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1、XX学院毕业论文毕业生某某:XX专业:XX学号:XX指导教师:XX所属系部XX二O xx年X月XX学院毕业论文评阅书题目浅析我国冷链物流开展的对策XXXXXXX XXXXX)专业某某 XXXXX设计时间:XX年XX月XX日XX年XX月XX日评阅意见:成绩:指导教师:签字 职 务:201年月曰XXXX学院毕业论文辩论记录卡XXXX系 XXXX专业某某 XX答 辩 内 容问题摘要评议情况记录员:签名成 绩 评 定指导教师评定成绩辩论组评定成绩综合成绩注:评定成绩为100分制,指导教师为30%辩论组为70%专业辩论组组长:签名201年月曰人们对新鲜食材的喜爱,自古至今从来没有中断。只是碍于当时的条件

2、,只有皇 室高官才能享受快马加鞭在驿站之间传递送去的食材。 随着冷藏技术的不断开展,满 足人们的需求变得更为现实,冷链物流应运而生。现代人们生活品质的提高,人们对 食品质量的要求也越来越高,冷链物流业逐渐崭露出商机。同时,冷鲜食品比一般食 品对于物流的要求更高、更专业,这也给冷链物流业的开展带来了挑战。 我国冷链物 流业面着很大的开展空间。据了解,我国在“十二五期间就对冷链物流制定了较高的开展目标,并对冷库、冷藏车等设备与冷链流通率、冷藏运输率等指标均有明确的规划。 近年来,我国的冷 藏行业开展迅速,对冷链物流的要求也越来越高。之前由于我国的冷链物流比国外起 步晚、根底设施陈旧等等造成我国冷链

3、物流开展缓慢。 冷链物流应该重视科技的作用, 健康快速的开展。我国的冷冻速冻行业开展迅速 ,冷链物流也随之得到迅速开展,但 是我国的冷链物流还存在一些问题,在两会期间有人大代表就这些问题提出应该重点 投资建设我国的冷链物流网,让人们的生活必需品的品质得到保障。目录摘要1ABSTRACT21绪论31.1选题背景与意义3选题背景3选题意义4555682冷链物流99991010101112122.4冷链运输143冷链物流的现状与前沿1515151718181819开展冷链物流的核心19促进冷链物流开展的支撑20促进冷链物流开展的前提203.2.4 促进冷链物流开展的保障2121213.3.2 GPS

4、技术在冷链物流中的应用223.3.3 RFID技术在冷链物流中的应用244我国冷链物流开展中存在的问题2626262727274.6监管机制缺失,行业规 X滞后285我国冷链物流开展的对策2929292930306冷链物流的开展趋势313132326.3冷链物流将得到整合,形成完整的系统结论32参考文献33致 谢35浅析我国冷链物流开展的对策摘要近年来,随着我国国民经济的快速开展,生活节奏不断加快,生活方式发生变化, 人们花在厨房里的时间越来越少,对冷冻、冷藏食品的需求大幅度上涨。据数据显示, 我国的冷藏冷冻食品的总量以每年10%勺比例增长,冷藏冷冻食品的销售量占到食品 销售总量的10流右。初

5、级农产品、各类水产品、速冻食品、包装熟食、奶制品的产 量和流通量逐年增加,相关的冷链物流运作越来越受到关注。 此外随着生活水平日益 改善,人们的食品安全意识、食品质量理念进一步提高,全社会对生鲜食品的安全和 品质提出了更高的要求。人们开始更多地关注产品的整体市场表现力,从而开始关心 与产品生产、流通、销售有关的活动。一个陌生却与我们生活、健康息息相关的专业 词汇“冷链渐渐浮出水面。本文从冷链与冷链物流的概念出发, 结合我国冷链物流开展的现状,引入国外先 进的管理经验和先进的冷藏链技术,分析了我国冷链物流目前仍存在第三方物流服务 不到位、完善独立的冷链体系尚未形成、冷链运输本钱过大、冷链物流根底

6、设施严重 落后、技术标准缺位、行业规X滞后、融资困难等多方面的问题。因此,本文针对问 题提出了相应的措施,建议政府要加大对冷链物流方方面面的投入, 包括根底设施的 建设,资金的有效投入,加强我国冷链行业的规划等等。我国的现代物流是从传统的运输、 仓储业开展而来,随着物流行业的开展和市场 日益细分,冷链物流正是一种专业化的物流方向。 冷链物流涉与“门到门的整个供 给链的运作与管理。目前,我国冷链物流在前行的道路上遇到了很好的开展机遇,冷链物流市场增长潜力仍然巨大。关键词:冷链;冷链物流;冷链运输An alysis of the Cold Cha in Logistics Developme nt

7、 StrategyAbstract : In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinas national economy, the pace of lifecontinues to accelerate, lifestylechange, less andless time people spe nd in the kitche n, a sharp rise in dema nd for froze n, refrigerated food. The data show that the total amount of refrig

8、erated and froze n food in Chin as 10% per annum growth in the refrigerated and froze n food sales acco unt for about 10 perce nt of total food sales. The primary agricultural products, all kinds of aquatic products, froze n food, packaged cooked food, milk production and circulationof increasing ye

9、ar by year, thecold cha in logistics operati ons more and more atte nti on. In additi on, as livingstandards are improving peoples awareness of food safety, food qualityconcept to further improve the whole of society has put forwardhigherrequireme nts for safety and quality of fresh food. People beg

10、a n to pay more atte nti on to the overall market performa nee, which bega n to care about the production, distribution, sales-related activities. A stranger is livingwithus, health is closely related to the specialized vocabulary of the cold chain beginning to emerge. Starting from the concept of t

11、he cold chain and cold chain logistics, bined with the development status of Chinas cold chain logistics, the introductionof foreign advaneed managementexperienee and advaneed coldcha in tech no logy, an alysisof the coldcha in logisticsin Chi na is still notin place there are third-party logistics

12、services, perfect and in depe ndent of the cold chain system has not yet formed, cold-chaintransportationcostsare too large, cold chain logisticsinfrastructureis seriously lagging behind,the absenee of technicalstandards,industrystandards lag, financingdifficulties and many other issues. This proble

13、m, the appropriate measures, it is reme nded that the gover nment should in creaseinv estme nt inall aspectsof cold chain logistics, including the eonstruction of infrastructure, effective inv estme nt of fun ds, stre ngthe n the cold cha in in dustry in Chi na pla nning.Chi nas modern logistics evo

14、lved from traditi on al tran sportati on and warehousing industry with the development of logistics industry and the market in creas in gly broke n dow n, cold cha in logistics is a kind of specialized logistics directions. The cold chain logistics involved in door to door, en d-to-e nd operati on a

15、nd man ageme nt of the en tire supply cha in. At prese nt, Chin as cold cha in logistics, the first line of the road met a good opport unity for the development of cold chain logistics market growth potential is still huge.Keywords: cold chain; cold chain logistics; cold chain transport1.1选题背景与意义选题背景近年来,我国冷链物流市场规模和需求增速加快, 仅食品行业冷链物流的年需求 量就在1亿吨左右,年增长率在8%以上。一些国际性、区域性的盛会,如奥运会、某 某世博会和某某亚运会,使得一线城市的国际化程度日益提升, 冷链市场也有了显著 增长。继2008年奥运会之后,2010年的世博会



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