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1、南关学校2014-2015学年度第一学期九年级英语第八单元导学案 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.【单元学习目标】1 学习情态动词: must / may / can / might / could 表推测的用法。2 学会用这些情态动词谈论某种可能性。【单元重点难点】1belong to 的用法。2 情态动词:must / may / can / might / could 表推测的用法。第一课时Section A (1a-1c)主备人:吴晓红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1. 掌握本节课的单词。2 .完成1a1c。3. 掌握情态动词表推测时的用法,must ,m

2、ight , could ,cant, may【重点难点】 掌握情态动词表推测的句型。【导学过程】一、课前预习1.用 whose 询问物体所有者,用be 和所有格及名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词进行回答:A这是谁的书? _ _ is this? 或:_ is this book?B这是王平的书。This is _ book. = This book is _C这是他的/我的书。This is _/ _ book.= This book is _/ _.2.完成1a。二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 听录音,完成1b,小组核对答案.(二)合作探究1.两人一组,模仿1C

3、练习,表演不同的对话。2.小组竞赛看谁表演得出色。3. 语法:1)belong to 意为:“某物属于某人或某人属于某个组织或团体”后接宾格。如:这是我的书。This book belongs to me.=This book is _= This is _ book .我是这个游泳俱乐部的成员。I _ _ the swimming club.注:belong to 没有被动语态和进行时态。2) 情态动词must, may, can, might, could 表示推测的用法:(1) must, may, might, could. 表示肯定的推测。其中 must 表示“一定”,有90以上的把

4、握。may 次之。might, could 可能性最小。如:This book must be Toms, his name is on it. Where is my book? It may be in your desk.(无根据但有可能)(2)can 只用于否定句和疑问句。如:(有人敲门)完成下列对话: A:_ it be Tom? B:No, it _ be Tom, he has gone to America yesterday.三、达标检测(一) 根据句意,用must, could, cant 填空。1. Whose skirt is this? I think it _ be

5、 Annas , she is the only girl who wears a skirt in our class.2 .Whose earring is this? It _ be Alices, she wears earrings sometimes.3. Whose jeans are these? I found them on the chair in the living room. They _ be mine, I put all my jeans on my bed .4. Is this Jims football? Yes, it _ be his , There

6、 is his name on it . (二) 选择( )1.Doyouknowwhosedictionaryitis?It_LiLeis.Hisnameisonit.A.cantbe B.mustbe C.mightbe D.maybe( )2.Wouldyoupleasehelpmewiththequestions? Sorry.You_goandaskMary.She_knowtheanswer. A.must;can B.can;may C.need;can D.must;may( )3.Doyouknowwhomthecase_?A.wasbelongedto B.wasbelon

7、ging C.belongedto D.belongsto( )4.You _ worryabouthim.Hewillgetwellsoon.A.neednt B.cant C.mustnt D.maynot( )5.Marydoesntlikevolleyball.Sothevolleyball _behers. A.might B.cant C.mustnt D.maynot【教学反思】第二课时Section A (2a-2d)主备人:吴晓红 审核人:吴寅成【学习目标】 1. 熟悉掌握本节课的单词, 完成2a2d.2. 掌握情态动词:must / may / can / might /

8、could 表推测的用法。【重点难点】 能运用本课所学句型进行自由交际。【导学过程】一、课前预习用must, might, could, cant填空。1.Is Peter here yet? Not yet, but he _ be here soon. He is usually on time.2.The man in the office _ be Mr. black because he phoned me from London just now.3.The red bicycle _ be Carlas. She has a blue bicycle.4.The hair ban

9、d _ belong to Linda. It was on her desk.5.The MP4 _ be Li Yings. I always saw her listen to music with it.二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预习检查。2. 浏览2a,2b完成听力。3. 根据2c提示,自编对话。4. 朗读2d,了解文章大意。(二)合作探究 1.分角色朗读2d并模仿自编对话。2. must/ may/ might/could be + 名词性物主代词/名词所有格/ 形代+名词。 如:Whose book is this? It must be mine/ Toms /

10、 her book.3. must/ may/ might / could belong to +宾格代词或名词。如:It must belong to him / Tom.三、达标检测( ) 1. The teacher_ be in the office because the light is off.A.might B. cant C. mustnt D. may.( ) 2.Whose Chinese book is this? It could be _. He_ Chinese. A.Tom. study B.Toms, studies. C. Toms , study D. T

11、om, studied( ) 3. Must I finish my homework today? _No,you_. A.must B. neednt C. mustnt D.need( ) 4.There are trees on_ sides. A.both B.either C. neither D.all( ) 5.He must be very busy today,_? A.mustnt he B.cant he C.isnt he D.arent you( )6.You have already tried your best, so you_worry about the

12、matter.A.cant B.neednt C.mustnt D.couldnt( )7.-Are you going to buy a camera? -Yes. but there are so many kinds that I cant decide_to buy.A.what B.which C. how D.where( )8. _fathers are both scientists. A.Jims and Bob B. Jims and Bobs C. Jim and Bobs D. Jim and Bo( )9.- “Frank cant find_dictionary.

13、Can you lend_to_?” -“Certainly.”A.her; mine; her B./; yours; his C.my; yours; he D.his; yours; him( )10. Which of the two cameras are you going to buy? Ill buy_of them, so I can lend one to my friend.A.all B. both C.neither D.every one11.This book is _(I). And that one belongs to _(he).12. Do you have


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