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1、Unit 1 练习.根据句意及所给汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。1. Be careful! The cup is _(破碎的).2. The little girl fell off the _(楼梯) this morning.3. Tell me your _(烦恼). Maybe I can help you.4. Close your eyes and _(想象) you are in the forest.5. A few apples _(落下) down from the tree just now.根据句意从方框中选出恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空,每词限用一次。medical,

2、harm, cover, glass, train1. I cut my hand on some _.2. Too much sweet food is _ to childrens teeth.3. You can _ the table with some newspaper.4. David is interested in _ books. He wants to be a doctor.5. It takes my brother many years of _ to be an actor.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1.你父母怎么了?_ _ _ your

3、parents?2.我们可以在河底看见很多鱼。We can see a lot of fish _ _ _ _ the river.3.离开房间之前你要确保关了窗户。_ _ you close the windows before you leave the room.4.为了救他,我们不得不把车子抬起。We have to _ _ the car to save him.5.今天我们学了一些关于急救的知识。We learned something about _ _ today.6.他是如此聪明的一个男孩,以至于每个人都喜欢他。He is _ _ _ boy _ everyone likes

4、 him.7.听!有人在喊帮忙。Listen! Someone is _ _ _.8.他想查明谁拿走了那本英语书。He wants to _ _ who took away that English book.9.这个男孩怎么了?他看上去很痛苦。Whats the matter with the boy? He looks _ _.10.我读这封信很费劲。I _ _ _ reading the letter.根据句意选用can, could, must或cant填空。1. I think the book _ be Jims because his name is on it.2. Thats

5、 not mine. Whose _ it be?3. _ the news be true? I cant believe it.4. It _ be Bob. He is in the library now.根据对话内容从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: I had an accident yesterday.B: (1)_ What happened?A: (2)_B: Bad luck! (3)_A: No, but my finger (手指) hurt!B: How do you feel now?A: Much better. (4)_B: You

6、 must be careful when you use a knife next time.A: I will. (5)_B: How careless!A. My brother gave first aid.B. How did it happen?C. Was it serious?D. My mother warned me, but I didnt listen to her.E. Im sorry to hear that.F. I hurt my finger when I was cutting an apple.G. Do you know how to give fir

7、st aid?答案. 1. broken 2. stairs 3. trouble 4. imagine 5. dropped. 1. glass 2. harmful 3. cover 4. medical 5. training. 1. Whats wrong with 2. at the bottom of3. Make sure 4. lift up 5. first aid6. such a clever; that 7. shouting for help8. find out 9. in pain 10. have trouble in. 1. must 2. could / can 3. Can / Could 4. cant. 1-5 EFCAD


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