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1、Specification for YFV injection mold 延锋伟世通注塑模具采购标准延锋伟世通注塑模具采购标准Specification for Yanfeng Visteon Injection Molds May 19, 20031. General Information 概述This specification is especially developed for the adaptation of the procurement of the injection mold if the company proper. The specification contai

2、ns design requirements, build requirements and mold tryout standards.本标准是为适应本公司注塑模的采购而定的要求,本标准包括设计要求,制造要求和试模标准。Any deviation from this specification must be approved by responsible project engineer of Yanfeng Visteon.任何与本标准的不符合项必须得到延锋伟世通项目工程师的批准。It shall be the mold vendor responsibility to understa

3、nd and implement the specification. Implement the detailed contents in mold design, built and the service after sale.模具供应商有责任理解并执行本标准。The explanation right to all the issues relating the specification belongs to Yanfeng Visteon. All questions concerning the specification shall be directed to respons

4、ible project engineer of Yanfeng Visteon.与本标准相关的所有问题的解释权属于延锋伟世通。1.1 Technical Description 技术描述1.2 Mold Build 模具制造A. Vendor will provide complete sets of approved mold design drawings and CAD data (both 2D and 3D). Any errors or inconsistencies to the equipment to be put into operation by Yanfeng Vis

5、teon Company are to be reported immediately to the responsible project engineer.供应商提供完整的已批准的模具设计图纸和CAD数据(2维和3维)。延锋伟世通提供进行操作的注塑机标准,有任何错误或不一致应立即向项目工程师报告。B. Before building the mold, the vendor will provide CAD data of the product. If any design problem which will cause failure of mold building, vendor

6、 shall inform responsible engineer immediately and gives out related suggestion as well.模具制造前,模具供应商应向延锋伟世通提供产品的CAD数据。如果有任何会导致模具制造失败的设计问题,供应商应立即通知延锋伟世通责任工程是同时提出相关建议。C. Datum lines are to be scribed in core steel 0.1mm deep.基准线划在型芯0.1mm深处。D. Mold must have a sufficient strengthening safety strap at op

7、erator and helper side respectively to prevent mold opening.在模具的操作工和辅助工的一侧必须装有足够牢固的安全板以防止模具打开。E. All molds must have complete identification labels with Chinese and English. The Chinese translation is to be done by mold vendor and confirmed by the Yanfeng Visteon responsible project engineer.所有的模具必须

8、有完整的中英文识别标签,中文译文由模具供应商提供并有延锋伟世通责任项目工程师确认。F. All molds are to be supplied with, at least, four (4) safety hoist rings. The rings on the top side of the mold must be sufficient enough to support mold weight and reach the balance.对所有的模具必须至少提供4个安全吊环,模具顶部的吊环必须足够支持模具的重量并达到平衡。G. Supplier must submit a writ

9、ten quality control report as to the dimension correctness to these injection molds and must be approved by YFV specified project engineer.供应商必须提交一份书面的有关这些注塑模的尺寸正确性的质量控制报告,必须获得延锋伟世通主管项目工程师的认可。H. Molds are to be thermally stress relieved prior to finishing. Any method of stress relieving other than t

10、hermal must be approved by the responsible project engineer in writing.模具经加工之前应先进行热处理,任何除热处理以外的去应力方法必须得到延锋伟世通责任项目工程师的书面认可。1.3 Tryout Mold 试模1.3.1 Part Approval 产品认可Injection molds must produce molded parts within the cycle time identified aforementioned.注塑模生产产品必须在生产节拍之内。The molded parts produced dur

11、ing tryout should conform to the requirements in dimension and assembly and the quality control requirements of Yanfeng Visteon Company. They must be qualified in matching the whole vehicle. When there is inconsistent gap and flushness between painted bumper and car body, the design and build source

12、(s) will be held responsibility for the cost of repairs to the mold due to dimensional errors or process not meeting the requirements.试制的注塑产品必须与产品图要求的尺寸及装配的要求以及延锋伟世通的质量控制要求相符。必须与整车配合一致,涂装产品装车匹配有间隙和匹配不平整以及由于尺寸错误或者工艺不满足要求而带来的更改费用由设计和制造方负责。1.3.2 Dimensions and Part Approval 尺寸和零件认可Injection molds must

13、produce qualified parts. Products off molds must reach customer requirements. Any unqualified items must be correct.注塑模必须生产合格的零件。零件必须具备相同或高于客户所需的外观及质量标准,任何不符合项必须被纠正。After the mold has produced parts that are dimensionally and functionally approved, the required surface finish (suitable for painting)

14、 will be completed and the mold will undergo tryout to approve the surface finish capability for final approval.模具生产出尺寸及功能均认可的产品,必须达到表面光洁度要求(适合涂装),并将对模具进行试制以验证表面光洁度。1.4 Mold Capability 模具能力After complete part approval, the mold will be subjected to a pro-production capability to prove all functions

15、in the mold, e.g. ejector, hydraulic, temperature control and all moving mechanisms. The mold capability run will last twenty four (24) hours. If a mold component fails during this period, the supplier must repair or replace the failed item at their expense.完整的零件认可,模具将被提出用试生产能力证明模具的所有功能,例如,顶杆,液压缸,温控

16、箱以及所有的运动机械,模具能力测试将持续24小时。如果在这段时间里,一个模具零部件失效了,模具供应商必须支付一定的费用来修理或替代失效的部分。1.5 Control System 控制系统All hydraulic and electrical control systems require design approval by Plant Engineering engineer of Yanfeng Visteon Company.所有液压和电器控制系统需要延锋伟世通公司工厂工程部工程师的设计认可。1.6 Preliminary Design Line-up 初始设计认可It is the responsibility of the mold vendor source to make contact



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