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1、Book5 Unit 5 First aid.写出下列必考单词1.救援,援助,帮助 n.&v. _2.坚定的,(动作)稳定有力的adj. _3.暂时的,临时的adj. _4.典礼,仪式,礼节n. _5.损伤,伤害n _6.变化,多样性n. _7.应用,申请vi&vt. _8.复杂的adj. _9.有毒的adj. _10.轻微地,温和地,温柔地adv. _11.难于忍受的,不能容忍的adj. _12.流血vi.&vt. _13.肿胀的 adj _14.潮湿地 adv _15.紧地,牢牢地 adv _16.勇敢,勇气 n _17.压力,挤压 n _.写出下列单词的变化形式1.损伤,伤害(n.)_;

2、损伤,伤害(v.) _;受伤的(adj.)_2.治疗;处理,对待(n.) _ ;处理,对待(v.) _3.电的;电动的(adj.)_;电(n.) _4.给;赠送;呈现(vt.)_;赠送;呈现 (n.) _5.压力;压,按,压迫(n.)_;压,按,压迫(v.)_6.勇敢(n.)_;勇敢的(adj.)_7.血(n.)_;流血(v.)_8.毒药(n.)_;有毒的(adj._活学活用用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.They were awarded medals for their _(brave) in the war.2.The passengers escaped from the acciden

3、t with only minor_ .(injure)3.He _ himself to a long holiday before he received a special _ for his nose.(treat)4.I was only _ interested in the story I read in the newspaper.(mild)5.The storm caused great _to the crops.(damage)6. _this button to start the engine,(so) the _ of the water turns this w

4、heel.(press)7.The government _ its report next week.(present) .翻译下列必背短语1.对某人实施急救 _2.保护 _3.在适当的位置;适合 _4.找到,得到 _5.赠予某人某物 _6.榨出,挤出 _7.着火 _8.坚持 _9.生病 _10.使受到危害/损害 _11.触电;电休克 _12.区别对待,有影响 _13.意外受伤 _14.了解,知道 _15.向某人申请某物 _16.把某人看作 _17.招待某人吃 _单元重点动词aid bleed choke swell squeeze pour stab apply sprain poison

5、 活学活用用上述动词的适当形式填空。1.It _ for almost a week and it,s reported that some places have been flooded.2.He _ on a piece of toast when I entered his house and I told him to drink some water to make him better3.“Judging from the red face of the mayor, he _,” said the police.4.Unfortunately,when they arrived

6、 to help, they saw a knife deep into Tom,s chesthe _ to death.5.In the total darkness, I stumbled and _ my ankle.考点活用用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 Brian的经历说明了掌握一些急救知识的确能够发挥重要的作用。Brian正在房里学习,突然厨房里传来了一声尖叫。他冲出去一看,发现他妈妈在煮饭的时候给烫伤了。她的手腕起水泡了,表面有水。Brian想起了在学校里学到的东西。首先,他把妈妈身上靠近创面的衣服取掉。接着,他把干净的布放入冷水中,拧出水后再放在烧伤面上,这样反反复复直到她不太痛时为止。最后,他找到一块干而且清洁的绷带盖住烧伤面,用胶布把绷带固定,然后跟妈妈去找医生。医生说,如果没有Brian做的紧急处理的话,妈妈的手会烫伤得更厉害。_ _ _ _ _


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