兴趣,并敢于开口说英语,积极参与课堂活动。III. The key points and difficult points 在对话操练、短文汇报呈现、两两问答等活动中,能够熟练运用实义动词live/visit的第三人称单数的一般现在时陈述句、一般疑问句及

4、其肯定、否定回答以及人称单词的主格和宾格的用法。IV. Learning strategies1.学生能够清楚、大声地朗读课文对话。2.在学习过程中向老师和同学寻求帮助。3.培养学生借助教学挂图、表格等非文字信息帮助理解的习惯。V. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图和黑板。VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (10 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Individual work.3.The whole cl

5、ass work and individual work.4.Pair work.1.Focus their attention on the teacher.2.Do duty report. Talk about something related to the topic in this section. 3.Play “bingo” game. Make a table with nine grids. Score out the words which you hear. When the words are in line of three, stand up and say “b

6、ingo” loudly.4.Practice the dialogues and expressions in Section A in pairs. Then report to the class. 1.Greet students ready for learning.2.Help the students to express correctly.3.Read the words of Section A: could, tell, sure, pen pal, some, with, problem, well, often. Help the students to revise

7、 them.4.Check their pronunciation, the sentence stress and liaison while they are practicing.Presentation (10 minutes)1. Pair work.2. Individual work, pair work and the whole class work.1. Do 1a. Student A takes out the passage he/she wrote in last class and changes it with his/her friend, student B

8、, whom he/she found in last class. student B reads the passage to C student. C asks some questions about A.e.g. “Who is the letter from?”, “Does he speak English?”, “Does he live in England?” B answers the questions according to As passage.After that, B and C fill in the blanks in the following shor

9、t passage together:The passage is from A. He is Bs _. In the letter, he says he _ in China now. He _ a little English. He _ to find a friend to _ him _ his English.Then one student reads the passage you have finished to the class.2.Look at the teaching pictures of 1a and the table in 1b. Try to know

10、 some backgrounds and get the main idea of the conversation. Then listen to the tape with 1a covered. Complete the table in 1b. Check the answers with your partner. Then listen again and the whole class check the answers. Look at 1a and read after the tape sentence by sentence.1.Remind the students

11、to use correct forms of the verbs and personal pronouns while asking and answering. Present some new words in this section: live, say, lot, a lot, about.2.Show the teaching pictures of 1a. Lead the students to guess before listening. Play the tape.Consolidation (5 minutes)1.Group work and pair work.

12、2.Individual work and pair work1.Do 1c. Read 1a in groups and then practice the conversation in pairs. After that, make up a new one and act it out with your partner.2.Do 1d. Complete the passage based on 1b individually. Then discuss the answers with your partner and report it to the class. 1.Corre

13、ct the students pronunciation, sentence stress, and liaison.2.Check the answers. Make sure the students use the form of the verbs correctly.Practice(10 minutes)1.Individual work.2. Pair work.1.Do 2a. Read the four questions in 2a. Guess the main idea of the listening material and write down the answ

14、ers you think. Then listen to 2a and write down the key words. Report the answers to the class. Pay attention to the correct form of the verbs come, live, like, speak.2.Do 2b. Make a short report with the information in 2a, using the words and expressions in the box in 2b. Check with your partner. T

15、hen report to the class.1.Lead the students to learn to guess the main idea by reading the questions before listening. Play the tape and check the answers after listening. 2.Lead the students to correct the mistakes each other. It will make them feel more confident before reporting in front of the class.Production (10 minutes)1.Group work. 1. Sit in groups of eight. Ask and answer some questions one by one with the verb


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