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1、晏阳初中学九年级英语复习导学方案周厚芳 北碚区晏阳初中学 英语 主备人周厚芳审核人学生姓名执教人使用时间班级课题复习被动语态课型复习目标A级目标:理解语态基本概念,掌握常见的语态转换。B级目标:在语境中理解和运用被动语态。复习重点1. 掌握一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。2. 理解一般将来时的被动语态。复习难点1. 掌握被动语态中be动词形式的确定。 2. 掌握主动语态中省略to的宾补在被动语态中须补上to3. 掌握双宾语的被动语态4. 掌握在语境中理解和运用被动语态。学前准备九年级上英语书、导学案和笔记本环节学习过程学法指导自主学习导学提纲1. 请同学们快速看教材九上P124语法被动语态,

2、理解被动语态的概念。2. 掌握一般现在时、一般过去式被动语态的结构及用法以及理解一般将来时的被动语态的结构及用法,并快速完成“复习检测”。1、 复习检测一、英语动词分两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 主动语态表示_ 是动作的_。 被动语态表示_ 是动作的_。 被动语态的基本结构为: 承受者+ + + by +执行二、快速写出并尽量记住下列时态的被动语态构成。一般现在时:主语 + _ + _ 一般过去时:主语 + _ + _一般将来时:主语 + _ + _ +_2、 三、 快速写出下列不规则动词的过去分词并尽量记住。3、 make _ do _ hold _4、 buy _ take_ give

3、_5、 build _ see_ tell _6、 draw _ throw _ teach _ 7、 speak _ hear _ write_ 疑难问题:_认真阅读教材九上P124语法被动语态,根据“导学提纲”的要求,在书上勾画出来,把不懂的问题写在疑难问题一栏互动交流活动一、通过变被动语态,归纳被动语态的特殊用法:将下列句子变成被动语态,并仔细思考其变法。1. She writes to her mother every year. Her mother _ _ _ by her every year.2. They talked about the films just now. Th

4、e films _ _ _ just now.小结1:动词短语在转换被动语态时,不能忘掉其中的_和_.1. The farmer made the boys work the whole day. The boys _ _ _ work the whole day.2. We often see Tom play basketball on the playground.Tom _ often _ _play basketball on the playground.3. I often hear him sing English songs.He _ _ _ _ sing English s

5、ongs.小结2:主动语态省略to的宾补,在被动语态中补上_.1. She buys her son two storybooks every week. Her son _ _ a storybook every week. Two storybooks _ _ _ her yesterday.2. Tom gave his father a present at his fathers birthday party. His father _ _ a present at his fathers birthday party. A present _ _ _ his father at h

6、is fathers birthday party.小结3:双宾语变被动语态,当间接宾语变为被动语态的主语时,直接宾语前要加_ / _. 常见的动词有:_.活动二:火眼金睛 (快速纠错)1. 必须照看好孩子们。 The children must be taken good care. 2. 这本书是鲁迅写的。 This book was wrote by Lu Xun.3. 经常看见他在那儿打篮球。 He is often seen play basketball there.4. 去年他们在花园里种了许多话。 Many flowers was planted in the garden l

7、ast year。5. 明年将在这儿建一座桥。 A bridge is built here next year. 6. A picture was drawn to the boy by Tom just now.学生先独立做,然后小组交流,小结它们的特殊变法让学生运用所复习的内容找出错误,并说明错的原因。(活动目的:对本节课所复习的内容的运用归纳)当堂检测一、中考回顾32. Im glad to find that many trees _ in our city last year. (2011年) A. plant B. planted C. were planted D. are p

8、lanted33. Chinese by more and more people from all over the world today. (2012年) A. learn B. learned C. is learned D. was learned35. Waste paper shouldnt _ everywhere. Its our duty to keep our city clean. (2009年) A. be thrown B. throw C. is thrown D. are thrown33. A lot of trees _ around here every

9、year, and we can enjoy fresher air now. (2013年) A. were planted B. are planted C. will plant D. are planting69. More and more foreigners speak Chinese in the world now. (改为被动语态)(2008年) Chinese _ _by more and more foreigners in the world now.68. More and more people visit China last year. (改为被动语态) (改

10、编2010年) China _ _ by more and more people in the world.二、单项选择( ) 1. Look, what a nice garden! Yes, It _ every day. A. has been cleaned B. is cleaned C. is being cleaned D. was cleaned( ) 2. The sports meeting _next month. A. will hold B. is going to hold C. will be held D. will be hold( ) 3. When di

11、d the workers build the park? The park _ last year. A. is built B. is building C. was built D. built( ) 4. Can I smoke here? Sorry, smoking _. A. not allow B. isnt allowing C. doesnt allow D. isnt allowed( ) 5. Can you sing the English song? Yes, a little. It _ on the radio yesterday. A. taught B. i

12、s taught C. was taught D. were taught 让学生快速说答案然后学生点评,教师补充课堂小结一、 三种被动语态构成: 1. 一般现在时: 2. 一般过去时: 3. 一般将来时:二、被动语态的三种特殊用法:学生小结,教师补充作业布置一、单项选择1. Ill call your parents if your homework _ before four oclock today. Sorry, Mr. Li. Im doing it right now. A. isnt done B. wont be done C. doesnt do D. wont do2. Where did you go just now? I _ to go to the office. A. asked B. am asked C. have been asked D. was asked. 3. Why didnt you go to the party l


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