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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit1Will people have robots1. have a robot有一个机器人 2.in 100 years 在100年之内3. live to be 200 years old 活到200岁 4.study at home on computers 呆在家里通过电脑学习 5. fall in love with sth. 爱上某物 6. fewer people 更少的人 7.less free time更少的时间 8.less/more pollution 更少/更多的污染 9.more tall buildings 更多的高楼 10.live

2、 in an apartment/space station 住在公寓/空间站 11.as a reporter 作为一名记者 12. work near here 在这附近工作13.keep a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉 14. during this week 在这一周期间 15. live alone 一个人住 16. in college 在大学 17. space station空间站 21. fly a rocket to the moon 乘飞船飞往月球18. look smart 看上去聪明 19. wear a suit 穿着西服 20. dress more c

3、asually 穿着更随便 22. win the next World Cup 赢下一届世界杯 23. in the future 在将来24. twenty years from now 从现在算起20年 25. for my job interview 为了我的工作面试26. wear a uniform to school 穿着校服去上学 27. come true 变成现实28. be able to 能够. . 得以 . . 29.help with the housework 帮助做家务30. get bored变得无聊 31the head of the movie compa

4、nies 电影公司总经理32.Predicting the future will be difficult 预测未来将会很难 33 hundreds of 数以百计的34. many famous prediction 许多著名的预测 35. just like 正如36. have ones own robot 有某人自己的机器人 37.seem impossible 看上去不可能 39.win award 赢得奖品38. see actors talk 看相声 40. live in an apartment 住在公寓里 41.no sound in movies would 无声电影

5、42.never be used by most people 从不被大多数人利用43.in some science fiction/ movies在一些科幻小说/电影中 44.do the most unpleasant job 做最不愉快的工作45.It may take hundreds of years 可能花费几百年的时间46.will be able to talk to people 将能和人类交谈47. in 25 to 50 years 在25至50年的时间里 48.over and over again 反复49. do such job 做这样的工作 50. have

6、less work to do 有更少的工作去做51.have many different shapes 有不同的形状 52. after an earthquake 地震之后 53. help look for people under buildings 帮助寻找埋在楼下的人 54.space rockets太空火箭 55. electric toothbrushes 电动牙刷Unit 2 What should I do?1.stay at home呆在家 2.every night每天晚 3.play CDs播放CD4.too loud太吵 5.out of style 过时的 6.

7、enough money足够的钱(busy enough)7.want to surprised him 想使他意外 8.go to his house 去他家9.give him a ticket给他一张票 10.a ball game 一场球赛11.on the phone 通过电话 12.talk about their problems 谈论他们的问题13. talk about it on the phone 通过电话谈论它 13.dont have any money没有钱14.get some money得一些钱 15.pay for支付 16.summer camp 夏令营17

8、.get a part-time job 做一份兼职工作 18.have a bake sale 卖烧烤19.get a tutor得到一份家教 20.be original 新颖的 21.in style 时髦的22.the radio advice program电台建议节目 26. be the same as与。一样27.the same clothes as与。一样的衣服 28.get different clothes买不同的衣服29.have a problem有麻烦 30.at school 在学校 31.find out 发现,找出 32.last week 上周 33. E

9、veryone was invited except me除我之外每个人都被邀请了 34. Im very upset 我很难过 35. fail my test 考试不及格36.after-school activities课后活动 37.busy enough 足够忙38.after school 放学后 39.get home到家 40.the same age as me 与我同岁 41.get on well with sb 与某人相处很好 42.want to fight with my cousin 想和我的表哥打架 43.give me some advice给我一些建议 44

10、.take her daughter to the piano lesson 带我的女儿去上钢琴课45.The tired children dont get home until 7:00 疲惫的孩子们直到七点钟才到家 46.have a quick breakfast 快快的吃完早饭 47.pushy parents固执的家长 48.send their kids to all kinds of classes 把他们的孩子送往各种培训班pare them with other children把他们和其他的孩子相比 50.try to plan their kids lives 试图计划

11、他们孩子的生涯51.as much as possible尽可能多 52.too much pressure太多的压力 53.get their kids a bit more time 给孩子更多的时间54. need organized activities 需要有组织的活动55.take part in 参加 56.all kinds of 各种各样的 57.on the one hand在一方面 58.on the other hand在另外一方面 Unit3What were you doing when the UFO arrived?1.in front of在.的前面(外部)i

12、n the front of在.的前部(内部)2.in barber shop理发店 3.in the bathroom/kitchen在浴室/厨房 4.stand in front of the library站在图书馆前面 5.sleep late睡懒觉6.cook dinner 作饭 7.get out of shower从浴室出来 8.talk on the phone通过电话交谈 9.land on the Center Street 降落在中心大街10.the Museum of Flight航天博物馆 11.go into a souvenir shop 进入一家礼品店 11.b

13、uy a souvenir 买纪念品 12.call the police/TV station 给警察/电视台打电话13.take off 起飞 14.walk down the street 沿街散步15.have an unusual experience 有一次不寻常的经历16. Isnt that amazing ?难道那不是疯狂的吗? 17. too scared太恐怖了!18.be surprised to do sth 作某事感到很吃惊 19. see a cat in a tree 看到树上有一只猫20. in the playground 在操场上 21.at the tr

14、ain station在火车站 22.shout his name叫他的名字 23.hear the news of the important events 听到重要新闻消息 24.on the April 14th. 1968. 在1968年4 月14 日。25.in the modern American history 在美国现代历史上26.hear about the event 听到这件事 27.have fun doing sth. 28.take place about 30 years ago.发生在30 年前 29 .jump down 跳下来30.take a photo照相,拍照 31.police officer 警官 32.New York 纽约 33.run away 逃跑,逃掉 34.Beijing International Airport北京国际机场 35.at the doctors 在医务室 36.at that time那时 37.in silence默默的 38.in more rec


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