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1、高考专题复习 阅读理解-观点态度及篇章结构一、 观点态度题阅读是读者跟作者交流的过程,把握作者的写作意图需要读者有较高层次的阅读和理解能力。在高考题型中主要考察读者对作者态度观点的理解以及作者对某些细节描述的意图。1.题干形式:1) Whats the writers/authors attitude towards ?2) The writer/ author seems to agree that ?3) The writer/author believe/ implies/suggests that ?4) Which of the following is true about the

2、 writer?5) How does the author feel about?6) The writers attitude towardis _.2.解题策略:1) 切忌用自己的观点代替作者的观点2) 利用语境的褒贬性进行信息推断,找出褒贬性的标志性词汇或句子。3) 分清选项中的表示支持或肯定、中立、反对或否定的词语3. 常见的有关作者情感态度的词语:表示贬义 negative doubtful disgust critical disappointed disapproval pessimistic subjective sarcastic hostile表示褒义 positive

3、enthusiastic supportive approval optimistic objective satisfied friendly表示中立 neutral indifferent impassive uninterested matter-of-fact二、篇章结构题1、设问方式(1)Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?(2)In the next part,the author would most probably discuss with you.(3)The second paragraph

4、is developed by.(4)How does the passage develop?(5)The author answers the question raised in the first paragraph with.2、 题型攻略题型可分为两种:考查对文章整体结构的把握;考查根据现有文章预测后文的能力。(1)对于文章整体结构考生要弄清段落意义和段落之间的关系,就很容易理解其结构解决此类题关键在于找出篇章或段落中表示层次发展的关键词,如表示时间、方位、因果关系或对比的关联词等。一是按段落的组织方法理解文章的结构一是按写作方法(论证方法)理解文章的结构A. 考查从段落层次理解文

5、章的结构。这类题经常用到的提问方式是:which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? 常见的段落结构有如下几种情况: 图1 图2 图3 图4图1表明:(paragraph 1)是主题段(提出论题或论点),、段是就同一论据或者问题的同一方面作论述,用另一论据材料或者从问题的另一方面论述,段是结论段或者是用来重述论题、强调论点的段落。同样我们很容易理解图2、3、4所示的段落结构的意义。B. 从写作方法,常见的议论文结构有以下两类:a. put forward a question analyze the questio

6、n solve the question 这就是“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的过程;b. argument/idea evidence conclusion/ restating the idea这就是“由论点到论据到结论或者强调论点”的过程。对说明文、夹叙夹议类文章结构的理解,只要我们弄清段落意义和段落之间的关系,很容易理解其结构。(2) 根据现有文章预测后文的能力同学们要在正确理解篇章内容的基础上对文章的发展作出合理的推断。同学们需要重点依据篇章最后一段(特别是最后一句话)作出判断.作者总会给读者充分的证据对文章的发展进行推测:或是说明了两个对象中的一个;或是只讲了区别,没讲联系;或是

7、只给出了理论解释,而缺少事例的证明.(1)So advertising agencies hire young actors to perform in bars an d other places where young adults goSome people might call this practice deceptive, but marketing executive Jonathan Ressler calls it creativeLook at traditional advertisingIts effectiveness is decreasing.However, o

8、ne might ask what exactly is real about of young women pretending to be enthusiastic about a sweater? Adverting executives would say its no less real than an adThe difference is that you know an ad is trying to persuade you to buy somethingYou don t know when a conversation you overhear is just a pe

9、rformance. Be careful not to be cheated deliberately.54. The attitude of the writer toward “Undercover Marketing” is _. A. negative B. positive C. supportive D. casual(2)The law of overlearning explains why cramming (突击学习)for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade, is not a satisfac

10、tory way to learn a college course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned. A little overlearning, on the other hand, is really necessary for ones future development.70. What is the authors o

11、pinion on cramming?A. It leads to failure in college exams.B. Its helpful only in a limited way.C. Its possible to result in poor memory.D. It increases students learning interest.(3)Fox Van Allen is a technology expert. He agrees the Surface seems to have more to offer than the iPad. Its a very int

12、eresting new device. I think the key point here is that its not just another iPad. Its a device that almost serves as a replacement for a PC. The Surface is meant to compete with the iPad. But not everyone is sure it is a better product. Some throw doubts on it as Microsoft is good at software, but

13、not at hard products.53. Which of the following might the text continue to deal with? A. The probable result of the competition. B. The conclusion drawn by the writer. C. The reaction from Microsoft. D. Negative opinions about the Surface.(4)The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century

14、 before changes for the better, changes for the worse, changes that brought a lot of benefits to human beings, changes that put man in danger .Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science. Scientific research in physics and biology has vastly broadened our views. It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter and of the universe, it has brought us a better understanding of the na


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