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1、仁爱七年级 Unit 4, Topic 1重点短语和句型1. 在店里 be in a shop2. 逛街 do (some) shopping3. 给某人买某物 buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.4. 一些衣服 some clothes 5. 女士 madam6. 我能为你做什么?What can I do for you?回答:_ _7. 我可以帮助你吗? 是的,请。- May/Can I help you? - Yes, please.8. 试穿某物 try on sth. = try sth. on on 为_词,可以放_词前或后。 当sth. 为_词时,on

2、 必须放_后。9. 试穿它/他们 try _ on10. 看起来很漂亮 look very nice11. 穿在某人身上看起来很漂亮 look very nice _ sb.12. 想要什么 want sth. = would like sth.13. 想去干某事 want to do sth. = would like to do sth.14. 想要某人去干某事 want sb. to do sth. = would like sb. to do sth.15. 某人想要什么。Sb. want/wants sth. = Sb. would like sth.16. 某人不想要什么。Sb.

3、dont/doesnt want sth. = Sb. would not like sth.17. 某人想要某物吗?Do/Does sb. want sth.? = Would sb. like sth.?回答:Yes, sb. do/does. = Yes, please.No, sb. dont/doesnt. = No, thanks.18. 某人想要什么呢?What do/does sb. want? = What would sb. like? 含want 的句子变否:_ 含want 的句子变疑:_ 含would like 的句子变否:_ 含would like 的句子变疑:_19

4、. 某人想要干什么。Sb. want/wants to do sth. = Sb. would like to do sth.20. 某人不想要干什么。Sb. dont/doesnt want to do sth. = Sb. would not like to do sth.21. 某人想要干某事吗?Do/Does sb. want to do sth.?= Would sb. like to do sth.?回答:肯:Yes, sb. do/does. = Yes, sb.d like to.否:No, sb. dont/doesnt. = Sb.d like to, but +拒绝理由。

5、22. 某人想要干什么呢?What do/does sb. want to do?= What would sb. like to do?23. 某物多少钱?某物是 - How much is/are sth.? = Whats the price of sth.?- It is /They are +价格。24. 好/不错。 Thats fine. = All right.25. 我们将买下它。 We will take it.26. 某人/某物/干某事怎么样啊?What/How about sb./sth./doing sth.?27. 二十 twenty28. 三十 thirty29.

6、四十 forty30. 五十 fifty31. 六十 sixty32. 七十 seventy33. 八十 eighty34. 九十 ninety 20-90的规律:_35. 二十一 twenty-one36. 二十二 twenty-two37. 二十三 twenty-three38. 二十四 twenty-four39. 二十五 twenty-five40. 二十六 twenty-six41. 二十七 twenty-seven42. 二十八 twenty-eight43. 二十九 twenty-nine 几十几的规律:_44. 一百 one hundred45. 两百 two hundred4

7、6. 101 one hundred and one47. 509 five hundred and nine48. 110 one hundred and ten49. 212 two hundred and twelve50. 999 nine hundred and ninety-nine 几百几和几百几十几的规律:_ _51. 我只是随便看看。Im just looking.52. 你觉得怎么样? How do you like sb./sth./doing sth.?= What do you think of sb./sth./doing sth.?53. 为什么干某事?Why n

8、ot do sth.? = Why dont you do sth.?54. 你是在开玩笑吗?Are you kidding?55. 我将要考虑一下。 Ill think about it.56. 不管怎么样还得谢谢你。Thank you all the same.57. 任何东西/一些东西(用于否/疑) anything58. 意思是指 mean 59. 列一个购物清单 make a shopping list60. 一公斤 a kilo of sth.61. 两公斤 two kilos of sth.62. 一包 a bag of sth.63. 两包 two bags of sth.64

9、. 一长条 a loaf of sth.65. 两长条 two loaves of sth.66. 一块 a bar of sth.67. 两块 two bars of sth.68. 一瓶 a bottle of sth.69. 两瓶 two bottles of sth.70. 一听 a tin of sth.71. 两听 two tins of sth. 量词的表示方法:_ 当数词1时,量词要加 _.72. 节约 save73. 巧克力 chocolate74. 可乐 Coke75. 请你帮我买些东西好吗?Could you help me do some shopping?76. 我们

10、需要什么?What do we need?77. 需要某物 need sth.78. 多少东西 how many +pl. how much + U.79. 就这些吗?Is that all?80. 是的,我是这么认为的。Yes, I think so.81. 它在这。Here it is.82. 某物有多重?How heavy is/are sth.?83. 让我帮助你。 Let me help you.84. some 的用法:一些 some + pl./U.用于肯定句中用于表提建议的句中e.g. Would you like some ? Why not do some ? = Why

11、dont you do some ? What/How about some ? Could/Will/Would you (please) do some ?85. any 的用法:一些 any + pl./U. 用于否/疑中任何一个 any +单n. 二、重点、难点(一) 用would like和want 的适当形式填空We would like noodles.= We _ noodles.2. The girl would like a bottle of water.= The girl _ a bottle of water.3. Would you like some milk?

12、= _ you _ some milk?4. Would Jim like some chicken?= _ Jim _ some chicken?5. What would they like?= What _ they _?6. What would Mike like?= What _ Mike _?7. We would like to have a rest.= We _ _ _ a rest.8. Tom would like to have lunch at home.= Tom _ _ _ lunch at home.9. Would you like to go out?= _ you _ _ _ out?10. Would Mike like to go shopping with me ?= _ Mike _ _ _ shopping with me?11. What would they like to do?= What _ they _ _ _?12. What would he like to do today?= What _ he _ _ _ today?13. I would like some eggs. 否:I _ _ _ _ eggs. 疑问:_



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