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1、心理健康教育与咨询中心解说词Commentary of Mental health education andconsulting center各位领导老师大家好:Every leaders and teachers:欢迎莅临我校心理健康教育与咨询中心参观指导! Welcome to visit our school mental health education and counseling center! 我中心成立于 2011 年 3 月, 是我校为广大师生提供心理健康教育与咨询服务的专业机构。 The center was established in March 2011,which

2、 is a professional institutions providing mental health education and consulting service for the teachers and students in our school. 中心隶属 学生工作处,建成了两百多平米的高标准专业咨询服务场所,面向我校广大师生 提供心理健康教育与咨询服务。This center affiliated to the student essence, building a high standard professional consultation service place

3、s that is more than two hundred square meters, providing mental health education and consulting service for the teachers and students in our school.进入大门这一侧是我校心理咨询师简介,这边上方的LED屏幕可以让来访者实 时了解我中心的服务信息,getting into this side of the door, this is a brief introduction about the psychological consultants of

4、our school, the LED screen can let visitors know the real-time information about our service center.向前走是我中心主题墙,主题墙设计为淡黄色波浪状,设计理念源于美国心理学 之父威廉詹姆士对于意识流的定义,他认为心理学主要研究对象是意识,而意识 是连续的流动的,这就是主题墙形状的来源。Ahead-walking is the theme wall of our centre, which is designed as light yellow wavy. The design concept co

5、mes from the definition of stream of consciousness defined by the father of American psychology William James. he thinks psychology is the main research object,consciousness and consciousness is the continuous flow, this is the source of the thematic wall shape.我中心墙面为淡黄色,地面为淡蓝色,淡黄色有让人心情趋于平静的作用,以 平和温

6、暖的感觉,淡蓝色给人以凉爽、安全的感觉,有助于来访者主动打开心扉。The wall of our center is light yellow and the ground is light blue. Light yellow has the effect of making people calming down with gentle and warm feeling. Light blue gives a person with cool and safe feeling to help visitors open their heart with initiative.首先看到的是中

7、心的办公室The first thing we see is the office of center. 办公室是教师日常办公、工作例会、接待来访、学生活动策划的重要场所。The office is the important place for teachers daily work, regular meetings, reception and students activity planning.接下来是办公室的行为观察室The next is Behavior observation room行为观察室根据功能不同划分为观察控制区、行为活动区,两个区域完全隔离, 只能通过单向玻璃进行

8、观察。Behavior observation room is divided into observation control area and activity of behavior area according to different functions. The two areas is completely isolated, it can only observed through a one-way glass.这里能够模拟现实生活情境中的社会群体行为以便于教学实验与研究。Here the social group behavior in real life situatio

9、ns can be simulated in order to do teaching experiment and research.同时有适合设备能够实时记录被试人员的行为动作、面 部表情以及语言信息,以便于对行为进行客观的分析与研究。At the same time there are suitable equipments that can record the behavior of movement, facialexpression and language information of the participants in order to do the objective

10、analysis and research on behavior.(进入团体咨询室)行为观察的目的和作用在于收集信息以便人们能对当时客体作相应的判断。The purpose of Behavior observation is collecting information so that people can judge the object accordingly. 获得的信息能够在专业领域开展行为教学实验与研究,从而能 够根据研究结果做出有针对性的心理训练、心理治疗以及行为矫正。 The obtained information can be used to carry out teac

11、hing experiment and research in the professional field, so that they can make targeted psychological training, psychotherapy and behavior modification according to the research results. 这间实验 室在不做行为观察时可以兼做团体咨询,满足小组成员的需要,如宿舍成员、家 庭成员的心理辅导。 When we do not do behavior observation, we can do group counsel

12、ing in this laboratory to meet the needs of the team members, such as dormitory members and family members psychological counseling.行为观察室对面是心理检测室Psychological Measurement Room is opposite to the Behavior Observation Room心理测量是指依据一定的心理学理论,使用一定的操作程序,给人的能力、人格 及心理健康等心理特性和行为确定出一种数量化的价值。我中心现有心理测评软 件数十种,可以为

13、来访者提供多种心理检测。既可以做大范围学生心理普查也可 以对来访者做临时测查,这样为学生准确把握自己的状况和发展方向提供了科学 的参考依据。Psychological Measurement, according to theories of psychology and applying operating procedures, is a certain quantitative value of psychological characteristics and behavior, such as human capacity, personality and mental health

14、. There are more than ten softwares in the center. So we can offer various measurement for visitors, for example, wide-range psychological census and visitors temporary examination,which can help them in providing scientific basis for accurately grasping their present situation and development.下面我们来

15、到的是阅读接待室Now we come to the reading reception room 我们在阅读接待室放置书架,配置心理健康专业书籍,来访者可以根据自己的需 要选择资料,同时等待咨询。也可以为心理咨询师提供有关心理教育方面的书籍, 并为来访者提供“来访者须知”,明确来访者和咨询师双方的权利和义务。同时墙 壁上有心理咨询师为我们挑选的心理学挂画。In the reading reception room, there are books on psychologicalhealth in bookshelves. Visitors can choose materials acco

16、rding to their needs when they wait for consultant. And we also provide books on psychological education for counselors and tips for visitors to clarify rights and obligations of two parties. Some psychological pictures hang on the wall, which are chosen by consultants.接下来请随我来到沙盘游戏室Now please follow me to sand table playroom沙盘游戏又称箱庭疗法,传自瑞士荣格分析心理学的多拉卡尔夫。Sand table games, also known as family therapy, is from the Swiss Jung analyt



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