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1、 2022年12月英语六级模拟试题:选词填空Section AAt age 17, as a senior in high school, Kavita Shukla filed for her secondpatent: a piece of paper that would transform how food is stored and keptfresh. Ten years later, her product is being used in 35 countries, has beencalled “the 36 paper“ and was recently launched

2、in Whole Foods. FreshPaper is infused with organic spices that inhibit 37 and fungal growth; when stored with produce, itcan keep food fresh two to four times longer than normal-like refrigeration without electricity. The spice mixture comes from an old family recipe passed along by Shukla”s grandmo

3、ther, who once gave it to her after she 38 drank tap water on a visit to India. “Drink this and you won”t get sick,“ she was told. On Friday, Shukla was joined onstage at the Women in the World Summit in New York by Rula Jebreal, a 39 and foreign-policy expert at MSNBC (微软全国有线播送电视公司). Jebreal lament

4、ed the fact that while the world”s farmers actually produce enough food to feed the world”s hungry, 13 billion tons of food are lost annually to spoilage. What”s more, some 1.6 billion people currently living without40 to refrigeration struggle to keep their diets healthy. Shukla”s company, Fenugree

5、n, which she started in 2022,41 these people, along with food banks and small-scale farmers. “For so many people, this was about so much more than a piece of paper,“ she said. “It was about empowerment. “ Jebreal praised a low-tech solution in an era when many 42 are relying on high-tech innovation.

6、“What if I had 43 it as too simple?“ Shukla asked. “Simple ideas are the ones that have the power to change things., and they have the power to 44 “ For Fresh Paper, simplicity meant accessibility, which was key to 45 the product reached anyone who could benefit from it. As the discussion drew to a

7、close, Shukla reminded inventors everywhere that complicated isn”t always better: “Don”t ever discount your own simple idea. “ 36.J)。详解 空格位于定冠词the和名词paper之间,推断此处应填入形容词。由上文可知Kavita Shukla在17岁时创造了保鲜纸,10年后,这一产品已被35个国家采纳。因而此处应填入一个乐观意义的形容词来修饰这种纸,故填入J)miracle“奇妙的”。备选形容词中,average“平均的”和bacterial“细菌的”均不符合句意,

8、故排解。 37.D)。详解 空格所在句“inhibitgrowth”意为“制止生长”,可推断空格处单词与and后的fungal“真菌的”为并列关系,故应填入与其意义相近的形容词,D)bacterial“细菌的”符合句差;故为答案。备选形容词中,average“平均的”不符合句意,故排解。 38.B)。详解 空格位于after引导的时间状语从句中,从句主谓宾完整,因此应填入副词。结合句意“有一次她去印度参观时饮用了自来水,之后,祖母给了她这个方子”可知,斯库拉饮用自来水是偶然的行为,因此B)accidentally“偶然地”符合句意。 39.H)。详解 空格所在句为同位语,解释说明Rula Je

9、breal,故应填入表示职业的单数名词,意思上与expert相近。因此H)host“主持人”符合题意。备选名词中,innovators“改革者”为复数形式,故排解;access“途径”和guarantee“保证人”与上下文意思不符,故排解。 40.A)。详解 空格所在成分“living without to refrigeration”为后置定语,修饰主语people。空格位于介词without和to之间,应填入可以与to搭配的名词。备选名词中只有access与to搭配,故A)access“途径”为答案。其他均不符合句意,故排解。 41.M)。详解 空格所在句缺少谓语,主语是Siukla”s

10、company,因此应填入第三人称单数形式的动词,并且与company相关。因此M)targets这里意为“以为目标 (人群)”符合题意,故为答案。备选动词中,triggers也是动词第三人称单数形式,但书符合句意,故排解;其他动词形式均不符,故排解。 42.I)。详解 参空格位于形容词many与谓语动词are之间,应填入复数形式的可数名词作主语。备选词E,只有innovators为复数形式的可数名词,因此I)innovators“改革者”为答案。 43.E)。详解 空格所在句缺少谓语动词,且有助动词had,故应填入动词过去分词。备选动词中只有dismissed是过去分词形式,因此E)dismissed“摒弃”为答案。 44.L)。详解 空格位于动词不定式to之后,应填入动词原形。前文提到这种低科技含量的创新受到赞扬,并用虚拟语气说明不应因想法简洁而放弃,结合旬意“简洁的办法具有的力气”可知,L)spread“传播”符合文意,故为答案。备选项中另一动词原形transmit“传递”与句意不符,故排解。 45.F)。详解 空格位于动词短语was key to后,to在这里是介词,应填入动名词。备选动词中只有F)ensuring“确保”是动名词,故为答案。



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