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1、出国介绍信4篇 l tul be ansset to your establishmn f yuhvey quetosegardin this cmnato, pasdono heitte contact . snrely, oer feming dea of stonellcollege。 篇二: at the quest ofmrizhen hn,my former student in he dprent of comptrscence,bjingunv.of scences, am ga orite is lete furnishig my uto ofhiscademic ptitu

2、efor your is tereted i yourgraduae proramin computer ien. cae t knw him nseptember 17 wh r.chen enoled nmy clas o frtrn iv rogmmng,a hre estercoure.in te class he wa oe of the mot utstanin sdtsa the emeste inal h arned aggrade of 81,wich sholbaaccording to ou grain ystem.ialo oundhim ood t other st

3、udies.afte th class,he had eronal tls wite sval ties. hndaed area inresinompte hrdare,in my inon,mr.chen has aptential i compute ince,whch can bfrther deeledi ie of hspus achivemntsin i colege,i am irly convne that mr.chen will ake asucesfl gaduate studet.our aorab oiderato o dision will i ghlypprei

4、ate.出国留学介绍信中英文模板 出国介绍信() 英文版出国留学介绍信 twomt my ce,i amwritng tilttet test to pauls skillsnlaageand public rlaion. i tourars ihvkw him, iavben consenly imese wit i ability not nly to ngotateompxdeas i thlanguages, but alo toreat thee hngs inproable,nsentuahio. his mannerinthese sesis bothprofeio and er

5、oa, tw qualities hch i fn artiulay vauablei profesioal seting he as esonayheped mein professionl ngotiaiorvrhig fromtrinickt tocntrat information,a i ae lwasbeen able to cou on hi. i irst met pau n shool, hee he as a studn thnivrsiy atwictaght. he wa wel-known to mot of tewestenersin twn, who oud ca

6、l frodiferen univeii sk o ihl. somties this help nolve altonf prfssonal docuens, and oimes it voed prsonal hlp inmaking pho cal. an f thee esterer ontinueto callhim tday,e thogh teylive uie far aay fromhim, becse they have cometo rut him verymuh. frm hisfoundaton npublcreations pal h found poition i

7、n vrious pofessionalapaciti and h beenghlyvaued ineac lace.heis gnerallhesot ofepyee acopanyindsmos aluabe in its daligs wih bth foreign and domestic cints. he pt eop atthi eae witilangage abili admanner, both f which omuicae to eple thtthean rx nd implommunicatei wuld highly recommedpl a an mpo. hi

8、 experece anmanner ae rae andvry alual. roert more menor中文版出国留学介绍信 x院校: 您好!我是柳xx的导师xx,柳xx同学是我最欣赏的学生之一。她最吸引我的是她的学习天赋与上进心,她是我见过的最聪明的学生,学习成绩卓著,人文科学与自然科学同样通晓。更为难得的是她从不妄自尊大、自以为是,照旧刻苦地对待每一项学习任务,力争成为整个团队中的最正确。表达了她对本人和爱她的人负责的态度。 中国有句俗话:梅花香自苦寒来“,通过她持之以恒地付出,她的语言表达才能、活动的组织才能、与人的沟通才能、独立研究才能都特别突出,连续获得学校三好学生。特别是对


10、和旅游,美国的文化与风景深深地吸引了她,那儿有她一个梦想。真舍不得她离开祖国,但我尊重她的选择,相信她会学有所成,正如我相信我们的友谊天长地久一样。 感谢。精选出国留学介绍信 出国介绍信(3) 出国留学介绍信范文一:to whom tmay cnen: a t de o stnewellcoleg, i hve ad th pleasur kowng hnnah smforthe lasfouyeas. sh ha en treendousdent andan astto u ool. i oud like to ke hisopounity t recommend hannah for yr

11、 rdute ogram. i fee conient th she will contiuet scceedinher sudie. han is dediated ut nd thufar er rades ha bee exelaryincss,shehas proe to bea tke-hrge prsonwho is able to ucessfuly deeloplnsand implement them. nnah has aso assited usin or admissions ofic. she hasucessuydemonstred laershipaity yco

12、unselng new ad prospectistudets. herdvice a en a ge help he studnts, many ofwo hvetaken tie sa ei comts witme egardng er pleatand enouraig attude. it is forthese eaos that oferhigh recoendatios or hanna withou resrvaton he rive and abliie wi truly an ase to your stabishmen o haveany quesion regrdin his recommndatio,please doot esitat t cntact m ncerel,gerli de f stonewel ollge 。 出国留学介绍信范文二: at the equetof mr.xizencen,m frer student i tedepartment of mte siec,eijngun.f ciences,i m gladto write tis leter urisi my ution ofhs aamic aptitud for yorrfence.mr.


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