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1、教师寄语:Unit 3 My weekend planPeriod 1 Section A Lets learn /Make a plan P25 First things first .(重要的事情先做)Learning aims(学习目标)1.四会单词及短语:visit film trip supermarket tomorrow tonight evening see a film/ take a trip / next week2.理解句子:What are you going to do today ? Im going to see a film.Important &diffic

2、ult points(重难点 )1. 能准确的读出和写出新的单词和短语。2. 能用 What are you going? Im going to? 进行问答练习。Learning steps (学习步骤)Step1 : 预习温故(用时 5 分钟)1、T: GreetingsT: How do you come to school? S: Usually, I come on foot/.T: Spell them , please! S: o-n, f-o-o- t/.2、T: How can I get to Pan Zhihua ? S: You can take a bus/taxi.

3、Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时 15 分钟)Lets learn new phrases1)T: What are you going to do today ?(引出时间短语 this morning /this afternoon/ this evening/ next week/tonight/tomorrow 出示单词卡片,教读,学生小组、或同桌 练习)2)T: What are you going to do this morning ?S: Im going to visit my grandparents/ take a trip /see a film/go to the

4、supermarket. (板书或出示单词卡片,教读,学生小组、或同桌练习)3) Listen to the tape and repeat.4) Use these new phrases to make sentences. (替换练习)Eg: What are you going to do next week/ ? Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时 10 分钟)Im going to see a film/.11. 领读 Lets learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。2. Make a plan (ask and answer in pairs, then finish t

5、he forms)S1:What are you going to do this morning/?S2:Im going to visit my grandparents/.3板书下列句子:(叫学生记笔记在书上)What are you going to do +时间短语? 译:时间+你准备/打算干什么? I m going to +动词短语. 译:我准备/打算Step 4. 达标检测(用时 8 分钟)一根据汉语提示,补全句子。1) I come to school _ _. (骑自行车)2) Tom goes to school _ _(步行).3) (减速)and (停) at a y

6、ellow light.4) Stop and (等)at a red light.二、选择搭配1)傍晚2)今天下午3)明天4)今天早上5)take a trip 6) see a film 7)go to the supermarketa. this morning b. this afternoon c. tomorrow d. this evening e. 去超市 看电影三根据首字母及含有与提示,补全句子。1.W_ (什么)are you going to do next week?2.Im going to s_ a f_ (看电影)in the evening.3.Mike is

7、going to the bookstore t_(明天).四.完成下列句子:f.去旅行g.1.Im going to take a trip _ _(下周).2.Im going to _ _( 看我爷爷奶奶 ).3.Im going to read a magazine _ (在今晚 ).Step 5.布置课后作业(用时 2 分钟 )学生正确的抄写并背诵四会单词短语:visit film trip supermarket tomorrow tonight evening/see a film/ take a trip / next week2学生小结:这节课我学到了:_ Step 6.板书

8、设计:Unit 3 My weekend plannew phrases-What are you going to do - Im going to 教学反思:Period 2 Section A Lets try/Lets learn P24教师寄语:First things first .(重要的事情先做)Learning aims(学习目标)1.掌握四会句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have an art lesson. We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Par

9、k.2.能用四会句型对 Let s talk 标注的动词短语进行替换练习。3.能够完成 Lets try 部分听录音选出正确答案。Important &difficult points(重难点 )1.重点:掌握四会句型。2.难点:流利朗读 Lets talk 部分中对话,并能替换关键词进行替换。 Learning steps (学习步骤)Step1 : 预习温故(用时 5 分钟)1. Go over the old words and phrases : visit film trip supermarket tomorrow tonight evening see a film/ take

10、a trip / next weekT: What are you going to do today/ ? S: Im going to see a film/.T: Can you go swimming/ today ? S: Yes, I can ./No , I cant.Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时 15 分钟)Lets talk1) The telephone is ringing.T(Mike): Hello, Sarah. Its Mike.Sarah:Hi, Mike.M: What are you going to do tomorrow?3S: Im going

11、to have an art lesson.M: What are you going to do in your lesson ?S:were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park .What about you ? M: Im going to see a film tomorrow.S:Have a good time.M: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. S: OK. Bye.2) Listen to the tape and imitate(模仿) the dialogue.3)

12、带领学生理解难点的句子和读音。Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时 10 分钟)1) Use the phrases to make new dialogues.(可选上)T:What is Mike/ going to do ? S: He/She is going to go ice-skating/ . T: What is going to do ? S: They are going to make a snowman/.2) Listen to the tape and finish Lets try .3)Listen and act the dialogue .Step 4

13、. 达标检测(用时 8 分钟)一、英汉互译。1.去旅行( )3.看望我祖父母( ) 5. next week ( ) 7. tomorrow ( )2. 看电影( ) 4.去超市( ) 6.this evening( )8. tonight ( )二、读一读,选一选。( )1.What are you going to do tomorrow?( )2. Im going to have an art lesson.( )3.I have to do my homework now.( )4.Im going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. ( )5

14、.Have a good time!A 我现在必须做家庭作业。B 我打算去人民公园画画。C 你明天打算做什么?4D 玩的高兴!E 我打算上一节美术课。三、填一填,读一读,译一译。1.What are you _ (go) to _(do) this evening?2.What _ (be) you going to buy ?3.I_ (be)going to the cinema .四、连词成句,并朗读句子。1、are/ what/ do/tomorrow /to/going/you/ (?)_ 2、going / Im /see a film/ to (.)_ 3、a /time/good/have (.)_


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