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1、如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!体育双语教学常用语一、课前常用语Hurry up ! its time for class.快点,上课时间到了。Is there anyone absent ? 有人缺席吗?Who is missing today ?今天谁缺席?Whats wrong with him ?他怎么啦?Do you know where he is ?你知道他在哪儿?He isnt feeling well.他觉得身体不太舒服。Dont forget your sports shoes next time!下次别忘了穿运动鞋!Dont be late again next

2、 time.下次不要再迟到了。Fall in ! We can start now.到队伍里去!我们开始吧。Are you ready for class?准备好上课了吗?Get into a queue in front of me.到我前面排队。二、小干部整队Attention! 立正!At-ease! 稍息!Right-dress! 向右看齐!Eyes-front! 向前看!Count off! 报数!By two, number! 一二报数!三、师生问好,宣布上课内容Good morning, boys and girls.同学们好!如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!Good

3、morning, teacher.老师好!Content of this lesson本课内容Let me tell you what we are going to learn today.让我先说一下我们今天要学的内容。Today we are mainly learning rolls, after that well make a change.今天我们主要学习滚翻,然后将换另一个活动。I hope you will do a good job in learning the new techniques. 我希望你们好好学习这些新技术。四、导入1、Lets do some forma

4、tion drills first. 我们开始队列练习2、Now listen to my drill commands.听我的口令3、Lets do some warming-up exercises.让我们做准备活动。4、Before we begin the new lesson, I want to ask a question.在上新课之前,我想问一个问题。5、Ok! Lets start by learning rolls.我们从学滚翻开始。五、课堂练习常用语Boys here , girls there.男孩站这儿,女孩站在那边。Take it in turns ,start h

5、ere.大家轮流,从这儿开始。Now its your turn. 轮到你了。Can you do it by yourself?你能自己做一遍吗?Your movement is still not quite correct.你们的动作还不太正确。如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!Lets stop for a while .you may have a rest我们暂停一会,你们可以休息一会。I am going to show you a new game.我将给你们介绍一个新游戏。Watch me first ,and then copy me.先看我做,然后模仿。Ready

6、 stance 准备姿势Lets work in groups.分小组活动.Do the exercises in twos(pairs)(twos or threes)两人一组练习Do the exercises by yourself.独自练习You have to do it again.你必须再做一次。I wish you to run faster than before.我希望你们比以前跑得更快First you lift your left leg, then hold your arms upward.你先抬起左腿,然后把双臂向上举起。Dont keep turning rou

7、nd.身体不要扭来扭去Are you clear? Do you understand? 你们明白吗?Do the movement forcefully and completely. 动作要有力、到位。The range of movement should be wide.动作幅度要大Watch the front and dont look down.看前方,不要低头Take your feet off the mat.把你的脚从垫子上放下来Hold your arms as high as shoulder.两臂举起,与肩平Hands on hips 两手叉腰Hands down 两

8、手放下Face the front 脸朝前Look forward 眼看前方Point the toes.脚尖绷直Advance one step. Straighten left leg. push off rear leg forcefully如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!向前迈一步。左腿蹬直。后腿用力蹬地Chest out 挺胸Draw in your belly 收腹Standing movement原地动作Dont move! 别动Jump up and down 跳来跳去Who would like to try ?谁愿意试一下?Come out to the fron

9、t and show everybody else.到前面来,做给大家看。Please come out to the front.请到前面来。Please practice three times.请练习三次。There are still five minutes to go.还有五分钟。All of you have a good job today. 今天你们学得不错。Try to practice more outside class.课后要多练习!Remember to take the mat there after class!记住下课后把垫子搬到那儿去!六、结束Lets do

10、 some relaxing exercises 我们做一些放松练习Now lets make a summary together!让我们一起总结一下!Thats all for taday. Class is over. Dismiss!今天就到此为止,下课,解散!七、鼓励性教学用语Good/ Fine 好 Good shot 好球。Thats right / Thats correct / Right 对了如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!Excellent/Well done/ Quite right/ Quie good 好极了Thats much better. 好多了Pr

11、ise him ! 表扬他Its wonderful! 太棒了You have made a lot of progress. 你取得了很大的进步Not exactly, would you try it again? 不够准确,再做一次好吗?Never mind, well help you. 没关系,我们会帮助你的。常用体育口令 :Attention! 立正! At ease! 稍息! Count off! 报数! By two, number! 一二报数! Right dress! 向右看齐!Eyes front! 向前看!Arms down! 两臂放下! Left turn! 向左转!

12、Right turn! 向右转!About turn! 向后转!Look to the centre! 向中间看齐! Cover! 向前对齐!Mark time, march! 原地踏步!Quick time,march! 齐步走! At ease,march! 便步走!Double time,march!跑步走!Left right, left right / one two one 一二一Close ranks.向前靠拢!如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!Take your marks! Set! Go!各就各位! 预备! 跑!Front row, arms sideways. B

13、ack row, arms forwards. Deploy left (right)!前排两臂侧平举,后排两臂前平举,向左看齐如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!教案专用术语:教学目标 Instructional oljectives内容 Content组织 Organization预计效果 Predict offect平均心率 Average heart rate练习密度 Exercise density心理 Mental小结 Summary年级 Grade教材 Teaching material程序 Order课堂常规 Classroom routine队形 Formation要求 Require器材 Material游戏 Games如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!部分教材及游戏:结伴赛跑 Mate running石头、剪子、布 Stone Scissors Cloth摇小船 Sway small boats打雪仗 Throw snowballs叫号赛跑 Call the number then runn out放松 Relaxing 橡皮筋 Rubber band 模仿动物行走 Animal walks 前滚翻 Forward roll立定跳远 Standing long jump



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