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1、甘肃省武威市七年级英语上册Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball(第1课时)教案(新版)人教新目标版Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball章节(课题)名 称Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?学时7-1总课时45三维目标知识技能1.Master the key words:soccer ball ,tennis racket ,ping-pong ball ,volleyball.2.Master the key structure:“Do you have.? Does he/she have.?过程方法Talk about

2、 ownership.情感态度与价值观Improve their ability of studying English.项目内容解决措施教学重点1.Master the key words:soccer ball ,tennis racket ,ping-pong ball ,volleyball.2.Master the key structure:“Do you have.? Does he/she have.?Reading writing and practicing.教学难点Talk about ownership.Pair work and group work教学过程设计教学内

3、容及问题情境学生活动设计意图教学札记Step1.Greeting and checking the key words and key structures .Step2.New class1):Learn the new words.Study the key vocabulary.(Show a basketball to the class.)T: Whats this in English?S1: Its a basketball.T: Yes, you are right. Read after me. B-A-S-K-E-T-A-B-L-L,basketball.Ss: B-A-S

4、-K-E-T-A-B-L-L,basketball.(Show the students other objects. Teach the new words tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball” in the same way. And then show students the picture of television and teach it.)T: Read the words together twice. Ss: T: Ask and answer in pairs with these things. Use

5、the drill “Whats this in English?” and “Where is the.?”Look at the words in 1a and match the words with the things in the picture. Ask one student to show the answers and check them.2) Present the structures.1. Present these questions and answers.T: Do you have a pen?S1:Yes, I do. T: Do you have a r

6、uler?S1: No, I dont. Practice the drill “Do you have a ?” in pairs. Sa: Do you have a backpack?Sb: Yes, I do. Do you have a soccer ball?Sa: No, I dont. I have a volleyball.3): Listening practice.T: Listen to the conversation and circle the words you hear.T: Check their answers.4): Practice the conve

7、rsations.1. Read the conversations in 1c.2. Look at the picture in 1a and practice the conversation with each other in pairs.S1:Do you have?S2:Yes, I do.S1:Do you have a ?S2:No, I dont.3. Work in groups of four and use the picture to practice the similar conversations with the new words.(television,

8、 basketball, baseball bat, soccer ball, volleyball, television)T: Ask and answer the questions as many as you can.S1:Do you have a ?巩固提高,按要求改写句子1)I have a nice book.(改为否定句)_2)He likes his new room.(改为一般疑问句)_Greeting and answer the words and the structures.Read and pronounce the key words.Read the wo

9、rds together.Ask and answer in pairsone student to show the answers and check them.Practice the conversations.exerciseRecite the key words and the structuresMaster the new wordsImprove their oral English.Master the key structuresUse the key points correctly.个性化教学为学有余力学生所做的调整为需要帮助的学生所做调整板书设计S1:Do you have?S2:Yes, I do.S1:Do you have a ?S2:No, I dont.教学反思3


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