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1、高一上补充练习(2)Unit 2 English Around the World 词汇学案1. more than 多于,超过more A than B与其说B不如说A no more than 仅仅,不过 not more than不多于;不超过 more than one+名词单数 不止一个.(作主语谓单)(1) 这个车站离商店不过一英里。Its _ _ _ a mile from the station to the shop.(2) 我喜爱足球胜过游泳。I like football _ _swimming.(3) 我恐怕吃得过多了。Im afraid Ive eaten_ _ _.

2、(4) 与其说他笨,不如说他懒。He is _ _ _ _.(5) 这仅仅是一个误会。 Its _ _ _ a misunderstanding.(6) 不只一间房屋在火灾中被烧毁。_ _ _ house _ burnt in the fire.2. because of 因为;由于(1) I decided to go with him, mainly _ I had nothing better to do.(因为)(2) Her face went red _what he had said.(因为)(3) 因为雨下得很大,那个男孩穿过树林回家了。 _ it rained heavily

3、, the boy went back home through the woods.= _ _ the _ _, the boy went back home through the woods.3. come up 走过来,走近 (被)提出 (太阳、月亮等)升起,上升 发芽come up with提出,想出 come across偶遇,碰到 come on快,加油 come out出版,出现 come about发生,造成 come to谈到,涉及;(1) 太阳升起来了。The sun _ _.(2) 会议上出现了许多问题。A number of questions _ _ at the

4、meeting.(3) 她走近说:“很高兴见到你。” She _ _ and said, “Glad to meet you.”(4)这本词典正在印刷,不久将出版。The dictionary _ _ _and it will soon _ _.(5) 老师问了一道很难的题,但Ted最后还是想出了令人满意的答案。The teacher asked a difficulty question,but Ted finally managed to _ _ _ a good answer.(6) Now, where is my purse?_! Well be late for the picni

5、c. (湖南 2004) A. Take your timeB. Dont worryC. Come on D. Take it easy(7) Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (湖北 2006)A. came overB. came outC. came aboutD. came up(8) Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much

6、help when it _ shopping and eating. (天津 2006)A. refers toB. speaks ofC. focuses onD. comes to (9) We planted some tomatoes three weeks ago, but they havent _ yet.A. come up B. come to C. come along D. come on4. present adj. 现在的,目前的,出席的,在场的 n. 礼物(gift) Vt. 捐献,赠送present sb with sth = present sth to sb

7、 赠送某人某物 at present/at the present time 现在;目前(1) 我们关心目前的情况。We _ _ _the _ situation.(2) 有200人出席会议。There were 200 people _ at the meeting. (3) 我目前不需要这本书。I dont need the book _.(4) All the people _ _ _ _ (出席聚会的) were his supporters. (02京)(5) He _ _ _ _ _(把鲜花赠给他的老师)(6) It was based more on German than th

8、e English we speak _ _(目前)5. base vt 以.为依据 n.基础,基地A be based on B A以B为基础 base A on B 把A建立在B基础上(1) No one can give a speech without an outline,which will give you a good structure to _your speech_.A. set;inB.keep;onC.focus;inD.base;on(2) The film_on the book by Jack London is well worth_.A. basing;se

9、eing B.based;being seenC.to be based;to seeD,based;seeing6. make use of利用,使用 = take advantage of (一般带贬义) make good/full use of = make the best/most of 充分利用;好好利用(1) We must _ _ _ _(充分利用)our books.(2) The Internet resources should _ _ _ _ _(充分利用). 7. command n/vt 命令;掌握+sth./sb.命令某物/某人 under ones comma

10、nd 受某人的控制v. +sb to do sth命令某人做某事 n. +that +sb(should) do命令某人做 have a good command of English 英语掌握的好(1) 我命令他立刻动身。I commanded him _ _ _ _.=I commanded that _ _ _ _ _.(2) In English, _ _(发命令)is less polite than making a request.(3) The army is _ _ _ _. (由国王统帅)8. request vt/n. 要求,请求 request + sb to do s

11、th要求某人做某事request + that sb (should)do要求某人做 request +sth of /from sb要求某人给予某物(1) May I request you _ _ _. (停止谈话)?(2)I requested that _ _ _(他来) an hour earlier. I requested him _ _ an hour earlier.(3)Visitors _ _ _ _ (被要求不要) touch the exhibits.(2001全国)(4) We requested that the next meeting _ _ _ _ _ (在周五开)9. such as /for example 比如such as:列举(多个) for example: 单个列举(1) 约翰喜欢制造家具,如椅子,桌子。 John likes to make furniture, _ _chairs and tables.(



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