Hard work doesn’t always pay 英语短文翻译范例

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《Hard work doesn’t always pay 英语短文翻译范例》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Hard work doesn’t always pay 英语短文翻译范例(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Hard work doesnt always payDoes it ever make sense to contribute your labour free of charge? Matthew Lewis, then an out-of-work masters graduate, decided it did. Sadly, the introductions to employers promised in lieu of a salary never materialised. Instead, he spent six months interning at a busines

2、s development consultancy making sales calls without pay or commission. “I did the same job as the guys who hired me but they were salaried and I wasnt,” he says.付出劳动但不收取报酬有任何意义吗?当时正处于失业状态的硕士毕业生马修?刘易斯(Matthew Lewis)曾经断定,这么做确实有意义。遗憾的是,不付薪水但向用人单位推荐的承诺从未兑现。相反,他在一家商业发展咨询公司实习了6个月,做着打推销电话的工作,却未得到薪水或佣金。他说,

3、“我和雇用我的人做着相同的工作,但他们领工资,我却没有工资。” His is not an isolated case. Reports abound of unfair practices. In February, a BBC documentary, Who Gets the Best Jobs, highlighted the prevalence of unpaid internships in the world of fashion PR. More recently, HSBCs legal division was accused of nepotism and bolste

4、ring social inequality when a senior employee implied that his department limited work experience to the offspring of its own executives. In April, Nick Clegg, the UK deputy prime minister, said Whitehall would ban informal internships as part of a drive to improve social mobility.马修的经历并非个例。有关不公平做法的

5、报道数不胜数。2月份,英国广播公司(BBC)一部名为谁得到了最好的工作(Who Gets the Best Jobs)的纪录片着重介绍了时尚公关领域无薪实习盛行的状况。最近,汇丰(HSBC)法律部被指支持裙带关系和助长社会不公,因为一位高级职员暗示他的部门把实习机会留给部门高管的子女。4月份,英国副首相尼克?克莱格(Nick Clegg)表示,作为改善社会流动性举措的一部分,白厅(Whitehall)将禁止非正式的实习生制度。 Now the controversy has been stoked further by former intern Ross Perlin. In an expo

6、s of questionable practices, Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy, he estimates there are 500,000 unpaid interns in the US, subsidising corporate America to the tune of $2bn a year.眼下,前实习生罗斯?波林(Ross Perlin)又为这场争议火上浇油。他在实习生之国:如何在美丽新经济中分文不赚并所学甚少(Intern Nation: H

7、ow to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy)一书中揭露了一些成问题的做法。据他估计,美国有50万名无薪实习生,他们每年为美国公司节约费用高达20亿美元。 However, stories of employers in fashion, politics, advertising and the media giving a leg-up to sons and daughters of acquaintances, or taking advantage of jobless graduates desperate

8、 for an inside track, paint a partial picture. For every alleged abuse there are also companies using internships to spot outstanding potential and beat competitors in the annual scramble for the best students. “For us, internships are an investment,” says Fran?ois de Wazires, international recruitm

9、ent director at LOral, which recruits 3,400 interns worldwide and pays them. He says they receive an average of about 1,500 ($2,400) in the UK and 1,400 ($2,000) in France.但是,时尚、政界、广告和媒体业的雇主向熟人的子女提供帮助,或者对那些还没找到工作、迫切希望获得有利地位的毕业生大加利用,这些报道仅描绘出了部分真相。尽管有多种陋习受到指责,也有公司利用实习生制度物色杰出人才,在每年一度的优等生争夺战中击败对手。欧莱雅(LO

10、ral)在全球招聘3400名实习生,并向他们支付薪水。欧莱雅全球招聘总监弗朗索瓦?德瓦兹耶赫(Fran?ois de Wazires)表示:“对于我们来说,招聘实习生是一笔投资。”他表示,实习生在英国的平均薪水为1500英镑(合2400美元),在法国是1400英镑(合2000美元)。 Some interns at other companies receive non-financial rewards such as a phone after working on a campaign for a mobile phone brand. More important perhaps, p

11、ractical experience can be a crucial springboard into employment as employers often see it as vital way to spot talent. The creative industries have a tradition of doing this. Like many agencies, marketing group Iris Worldwide hosts unpaid students and encourages them to brainstorm and work up ideas

12、. “The thing students need most is experience and access to people in the industry,” says Ian Millner, the chief executive也有些公司的实习生会收到非财务性奖励,比如参加某手机品牌活动的相关工作之后可获得一部手机。或许更为重要的是,实际经验可能成为日后就业的关键跳板,因为用人单位经常把实习视为发现人才的一条重要途径。各种创意性行业都有这么做的传统。像许多机构一样,营销集团艾睿思环球(Iris Worldwide)免费招聘学生前来实习,鼓励他们进行头脑风暴,发掘出种种创意。该公

13、司首席执行官伊恩?米尔纳(Ian Millner)表示,“(学生们)最需要的是获取工作经验并结识行业内人士”。 The counter-argument is that giving employers a free ride with un-paid labour props up companies that would otherwise go out of business, depresses wages and limits the career options for students who cannot afford to work free. Mr Perlin also

14、argues that internships take away opportunities from regular workers.反对的观点则认为,允许用人单位搭乘无偿劳动的便车,让一些原本会倒闭的公司得以维续。这么做也使企业得以压低工资,并限制了学生的职业选择他们的经济状况不允许他们免费劳动。波林还认为,实习生制度剥夺了正式员工的机会。 When does give and take tip over into exploitation? In the UK, it boils down to whether an individual falls within one of fou

15、r exemptions to the National Minimum Wage Act: volunteers; voluntary workers; work-shadowing/work experience; and students on course placements. Simply labelling someone an intern is not a get-out, says Alison Clements of Lewis Silkin, the law firm. What matters is whether “they are performing real

16、work” and are obliged to work fixed hours.这种“一个愿打、一个愿挨”的做法何时会变质成为剥削?在英国,判断标准就是实习生是否属于全国最低工资法案(National Minimum Wage Act)中规定的四种例外情况:志愿者、义务工作人员、工作观摩/工作实践和课程实习生。简单地给某人贴上“实习生”标签不是解决办法,Lewis Silkin法律事务所的艾莉森?克莱门茨(Alison Clements)表示。重要的是,他们“是否从事真正的工作”,以及工作时间是否是固定的。 Adam Foreman, a partner at Littler Mendelson, the law firm, says US law that guarantees interns a minimum wage is often ignored. Because “the interns are hoping


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