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1、2023年应用专员岗位职责(7篇) 书目 第1篇学术应用专员岗位职责 第2篇超声应用专员岗位职责 第3篇临床应用专员岗位职责 第4篇检验临床应用专员岗位职责 第5篇市场应用专员岗位职责 第6篇it应用专员岗位职责 第7篇应用专员岗位职责 学术应用专员岗位职责 岗位职责: 1、参加制定京津冀蒙区域活动及学术推广安排,做好学术营销推广工作; 2、负责公司培训资料(内外部培训的课件、视频等)的编写制作和完善; 3、依据支配,完成终端客户及经销商的外部培训工作; 4、依据支配,参加公司内部销售等部门新员工产品学问培训; 5、参加重点客户的沟通探望和维护工作 6、对遇到的市场问题进行收集、整理、反馈、分

2、析; 7、不断搜集竞争对手资料,参加制定和完善竞争对手分析手册; 任职要求: 学历要求:本科及以上,检验医学、临床医学、生物医学相关专业者优先 工作经验:有相关工作阅历者优先,优秀的应届毕业生也可择优录用 素养要求:形象气质佳,有亲和力,有剧烈的责任心和仔细细致的工作看法。 工作技能:有较强的学习实力和表达实力,擅长沟通;处事敏捷,有较强的解决问题的实力 超声应用专员岗位职责 超声临床应用专员-沈阳 深圳市普博科技有限公司 深圳市普博科技有限公司,普博科技,普博 岗位职责: 1、负责产品售前、售中、售后临床用户的临床超声产品临床运用、培训等; 2、依据公司对临床超声产品研发及临床产品试用的要求

3、,负责跟踪临床试用,限制试用进度; 3、依据公司临床超声产品临床试验及营销的的须要,维护临床产品试用、培训单位及专家,维护与医院、探讨所的良好合作关系; 4、建立临床超声产品临床运用信息库; 5、定期组织参加营销部门及其他渠道人员的临床超声产品技术学习培训; 6、参加、评估、策划、组织相关学术活动。 任职条件: 1、临床医学、医学影像专业; 2、有超声医学科工作经验(含实习); 3、沟通实力强,擅长与用户沟通; 4、有超声产品临床支持阅历者优先; 5、能协作短期出差。 临床应用专员岗位职责 临床应用主管/专员 collect and provide machine usage informat

4、ion. monitor the install base and report disposable utility in target blood centers. collect competitive information to improve our in-house clinical training program to maintain competitiveness. draft monthly training schedules, responsible for the coordination and communication of the training pro

5、grams with the target customers. manage competency testing and certification processes. work closely with sales team to plan and prioritize. implement a training curriculum for china designed to optimize operators skills in device application. the incumbent will be responsible to localize training m

6、aterials, aiming to provide the world-class trainings on products, clinical application and handle day-to-day application issues related to our technology. in the first six months, the incumbent will focus the efforts in the selected blood centers. conduct training classes for operators, nurses and

7、distributors representatives. the incumbent will be the key trainer at the regional users meetings. provide coaching to field sales force, enhance field implementation to apply best practices. provide feedback to sales and point out specific training needs. provide support to therapy business. work

8、closely with hospital customers to support therapeutic protocols like tpe and pbsc. standardize the training process and certify the participants that will include new sales and application specialists from direct sales organization and distribution network. the incumbent will help to perform daily

9、application consultation works. 医学或生物学背景,本科及以上学历 能娴熟阅读,翻译英文医学文献 吃苦耐劳,接受较高频次出差 有培训经验的优先 collect and provide machine usage information. monitor the install base and report disposable utility in target blood centers. collect competitive information to improve our in-house clinical training program to m

10、aintain competitiveness. draft monthly training schedules, responsible for the coordination and communication of the training programs with the target customers. manage competency testing and certification processes. work closely with sales team to plan and prioritize. implement a training curriculu

11、m for china designed to optimize operators skills in device application. the incumbent will be responsible to localize training materials, aiming to provide the world-class trainings on products, clinical application and handle day-to-day application issues related to our technology. in the first si

12、x months, the incumbent will focus the efforts in the selected blood centers. conduct training classes for operators, nurses and distributors representatives. the incumbent will be the key trainer at the regional users meetings. provide coaching to field sales force, enhance field implementation to

13、apply best practices. provide feedback to sales and point out specific training needs. provide support to therapy business. work closely with hospital customers to support therapeutic protocols like tpe and pbsc. standardize the training process and certify the participants that will include new sal

14、es and application specialists from direct sales organization and distribution network. the incumbent will help to perform daily application consultation works. 检验临床应用专员岗位职责 检验临床应用专员 理邦仪器 深圳市理邦精密仪器股份有限公司,深圳市理邦仪器,理邦仪器,理邦 职责描述: 1、负责体外诊断产品,poct的销售支持工作; 2、维护窗口医院与专家关系; 3、开展市场推广、产品调研工作; 4、担当体外诊断产品培训工作。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,医学检验专业; 2、医院至少两年临床工作或检验科工作经验,有同岗位工作阅历优先; 3、具备良好的服务精神,良好的团队协作精神,良好的沟通及表达实力; 4、能适应常常性出差。 市场应用专员岗位职责 市场专员(科研应用方向) 广州复能基因有限公司 广州复能基因有限公司,复能基因,复能 岗位工作职责: 1. 文献的阅读和翻译,生物学相关h5文案编写.学术讲座内容的组织编写,制作,巡讲; 2. 优选学术会议和展会,进行品牌推广并获得潜在客户信息; 3. 筹办学术巡回讲座,进行品牌推广、获得客户信息和干脆获得订单; 4. 展会和大型会议组织协调筹办工作,与同事


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