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1、Lesson 24:Eat Good Food!Step1:预习热身I. Read the text and translate the phrases.英汉互译(通读课文,找出下列词组并记忆)1不在,离开 2 看电视 3 得到充足的休息 4 每天 5 too much 6 a pair of 7 a glass of milk 8 some meat II. Finish off part 3 of Lets do it.( on p.29)Step2:出示目标、明确任务1. Understand the text and make a food list by yourself.2. Re

2、member the words: away, sandwich, takeout, tip, only, postscript 3. Make sure use the useful expressions correctly. be away get enough rest somr tipsStep3:自主学习、合作探究任务一:限时1分钟,牢记词汇。任务二:熟读该电子邮件,把握其意,分析句子结构,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流。任务三:背诵重点句子,并自学知识点,画出不理解处,小组成员之间交流。任务三:了解信件的格式。Step4:师生互动、展示提升 、知识点展示大比拼I. Presentat

3、ion.Present a food list and show the new words and phrases. Discuss ingroups.a.Which foods are good for our health?b.What do you like eating?Discuss the letterl in groups and answer the questions. .a.What does Dannys mother ask Danny to do?b.How long will Dannys parents be away?II. Practice.Read the

4、 text again and again.III. Listening.Listen to the tape and finish off No.1 on p.61Language Points:. too much中的中心词是“much”,后面跟不可数名词,意思是“太多的”。too是用来加强much语气的。much too中的中心词是“too”,后面跟形容词或副词,意思是“非常,太”。much是用来加强too的语气的。Step5:达标练习、检测验收一根据所给中文提示完成下列句子。1). Wang Lin is good at _(数学).2). Our first class _(开始)

5、at 8:00a.m.3). -May I _(借) your bike? Mine is broken. -Of course. You can _(借) it for three days.4). My uncle is a policeman. He looks _(强壮). 5). Daniel enjoys _(游泳) very much. He is one of the best _(游泳者) in my class.6). I find it _(难的) to learn English well.7). We should _(锻炼) every day, its good

6、for our health.8). My friend often _(发送) me e-mails.9). On _(星期三), we have a PE lesson.10). He is _(忙的) with his study all the time.11). My _(最喜欢) lesson is English, its very useful.二用所给词的适当形式填空。1). There are going to be two football _(match) this week.2). She goes_(run) for half an hour every morni

7、ng.3). He is good at _. He is a good _(swim).4). They go to the zoo _(two) a week.5). One of my _(hobby) is to flying a kite.6)._(eat)fish is good for our health.7). I dont know much about computer. Can you show me how _(use) it ?8). Old people should be spoken to _(polite).9).My father often _(watch) TV after supper.10).Its time _(have) class now, lets go to our classroom in a hurry.11). He often practices _(play) football after class.12). We are looking forward to _(have) a 7-day holiday.


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