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1、郑州xxxxxxxxxxx学院毕 业 论 文(设 计)2011 届 英语 专业 xxxxxxx 班级题 目 从接受美学角度看英文歌曲的翻译姓 名 xxxxxxx 学号 xxxxxxxxx指导教师 xxxxxxx 职称 副教授 二一1年 五 月一日Analysis of the Translation of Foreign Songs from the Perspective of Receptional AestheticByxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Supervisor: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDepartment of Foreign Languages Zhengzhou

2、Institute of Aeronautical Industry ManagementMay 2010内 容 摘 要 歌曲,这种糅合了语言、 文学和音乐三项元素的艺 术体裁, 一直在人类文明历史舞台上扮演着极其重要的 角色,由于各民族各国家间语言文化的差异, 歌曲翻译变的十分重要。歌曲翻译与其他翻译不尽相同,因为除歌词以外 ,歌曲翻译还受制于音乐,正如薛范先生所说 :进行歌曲翻译,曲和词已经存在 ,即,先已有了水晶鞋 ,必须为它寻找一双合适的脚。只有找到唯一的辛德瑞拉才能配得上那双唯一的水晶鞋。从美学角度看,翻译实质上是一种审美活动。它是审美主体(译者)对审美客体(原作)的审美要素进行分析

3、、综合、转化加工,直至完成的审美再现活动。译者(审美主体)应努力发掘出原作(审美容体)的语言(音乐语言和文学语言)所要表达的一切,把原作的神韵和艺术意蕴通过译语再现出来,使受众如同直接欣赏原作那样被打动,得到美的享受。 本文从接受美学的角度探讨英文歌曲的翻译,用一个全新的视角读者的角度来说明歌曲翻译的重要性及其与接受美学的关系,系统的阐述了我国外文歌曲的发展历程及歌曲翻译的代表人物,指出了我国的歌曲翻译面临的问题,并针对存在的问题提出了相应的翻译策略。 关 键 词接受美学;英文歌曲;歌曲翻译策略 Abstract Songs are the mixture of three elements

4、(language, literature and music), which have played extremely important role in the civilization history of human; for different countries and nations having different language and culture, so the translation of songs become very important. Song translation is not the same as other translation; beca

5、use we must think about the melody when translate lyrics. From an aesthetic perspective, translation is an activity. It is an activity that aesthetic subjects (translator) analyzes the aesthetic factors, comprehensive, processing, until you finish all the aesthetic emersion activities. The translato

6、r should try to explore original language and its meaning, express the verve and artistic of original works via translation reproducing, to make audience moved; get beautiful enjoyment as appreciating original songs. This paper discussed English song translation from the Angle of aesthetics, using a

7、 new view from angle of reader. And also systematically expounded development of foreign songs and the representative figures in China. It pointed out the songs translation s problems and put forward the corresponding translation strategies based on the existing problems. Key wordsReceptional Aesthe

8、tic ;English songs ;the strategies of translation Acknowledgementsirst of all,my heartfelt thanks go to ProfZhang Yunxia,my supervisor, who helped me a lot at every stage of this thesis and never hesitated to give invaluable suggestions, even when she is very busyDue to her constant encouragement an

9、d enlightenment, I managed to finish this thesis smoothlyMy sincere thanks also go to all my teachers during my graduate study at Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, especially to Professor Zheng lei. They not only led me to ail academic world but also taught me the right approa

10、ches to carry scientific research Last but not least,I own my special gratitude to my friends around me for their advice and assistanceWithout their care and support, it is impossible for me to have completed this graduation thesis. Their friendship and kindness will always be a precious part of my

11、memory ContentsAbstract (in Chinese)Abstract (in English).Acknowledgements.iiiContent .1. The development of our English song translation.11.1 Development11.2Representatives and works of English song translation .21.3 The current problems of English song translation.31.3.1Quantity of Translation wor

12、ks decline.31.3.2 Less and less translator.31.3.3 Translator team present aging.32.Accept aesthetics theory and its application in the song translation. .42.1Accept aesthetics and main ideas42.1.1 Accept aesthetics theory2.1.2“Reader focus” accepts aesthetics.42.2The application of Receptional Aesth

13、etic in the translation of songs.4 2.3 Music and literary attribute of the translation of songs .42.3.1 Music attribute of songs translation .42.3.2 literary attribute of songs translation .53.The outlook of the strategies of English songs translation from the perspective of the Receptional Aesthetic .63.1 Literal translation .63.2Free translation .73.3Extendence translation.8Conclusion.9Works Cited.10 Analysis of


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