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1、Unit 3My FriendsLesson 4(PEP小学英语 四年级上册) 兰化四校 宋佩筠一指导思想和理论依据:1.新课程标准理念注重三维目标的贯彻与实施,通过现代教育技术与课堂教学的合理整合,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,突出学生在教学中的主体地位。2. 新课程标准倡导任务型教学模式,要求尽量创建真实的语言环境,引导学生在任务情境中习得语言。二教材分析: 本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册的第三单元的第四课时,即B部分的第一课时,重点学习描述爱好的词汇music, science, computer game sports and painting,和句型He/She/My friend lik

2、es.,为下一课时进一步学习相关描述朋友样貌特征和爱好的对话做铺垫。三学情分析:学生经过本单元A部分的学习,学生已初步掌握了简单介绍朋友及其特征的词汇和句型表达:He /She is .He/She has . ,同时学习表达介绍朋友爱好的句型:He/She/My friend likes .A部分Lets play 中已做过一定的铺垫,本课时教学应通过大量的口语交际练习,让学生理解并掌握该句型。四教学目标:1)知识目标:a.能用He/She/My friend likes.表达描述学生的朋友。 b. 能听、说、认读有关爱好的三会词汇music, science, computer game

3、,sports and painting,2)能力目标:a.能根据指令做出相应的动作反应,如: listen to music ,do sports, 等等。.b.能用恰当的词汇和表达描述“手指朋友”的外貌特征.3)能力目标:注重培养学生细致观察和小组合作的能力。五教学重难点:本课时需要重点掌握五个有关爱好的生词:music, science, computer game, sports, painting,其中science,sports的发音稍有难度,学生容易发成/sais/,/sp?:ts/,要注意及时纠正;He/She/My friend likes .,这也是本课时的难点之一,尤其是

4、like与likes的区别使用;Lets do部分要求教师在正确示范的基础上引导学生迅速地作出相应的动作。六教学方法:自编儿歌、情景交际法、任务型教学法、俩俩合作、游戏等。七课前准备:PPT演示文稿,多媒体教学设备,5张相关单词图片,5个拇指小人或手偶玩具,一个毛绒玩具,1盘教学磁带、1台录音八教学过程A. Warm-up and revision:热身活动与复习巩固:1.Lets chant儿歌热身: Ss watch the screen and chant together.2. Talk about Finger Friend or Toy Friend: 谈论手指朋友或玩具朋友 a.

5、 Teacher shows the five finger friends on the hand, introduces one of them to the Ss.b. Ask someone to introduce ones own finger friend or toy friend, using the structures theyve learned in Part A: This is my Finger Friend./I have a finger friend. He/She is. He/She has.(设计意图:在学生学完Part A后,让学生自制“手指朋友”

6、或自带玩偶,直观生动,为学生创设表达情境,巩固所学重点表达用语。)B. New lesson新课1. Teaching the new words and the new drills教学新单词与新句型。a. Presentation引入T: I am an English teacher. I like English very much. What do you likeS:I like (English, Chinese, math, etc) T: What about our friends, Chen Jie, John, Sarah, Zhang Peng,Wu Yifan? W

7、hat do they like? Lets watch the screen.(CAI)T: (After watching) Question 1: What does Chen Jie like?S: She /Chen Jie likes music.(Teach to say the new word music with the word card.)T: Do you like music? Ss: Yes.T: Do you have music class? Ss: Yes.T: I like music. I often listen to music.(do the ac

8、tion)Follow me, please.(Ss follow the teacher to do the action listen to music.T: Now, follow me, please: She likes music. My friend likes music.(Stick the card on the board and write the 2 drills on the board, the letter s after like is emphasized with red. )(设计意图:教学单词时,贯穿相关动词短语表达及重点句型的教学,提前铺设,让学生在

9、句子表达中感知生词的使用,以此突破教学难点。)b. Teach other words in the same way.b. Lets do.1).T gives the instructions, Ss do the actions.2).T does the actions and Ss say out the instructions.3).Ask someone to be a teacher to say or to do, others to do or to say.4). Do the actions after the two children on the screen.

10、(CAI)2. Practicea. Ask and answer in pairs.T: What do you like? S1(S2,S3,S4): I like .(Answer with the words theyve just learned.)T: What does he/she like? (point to the student)Ss:(help Ss to say)He/She/My friend likes .(设计意图:利用已学句型What do you like? I like.和本节课所学生词进行问答,由第一人称表达I like.自然向第三人称转述表达过渡,进

11、一步突破了难点,同时也在句子表达中巩固了单词。)b. Task time(CAI) 1)Show the task on the screen, tell Ss to interview a partner, answering with the words(pictures)in the given form anddescribe the friend with the given structures.2)Work in pairs for a few minutes.3)Have a check ,ask someone to describe his friend.(设计意图:体现任

12、务型教学理念,让学生在完成任务的同时,适时地运用所学词汇、句型,达到学以致用的教学目的。)c. Guessing game: Who is he/she?1)T makes an example about Miss Horse(toy)s description2)Find several Ss to have a description of ones friend .with the help of Miss Horse and the music tape. Ss may describe with the given structures .(设计意图:本环节设计轻松愉快的“猜谜游戏

13、活动,将对朋友的描述又一次派上了用场,将课堂气氛推向了新高。)4.Conclusion and homeworka. Make a conclusion about this lesson.b. Show Homework on the screen. a. Draw a picture of your best friend.画一张你最好朋友的图画。b. Describe something about him/her.对他(她)进行描述。5.BoardDesign板书设计Unit 3 My Friends Lesson 4She likesHe likesMy fMy friend likes



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