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1、译风俗习惯礼仪中英文互Japanese etiquette is based on the Japanese state of mind, education derived through the. Japanese etiquette is characterized by: pay attention to beauty and mood-US movements. Through its own actions to convey to each other in good faith, friendship, respect for others, care and understa

2、nding. 日本式礼仪是根据日本人的心境、教养经提炼而成的。日本式礼节的特点是:讲究动作美和 心境美。通过自身的行动向对方传达真诚、友爱、尊重他人、关心和体谅的心情。 Greetings 问候The Japanese believe that the main greeting greeting action should be. The time greeting each other, the most taboo, or right depending on the eyes squint. With your eyes man marking, it seems that peopl

3、e should see through this practice is seen as impolite action. So, what does the right location. Japans past, flat head, flat milk (room), flat shoulder view. The most standard practice is to require people to flat head, flat shoulder, flat angle of the composition of milk corners, select the locati

4、on of the middle of the best visual position. The so-called best part of it is that those who expressed their willingness to listen to each other greeting speech posture. 日本人 认为,问候应以动作问候为主。相互间表示问候的时候,最忌讳眼睛斜视或者对视。用眼睛 盯人,似乎要把人看透,这种做法也被视为失礼的动作。那么,什么位置合适呢。日本过去 有平目、平乳(房)、平肩的说法。现在最标准的做法是要求人们将平目、平肩、平乳的角度 组

5、成四角,选正中的位置为最佳目视部位。所谓最佳部位是指问候者表示愿意听对方讲话的 姿式。The standard second-class visual area of about an inch or so away from the flat shoulder and the amount of the Ministry of flat, flat umbilical point of the composition of corners. Select a location can be within the four corners. If you look out of this ra

6、nge, it will cause the other party feel eyes squint. 标准的第二级目视部位为离平肩约一寸左右部与平额、平脐的角度组成四角。选四 角范围内一部位即可。如果目光脱离这个范围,就会使对方感到目光斜视。Is a very easy conversation between the two sides, if one side of the eye from the visual part of the second level, but also make the other feel rude. If a crowded place, far to

7、 find his friend, can be gently raised his hands and waved to each other. If the person was found, it should be looking at a distant friend, say a few words of greeting. 就是在双方进行十分轻松的谈话时,如果有一方的 目光脱离第二级目视部位,也会使对方感到失礼。如果在人群拥挤的地方,远远地发现了自 己的朋友,可轻轻举起手来,向对方招手致意。如果对方发现,就应看着远处的朋友,讲一 些问候的话。Bumping into an acq

8、uaintance, when the important ritual action far more than speech. The most common is the Shi pike ceremony. If the relationship is very close, but also Shi hands or patting ceremony. In short, the salute must first consider the other side before with their affinities. The handshake, the handshake be

9、tween men and women should be first reached for the woman. Seniors and juniors between the younger generation should first reach out. Thank you, Good-bye, yes, Good Morning, Good Night, Im sorry, Please is a frequently used courtesy of the Japanese language.熟人打照面的时候,礼仪动作的重要远远超过致词。最常见 的是施屈体礼。如果双方关系甚密

10、,还可施握手礼或者拍拍肩膀。总之,施礼之前必须首先 考虑对方与自己的亲疏关系。就握手而言,男女之间握手,应由女方首先伸手。前辈、晚辈 之间,则应晚辈首先伸手。“谢谢”、“再见”、“是”、“早安”、“晚安”、“对不起”、“请”是 日本人经常使用的礼貌语言。Japanese population is almost no one ever Wuzhou. It appeared only in recent years, he and her argument. Under normal circumstances, honorifics completely replaced by the pe

11、rson. Therefore, the proper use of honorifics is essential for the Japanese. In principle, to talk about the relationship between themselves or with their closest person to use self-deprecating language. On the relationship with each other when close to people and seniors to use honorifics. Those wh

12、o respectfully and indiscriminate use of honorifics, or even making things when I use the honorific others who would be regarded as lacking in upbringing. It can be said whether the proper use of language in Japan is often judge a person uneducated important basis. With acquaintances in the middle o

13、f the road or at the station ticket gate to talk about long-distance, on the tram for their acquaintances to let others are rude the performance of your seat. In public places, the Japanese stressed the need to first consider the Do not trouble to others. Therefore, people often talk about looking f

14、or long-distance call or not to influence others to walk the roadside location. In addition, not only consider their own, regardless of the other, a taste to talk a Mei Wan. Japanese think it is a lack of respect for the performance of others. 日本语口浯中几乎没有人称。只是近年来才出现 了“他”与“她”的说法。在一般情况下,敬语完全取代了人称。因此,正确

15、使用敬语对于 日本人来说至关重要。原则上谈自己或者与自己关系亲近的人时要用自谦语。谈与对方关系 亲近的人及前辈时要使用敬语。那些恭恭敬敬地胡乱使用敬语,甚至提本人的事时也使用敬 语的人会被旁人视为缺乏教养。可以说,在日本能否正确使用语言往往是判断一个人有没有 教养的重要根据。与熟人在道路中间或者在车站检票口谈长话,在电车上让别人为自己的熟 人让座都是失礼的表现。在公共场合,日本人强调必须首先考虑“不要给别人添麻烦”。因 此,人们谈长话时往往寻找路边或者不影响他人行走的地点。此外,不能只考虑自己,不顾 对方,一味儿地聊个没完。日本人认为这是一种不尊重他人的表现。Encountered on th

16、e street elders, superiors, even though there is no need to take off their coats, but it must be easy to take off the hat, gloves off, and then salute. Taking into account the traffic problems, must be elders, superiors so that to be able to shelter their location. Taking full account of each others circumstances, to greetings, but must pay attention to simple and concise. 在大街 上遇到长辈、上司,尽管没有必要脱下大衣,但必须将容易脱掉的帽子、手套摘下,然后施 礼。考虑到交通上的问题,必须把长辈、上司让到能够庇护他们的地点。在充分考虑对方的 情


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