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1、大学生英文自我介绍汇总篇 大学生英文自我介绍篇1Hell,evroe! My na is(中文名) Yo analso cae(英语名) if ouie. cme fr junior1It is rely a great hoorto haveteoportuniy for standing ee. o tfirt,l oul li to hank you l lstngt m Im an acive,conident irl in he chol,m fvoute subject is . I the(班中的职位) of myclass sot mke my sen oesponsiilty

2、iher. lso enj(介绍你的兴趣爱好等) My hope a ese t win tiscpein.I l fai,houg is a litle diappoit,Iwont beat my conidce I blie tha Illo it betenxttime Iope I ca mk a rfct prformncetay. Thant ou!我的名字叫-,你也可以叫我。我来自初一年级。十分荣幸能有这次机会参加这个比赛,首先,感谢你们的聆听。 在学校,我是一个活泼,自信的女孩,我最喜欢的科目是-,在班中,我担任-一职,它锻炼了我的能力与责任心。我也很喜欢-。目前,我的愿望是

3、能赢得这次比赛。如果我输了,我会有些失望,但是我不会气馁,我相信我下次能做得更好。 希望我今天的表演会比较出色。 大学生英文自我介绍 篇 Hllo,Im erglad to comeo yourcompany or ainrvi, cnt wai to wtt sell y myself! y me is AA, n Ju tis year l e grduatedfm AA niversiy.Thifurear, Iway elive thatgo good study,takean activ part in ctivities to eich hir lves, afoe ministe

4、r ofshol studnt AA, the ss learnng comittee mber, as w the shol utstaing drctor-gneral. A a gaduaing ollege tuents, mysocial experinc isinsucent, but t te am tme I also s pi ofblankpaper.I am cmmtte to roessionawrk,bes ths is my by, I study a on preionl cs,xlore poblems iofena bubbe in the irary lay

5、 long, thug not very rich prticl experienc,t hehisfutue ob that I angv flllyt mythought.O earin wrk, aitue to lfe, ahee to th calm attiue, tepiniple ofhoest effort, have srong dediati ad sense rensiiliy, cn ae I cnce an dffculties adcllnges. leaseeliv ostve I, perha Im nt he est, ut I deintel i mmbr

6、oteeffots torun I bliee ha running can hn!x 大学生英文自我介绍篇3 hell.verytis rly good to se yo rei am.,coe from cin.this is y first mto thbeutif counry ,ia o elightd t ave te opotuity to be he wth youguy .i ust finised my sudy in hih school ,nd i woud like tofremy t hre.ut myengsh is no that good , eed your

7、 hlp.ayay ,i oe e canejo ouselvesbeing togthe .thankyo eal Itrodci I athird ea master majoi auation at Shangha iao Tong.nirsty, P R. China Wih remendous interst in IndustrialEngineri,I am writing to aply orccepace into your Ph.D.graduat prra. Eduation backgroud I 195, Ieter e anjnUnirty oSciee hnolo

8、g (NUST) - widely condred oneof te Chinas es engineing sholsDringt folowig underaute sdy, my academic recrds pisnguhd ag te whle deparment.Ias grnted irs Cla Prize very semster,In 1999,I gt he ilege toenter the grada pogram aived fthe admision es. At the peiod of my gauatestdy, m overl GA(3.77/40) r

9、aedtp % in h dpatmt.In th ecd semetr,I bcae techerastnth is ve to taeted ad atued stuens only This ear,won te cer Schoarshi sthe o anonly candidate in m dprment, which ishe limat acolae for distnguied tudents edweby my uivri. Pently, I am prparng my gadaton thesi a y f th hoor of Excellet rdaton The

10、i. Rsearch experience and academicactivity Whn soomore, IjoinedthAsociion fIEntusiast and bego nrrw dowmy intresfo myfuture rsarh. Wt th too ofOpnL and Maab, I digneda imuiproramo trsportaon scedlig ssem. I is nowidely used by dfent reserh goups inNUT.assume ad ffiled swge aalys &dipose ojec for Nan

11、jing swg eatplant. Ts wa yfist rcticto cvert a lbatoy da aommeialproduct. I rtrosp, findysel standingo a solid basis inboth theory and xperece, whc as prepar me o t Ph.Dprgram.My fute earc inerests clue: Newr eulngProblem, HeuisicAlgrihm resarch (especaly in GA and Neu netwrk), upply chn etork resea

12、ch, brid sem peformanceanalysis with Petri nes nd Daa Minn 大学生英文自我介绍 篇4 I te stdy of th University,I su the pratcl knowledge o the profesioal and elated prossnal, ad w eXcelenresuscompeted te levnt cse, fo elatr pracice tasks lid a oid prfeion fundtin. Not when progress itsf qultyof iilizationan morl, actiey partpt in vios acivii o sial rgrs, tocomreenivequalyitself, althoughn say I ve reaped h frut,bt conideneI stiltresom



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