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1、听力博客上海新东方吴真如机经:辛达留学:寄托、太傻、chasedream(商学院GMAT)精听:scientificAmerican泛听:TTC字典:英文字根字典_刘毅 简明英语同义词宝库_外研社软件:longman 台湾江璞 高分听力120时间分配:1个section(对话3min,段子56min + 做题10min5,5,6题)1 主题题(对话 / 段子)对话:campus life 段子:academic setting(1) 对话主题题:(定) 学生:vs学生 (时态:将来 will be going to do / be about to / will be doingbe read

2、y for / expect / longing for /look forward to ) vs老师 ( 找problem Register : enroll / enlist preliminary / prerequisite / basic / entry-level / intro-coursee.g. Why does the women go to see the professor? 要的是“假问题”最表面的问题 ) (2) 段子主题题: 开门见山: well, today, so, then, now, ok Were going to discuss a/the sth.

3、 of sth. 干扰:废话(老师跑题) Weve already talked about sth / in the last class 慎选强烈限定词 含个人强烈态度 (good也算) various, important, significant, essential, crucial, popular, dominant, vital, leading 绝对极端限定词 every , most , almost , always, all, only, never 消极负面词 段落叠加:文章每段key word 叠加2 细节题 题目按文章顺序出,段内解决,笔记多画少记 一般事实:fi

4、gures / for example / experience / description / reasons记完一个main idea 划线,记录下一个十大考点1 建议句型must / have to / make sure / 祈使句 + do you should / recommend / suggest / propose + doyoud better do / youd better off doingif I were you, I would do / wouldnt you do if you wereit doesnt hurt to doneed / may / mi

5、ght / can / could / perhaps / possible / probably特殊发语词 You know what / Guess what / Tell you what2 分步分类(1) 分步: (进程感,排序类表格题) 步骤:firstsecondnext / before / after / prior to / superior to / inferior to / 时间因果逻辑:because / as / since / for / due to / owning to / consequently / hence / thus lead to / resu

6、lt in (from) / trigger / explain(2) 分类: (平行列举双选、表格、细节题) 短举例并列(听升调,记辅音) (有时确定了一个选项,可以用来选择另外几个无从选择的项) 长距离并列a types / kinds 等提示词(用大括号记录)b 隐含连接词:as well as / and / besides / along with / apart from / together with With / plus / some / except / on top of 3 专有名词 term 注意听解释4 离题信息 (重听题)(1) 口误(2) 废话:无关信息(3)

7、道歉5 重复(1)同义词重复(opinion题) e.g. : important / interesting / amazing / good (2)反义词重复 (3)上下义词重复 (cat 和 animal) 替换+强调 (4)同词根重复6 转折前后(1) but / yet / however 强转折(2) while / still 弱转折(3) nonetheless / nevertheless(4) despite 只加名词性质的词(5) In spite of A, B(6) Although A, B(7) Though A, B7 强调(1) 个人态度 + / (2) 极端

8、、绝对化词汇 most / all / always(3) 信息前置(4) 语气加重处,语速慢8 主题和细节的强调AaBb 锁定绑定关系即可Cc问法e.g. Why does the professor mention b ? What example does the professor give to support A?9 语气语调诡异之处 (重听题)e.g. Thank you. (一般降调,如果是升调,带有挑衅、不满、怀疑) I did? (升否定态度,降自信肯定自负)10 进度条志向结尾处(prediction题) 暗示新行动、新变化间接细节题 replay / infer一 重听

9、题1 起承转合处:表明意见变化,暗示新行动 Next now a word or two of sth2 背后含义:弦外之音(1) 欲言又止:暗示某题答案(2) 明知故问:举例子、讲故事(3) 自问自答:解释某概念(4) 师生互动:课堂引导 or 鼓励(5) 自我更正:口误(6) 一词多义:e.g. such crude estimates(此处estimates指报价)Its a different story(此处story不指故事) Tips:一定不考字面意思 注意:文章结构起承转合、骨架、脉络 语音语调诡异之处:个人态度 严禁过度推断 当答案中有“推”和“被推”时,选择“被推”(是基础

10、选项)二 态度题 正 / 负通过1.实词 2.语气 Tips:注意语音语调 Eulogy(赞美): fabulous=fab / magnificent / awesomeinstructive / stimulating / thought-provoking awful:remind: I dont think youll dopitysurprisetactful refuse: sounds great but整合信息题 一推断题 老托:predict尾巴原则 新托:infer / imply (独特:conclude题) Tips:1.文中某处细节(被巧妙隐藏,需要发掘)(1) 语音

11、语调诡异之处X:(You did a good job) X(I did? ) Info=Y=不自信语言特殊功能:tactful refuse X= I hate spaghetti. Info=Y=不会去意式餐厅时态(通篇是一种时态,出现特殊诡异的时态时候,取非) I thought it was free. (=现在不免费了) Wasnt just / no longer If B were he, he would llike it.(好像B已经死了)虚拟语气修辞手法(过度礼貌=讽刺隐晦表达意见建议 a little too / just too)(2) 重复处(3) 建议处(4) 个人

12、观点2.全文主题 (对应conclusion题)二连接内容题Connecting Content三种表格题型 :A.对号入座题(tips:逻辑+主要特征+缩写)B.对错题/是否题(tips:平行列举+缩写)C.排序题(tips:事件发展顺序提示词+选项分析)把握“分类”、“层次变化”、“对比”、“过程描述”三组织结构题 Organization常见结构n Definition with examples / demonstraten Compare/ contrastn Describe and explanation /analyzen Cause and effect/ effect an

13、d causen Discuss the history/ development of sthn Classification or categorizationn Describe causes and effectn Describe usesn Explain reasonsn Give examplesn Give instructionsn Narrate an eventn Show similarities between thingsn Show differences between ideasn Summarize a processn Trace the history or development听力十大考点及题型总结n 1、建议-predict 题/infer题 +n 2、分步分类 :短距离并列、长距离并列-多选题、表格题+n 3、重复-infer题 +n 4、专有名词-一般细节


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