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1、中考英语核心词+例句1. able 能够;有能力的Mother is much better now, shes able to get round a bit more.母亲现在好多了,能够多走动走动了。2. about 大约;到处;关于;在各处;I know an old song about love.我记得一首关于爱情的老歌。3. accept 接受Which of these should we accept?我们该接受哪个呢?4. across 横过;穿过He waded across the stream.他蹚过那条小河。5. act 表演,扮演(角色);演出,行动He did

2、not act upon my order.他没有按我的命令行动。6. action 行动Say it with action.让行动来说话吧。7. after 在后;后来,在之后;在后面We will discuss that matter after lunch.午饭后我们要讨论那件事。8. again 再一次;再,又We talked about that subject again.我们又谈到那个话题。9. against 对着,反对Are you against it or for it?你对此事是反对呢还是赞成?10. age 年龄;时代He guessed her age.他猜对

3、了她的年龄。11. ago 以前He died two months ago.他两个月前去世了。12. agree 同意;应允I must agree your plans.我应该赞成你的计划。13. air 空气;大气We air the bedrooms every day.我们每天给卧室通通风。14. all 全部地,总;整They were all there except me.除了我以外他们都在那里。15. allow 允许,准允Allow me to pose several questions.请允许我提几个问题。16. almost 几乎,差不多Almost no one t

4、ook any rest.几乎没有一个人歇过一下。17. along 向前;和.在一起;沿着;顺着I saw them running together along the road yesterday.我昨天看见他们沿着马路一起跑。18. already 已经Already the round sun was setting.圆圆的太阳已经要落山了。19. also 也Problems also exist in agriculture.农业也存在很多问题。20. although 虽然;尽管They are generous although they are poor.他们虽穷却慷慨。2

5、1. always 总是;一直;永远Fortune has not always smiled upon me.幸运之神并不一直向我微笑。22. among 在中间;在(三个以上)之间She lives in that house among the trees.她住在树林中的那座房子里23. and 和;又;而She and I disagree about it .关于这一点,我和她意见不同。24. another (三者中的)另一个She buddied up with a student from another university.她与来自另一大学的一名学生交朋友。25. answ

6、er 回答,答复;回信;答案How could you answer him so casually?你怎能这样随便回答他呢 ?26. any 任何的;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些;We can overcome any difficulty.我们能战胜任何困难。27. anything 什么事(物);任何事(物)She was happy to discuss anything with him.她很高兴与他谈论任何事情。28. appear 出现The sun appeared on the horizen.太阳出现在地平线上。29. area 面积;地域;区域;范围;领域Fire dest

7、royed several houses in the area.大火烧毁了该地区的几栋房子。30. arm 臂,支架She touched me on the arm.她轻轻地碰了下我的手臂。31. around 在周围;在附近They love to run around on the playground.他们喜欢在操场上跑来跑去。32. art 艺术,美术;技艺He excels in art and music.他擅长艺术和音乐。33. as 像一样;如同;因为,作为,当作We selected him as our monitor.我们选他作我们的班长。34. ask 问,询问;请

8、求,要求;邀请A little freedom is all I ask.我要求的仅是一点自由。35. at 在(几点钟);在(某处)Drop me at the next corner.让我在下一个街角下车。36. away 离开;远离All his old friends fall away from him.他所有的老朋友均离开了他。37. back 回(原处);向后,后面的,背后;后部;背My dress ties at the back.我的衣服在背后打结。38. bad(worse,worst) 坏的;有害的;不利的;严重的He has reformed his bad habit

9、s.他已改变了他的坏习惯。39. bank (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行I bank at the First National.我在第一国民银行有账户。40. be(is,am,are,was,were,being,been) 是;成为That should be his mother.那大概是他的母亲。41. beat(beat,beaten) 敲打;跳动;打赢, (音乐)节拍I finally beat her in that match.我在那场比赛中最后打败了她。42. beautiful 美的,美丽的,美观的We have over 30 beautiful designs to

10、select from.我们有30多种美丽的图案可供选择。43. because 因为I cant do it now because I am busy.因为我正忙着,现在不能做此事。44. become(became,become) 变得;成为How do you become an artist?你如何成为一个艺术家?45. before 在以前;在前面, 以前I have seen him before.我以前曾经见到过他。46. begin(began,begun) 开始,着手In autumn the days begin to draw in.到了秋天,白天开始渐渐短起来。47.

11、 behind (表示位置)在后面He sat behind me.他坐在我后面。48. believe 相信;认为We all believe the story to be true.我们都相信这个故事是真的。49. between 在(两者)之间,在中间You have your choice between the two.在这两个之中, 你有选择权。50. big 大的They all called her “Big Sister”.他们都管她叫“大姐姐”。51. bit 一点,一些,少量She took a pear and bit into it.她拿起一只梨,一口咬下去。52.

12、 black 黑色, 黑色的He was dressed in black.他穿着黑色衣服。53. blue 蓝色He dyed the dress blue.他把衣服染成蓝色。54. body 身体A hedgehog often contracts its body into a ball.刺猬常常把它的身体收缩成一个圆球。55. book 书;本子; 预定,定(房间、车票等)The book ended in tragedy.这本书以悲剧结尾。56. both 两;双; 两者;双方He seemed both angry and disturbed.他似乎是又气愤又不安。57. boy

13、男孩Who may the boy be?这个男孩会是谁呢?58. break(broke,broken) 打破(断、碎);损坏,撕开She broke a vase.她打碎了一只花瓶。59. bring(brought, brought) 拿来,带来,取来Bring the book to me tomorrow.明天给我拿书来。60. brother 兄;弟He looked to his brother for help.他希望得到他兄弟的帮助。61. brown 褐色,棕色; 褐色的,棕色的He pored on the girls lovely and large brown eye

14、s.他注视着这位姑娘那妩媚的棕色大眼睛。62. build(built,built) 建筑;造We have built up our hope.我们已抱有希望了。63. building 建筑物;房屋;大楼It was rebuilt on the site of the old building.它是在原来建筑物的旧址上重新建造的。64. business (本分)工作;职业;生意;交易;事业I have lost money by the business.我做这生意亏了本。65. but 但是;可是, 除了;除之外We cannot choose but(to)stay.我们只得留下来

15、。66. buy(bought,bought) 买I bought myself a car.我为自己买了一辆汽车。67. by 靠近;在旁边;在时间;不迟于;被;用;由;乘(车)I always go to school by bus.我总是坐公交车上学。68. call 喊;叫;电话,通话, 称呼;呼唤;喊;叫I heard someone calling my name.我听见有人喊我的名字。69. can 能够;可以;会;(不能), 罐头We can and must overcome our shortcomings.我们能够而且必须克服我们的缺点。70. capital 首都;省会;大写;资本I remember meeting you one evening at the Capital Th



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